Monday, August 30, 2010



This song is so beautiful... =)
Reminds me of the fireflies scene...
Well, after an hour plus of watching this, I felt better gua...and after talking to my mom...
I guess this isn't such a big deal afterall...right??
I'd rather screw it up now, than later right?
I just have to pick up from here and try better again next time.
I only blame myself if I haven't given my 100%, but if I have, then it's alright.
But I think I wouldn't know what's my 100%, cause each time I feel I can actually do better than this.
Even if I've given my best, I forever wouldn't think it's my 100%.
Haha, I complicate things a lot @_@
So, just continue to give my best.



no title

I AM SUCH A Kakorrhaphiophobic!
How the heck do I even pronounce this anyway??? =_=
How laaa?
Am I really slacking??
I think so? O.o
Hm....It's either that I'm going down, or others are going up. 
It's probably both T.T
It's just a small thing...why do I even care so much/? (Yes, I mind...Yes, I care...Yes, I bother...) Well, probably due to the fact that SMALL THINGS CAN LEAD TO BIG THINGS!~~ SO BIG that I could possibly NOT PASS MY EXAMS!~!~! 
I should do something about this....
No. 1 : Failure has never really been a word in my dictionary
No. 2 : I grew up in an extremely competitive study environment T.T
No. 3 : Pride

No one is perfect, but I don't wanna go down either T__T
I should probably go clear my mind and start fresh...
or perhaps it's too clear till its nearing emptiness???
*Hence, I blame the Malaysian education system* lol 
And  I should seriously start to handle my own little mistakes, failures, and stress wisely.
Sometimes, I feel like such a weakling =.= small things like this also beh tahan...what more when I work next time? SIghs~

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I am like so FREAKING B-O-R-E-D right now. I didn't want to be bored. I want to HAVE SOMETHING TO DO!!! I'm SUPPOSED TO STUDY! But I just got sick of it at the moment...and perhaps there's a bit of laziness in there too. Do I have to FREAKING study study and study till I bore the shit out of myself???
Mood swings? 
I'm not the emo slash moody type am I? o.O

Am suppose to be, NOW.
And I didn't want to...cos I just didn't want to, lol.
But I didn't even finish half of today's objective.
Then there's P1 and P3 progress test next week.
David's sure having lots of expectations...feel like skipping...but...
I'll go and make him vomit blood and lightning XD

I hate how sometimes, you feel so so super bored and so free, and there's nothing else for you to do. 
It feels kinda like a zombie with no direction.
I have spare time, but I DON'T KNOW HOW TO UTILISE IT!
In other words, I feel like I'm wasting my time, TOTALLY.
Yeah, I can study, I can read, but I'm just too tired of
I wanna read something that doesn't require the brain to think XD
I know there's something to do, somewhere, out there, but I just don't know what...
Oh god, I sound so pathetic here =_=
I need a life~~~ 
*I knew this was gonna happen...expected d... lol

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Beautiful Hangover

Haha...seriously beh tahan...
This is BigBang's newly released Japanese single.
GD is too sexy~~~ LMAO
Too sexiii that I would nosebleed (what am I saying?! =_=|| )
Sometimes I feel like I'm blogging too much about this dragon till this place looks like an e-shrine devoted to him. It's like he's occupying every single space in my blog, lol.
Sometimes, it feels kinda dei b also, to be so crazily obsessed over a celebrity whom you know, would obviously not end up with you. 
People will be like 'Grow up laaa' or 'Wah, you people are seriously crazy' or 'Don't so immature lah'.
Well, I think that liking a celebrity isn't something really that immature or childish. Yes, I'm an ACCA student, ie. students who are trained to be control freaks of the financial world. So what? I can't go crazy over some smoking hot korean dude? 
I don't know what a super crazy hardcore fan is like, cause I've never seen or become one. 
All I know, is that as long as I know what I'm doing, then its ok =)
[I'm still normal]
How laaaa...what if I only look for guys that look like JiYong next time? Then I definitely wouldn't get married like- forever...
Ok, anyway why did I just wasted my time trying to prove that liking celebrities is no big deal? =_=
Not like I care what other people think about me being a GD freak. Haha~
Arrrgghhhh tomorrow wake up MUST STUDY~~
GDnite =)

Mustn't go.......

Monday, August 23, 2010


Exam results were out pretty early this sem...I was like super super excited slash nervous when I got up this morning. No appetite to makan also =.=
Watched JTTW till I can't stand it anymore, I decided to go online...and of course I saw lots of FB status and Twits saying they're nervous ALL...
I kinda expected to pass, cause if I don't, I'll seriously murder myself!

In the midst of all the tension and suspense lingering in FB, Mr. David shared a link, asking me to go check it out. When I saw that, I was like -super zadou! LMAO It was a link to YesAsia, an online shopping website, where I could purchase G-Dragon stuffs! HAHAHA~ I thank him for his efforts in trying to distract me from 12noon!!! XD
There was his Heartbreaker hoodie/jacket which I saw him wearing several times! IT COMES IN BLACK & WHITE... And that costs like over RM300 after converting!
They have his concert and solo albums, they've got T-shirts and GD's headbands too.
They also have his EARRINGS WHICH I'VE BEEN WANTING SO MUCH!!!! And !? ones cost a bomb! RM35 a pair! @_@ The YES NO earring costs about shipping..gosh...It was totally a con job. No wonder he could afford a Bentley at 21 =_=||
BigBang price their merchandises and concert tickets at such cut throat rates!

