Thursday, December 3, 2009

Another GD Moment

Oh my gosh I'm just dying here, watching videos of G-Dragon!!!!
It's friggin killing me you know?!
The completely precious leader~
I've been watching videos of G-Dragon mainly since the past hour or two and I haven't been able to control myself since then...
I kept laughing and laughing and laughing so hard,
I kept smiling each time I see him smile,
each time he blushes & does the hand thing (ok, that was a little tiny weeny bit gay >.<)
Its like, 'OoooOoohh, hot hot hot...~'
Other than that hand-fanning thing, G-Dragon is nothing but perfection!
I literally melted while watching the video on this RadioBroadcast where G-Dragon called this girl who was suppose to be his girlfriend (she's not!) and OMFG the way he started the conversation, was like...gosh...if i were her, I would've just melted on the phone. His voice was so///em..'teh' in canto..LoL
And many other videos gosh, I don't wanna stop now, but I've gotta go study *sobs sobs*
Waaaa~ I don' t wanna study, I wanna be with my Jiyongie darling..wuuuu~~~
*slowly drags herself off the laptop*


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