Sunday, December 27, 2009


Wow, I didn't know the holidays could be super duper depressing...
I'm practically rotting away at home with nothing to do, and nothing to think of.
Probably cause we've been studying so much before this and now when we're left with absolutely nothing to do, this is what becomes of me. =.=
I'm very extremely, super super super duper, BOREDDDD...
I know, this is so typical...
and I'm not the only one
I have like only one more week of holidays left, and so far, I've done nothing.
I really feel like this term break is going to waste...
True, I haven't been using my brain a lot lately lol, but having not to use my brain makes me feel as if everything is moving so slow around me...
Time passes so slow, cause I've nothing to I've actually been able to keep a detail track of time.
I was so bored till I've actually decided to dig out some of my old cross stitch stuff and start on one. =.=
But I stopped halfway cause the colour combination I used wasn't able to attract me to continue stitching...
And I actually have time to blog everyday...this shows how much free time I have. XD
I have all the episodes of  宮心計, but I'm just too lazy to start watching...haha~
Ridiculous right?
Gosh I need to get a life man...=.=||


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