Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Exams are over already...
No more studying...
No more stress LoL
No more facing the book & grabbing a pen...
This has got to be the most relaxed feeling I've had since like I dunno when..
However, its always the usual 'omg-so-boring-cos-I-have-nothing-to-do-now' thing. It's so weird cause before this, it seems like you LIVE JUST FOR EXAMS. Now that its over, you're a floating soul with no purpose, LOL.
Anyway, I should congratulate myself for finally getting over with it at last, super relieved.
I don't even know what to write anymore...
Feel like changing my blog template again, but all my widget's gonna disappear! -unless I save them somewhere...
What to do now?

What to do now?

What to do now?

What to do now?

What to do now?

Moving on...~~~

Hm GD...haih sad case...although his concert was a big hit, but he's currently under investigation due to the whole underage/minor thing. Poor guy, huge success always comes with consequences...
Album was a huge success but then due some of the words he used in the songs, his album is now only available to those above the age of 19. =.=||
And now, with this concert issue topping it up, the government might totally ban the album from being sold anymore...!
He's definitely getting a lot of bad press lately...A WHOLE LOT.

*Ok, I"ve decided, I'm gonna change the*
Then, what else to do? Photoshop? =.=||
Read twilight? LoL I've just got the whole set from my cousin.
Ok, that can be the next best alternative...
Hm, I wanna make the best out of this 3 weeks...well 2.5 to be exact, lol.
I'm not just gonna sit at home and rot till 4th Jan!
I wanna do something!!!
Ok I don't know what to write anymore, so I shall put a fullstop here.


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