Monday, August 23, 2010

Hot In Pink

Seriously though, only GD can wear a hot pink scarf with orange hair and still look good. Anyone else would probably look hideous. I like the orange hair but his last red-ish color was soo hot! I kinda liked it better.
Seeing GD, makes me wanna work hard and earn lots of money so that I could get my hands on those cool LV bags and fancy accessories too! [This is too far-fetched, too materialistic, and sounded pretty immature lol but who cares, not like anyone's gonna read this]
HAHA it's the night before results are out, well, not that I really worry till I can't sleep though...
but anyway, I just felt the urge to post something before I go to bed.
The next time I post something will be about my yeah...until then... =)


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