Ok, anyway this post is about my results...why am I going off track? =_=
Yeah, I was chatting with Vivian, and then she said Chang checked her results already, and its also accessible through mail!
I panicked and got hyped up for a second, and clicked my way into my Inbox.
I passed my F7 and F9...I was glad..
Yeah, but not as glad though...
F7: 68
F9: 57 (kinda disappointed ler...pulled down my average...and its my first '5')
Well, doesn't really matter anyways...I've cleared my Fundamental level! That's the most important thing.
Calculated my average marks...I got 69, 1 more mark to touch 70 LOL.
Its ok.. I'm still grateful. =)
Congratulations to those who got satisfactory results.
To those who didn't make it, try to give it another shot at it in December! ;)

Well, now that everything's settled, I feel super lazy today...kinda taking this for granted actually. I still got my P2 homework unsettled, haha~ perhaps I'll do it later...
Now, I really do think I should get myself one of those earrings as a present to myself for passing all my F papers in one go! LOL
I really wanna get at least one of those items T__T
Now that the exam result wave is almost over~ I feel like there's nothing great about it actually...(its because I passed mer...if I fail...this post won't even come up)
Hm, so now, its P123 all the way!!! ^_^
Definitely will be a lot to handle, and I hope I can make it this time too.
Faster clear ACCA, faster work, faster earn own $$$ (^_^)V

Hot In Pink

Seriously though, only GD can wear a hot pink scarf with orange hair and still look good. Anyone else would probably look hideous. I like the orange hair but his last red-ish color was soo hot! I kinda liked it better.
Seeing GD, makes me wanna work hard and earn lots of money so that I could get my hands on those cool LV bags and fancy accessories too! [This is too far-fetched, too materialistic, and sounded pretty immature lol but who cares, not like anyone's gonna read this]
HAHA it's the night before results are out, well, not that I really worry till I can't sleep though...
but anyway, I just felt the urge to post something before I go to bed.
The next time I post something will be about my yeah...until then... =)

Sunday, August 22, 2010


LMAO this was super hilarious man! Thanks to YewKit and Fifi who contributed to the whole idea~
[G-Dragon+TaeYang's spike+Mr. David]
Took like 5mins to cut out his face and TaeYang's hair and pasted it on GD's face! 
End up, kena neh from him LOL
He's really a very good of the best I can say. I really really enjoy and look forward to his classes. 
It makes me want to read more, so that I can broaden my horizon and not be blur when he's talking about general issues happening around the world in class =)
I seriously feel the urge to expand my general knowledge! 
HAHAHA and thanks to me, he has now taken an interest in searching for G-Dragon pictures so that he can Neh me back in class...
And now EVERYONE in class knows I'm such a hardcore GAY-Dragon fan =_=||



A very beautiful and melodic song ~ which somehow reminds me of songs people play at weddings =.=
Hm, 23rd of August is drawing close...and I knew the exam dream would come to me either one of these days, lol and it did -last night XD
My I've got 2 F9 marks...54 & 49...and according to ACCA website, the bloody examiner revised it from 54 down to 49!!! I was like wth? Everyone was celebrating and I'm the only one going around asking, which one to refer to -49 or 54??? I pass or fail???
I really don't want to fail lor...seriously who wants? >.<
Wanna study these days also no mood, cos sked fail...XD
What's the point of studying all my P123 if I end up failing?
It will be a waste of time and effort.
And ps. I really do hate doing double work. 
I hate doing repetitive things.
Sigh...sometimes I just think too much and complicate myself further...
So, why not just pretend nothing's gonna happen, go jolly along with GD, and when the ACCA website is accessible tomorrow noon, people will start sms-ing, and then I'll know its time to CHECK THE RESULTS! 

Friday, August 20, 2010


Today's like some 'good' day or something..cause today, I seemed to have been able to catch up with a few of my buddies who've left college...
First, it was Mok...
Then it was Vinita...she treated me to lunch cause she got promoted recently ^_^
Mapo was closed, so in the end, we went to De Garden~ super expensive makan place in Ipoh Garden at the moment lol. I wouldn't mind paying for VFM stuff, but the food there's not even nice(most of them) and the portions are relatively small. They have these tiny little shops which sells unknown brands of clothings like 'Ashton Ashton'. A thin-materialed blouse with a simple design costs a freaking RM114.90??? Whaddaheck. A hair scrungy costs like RM9-12? LOL But they really give me the sweet, victorian, classy feel...How nice if I'm able to buy every single fashion item I like without having to worry about cash like GD does XD I'll have to work for it though. Now I und why women don't get married! Haha~ so they can spend their own savings on themselves, rather than for their own family, household and kids! Correct~
/CALM tunggu bila kerja dulu baru fikir~~~ >.<
Haha, where was I???
Oh yea, lunch with Vinita @ Wong Kok char chan teng...kinda pricy though...

My 'Dancing With The Dragons' ice blended dragon fruit drink- which doesn't even taste anything like dragon fruit. They blended assam with it, so the whole thing practically became asam juice T__T
Don't be deceived by its brilliant purple =.=||

Her ice blended Volcano chocolate which tasted kinda diluted...but ok la...

Her ..... (oh god, its too long...I've forgotten the name) I just know its pork XD
This tasted way much better than mine....

Yeah, I know...its looks pathetic
It's suppose to be some mantis shrimp with SUPER DRY wanton noodles and the miserable vege by the side.
The salad sauce over the prawns kinda ruins the taste >.<
They could have conned me by giving me some other ordinary prawns...

After today's lunch, we've concluded that this will be the first and last time we are ever going to eat there =)
And then, went back college, met Talvin, who is super super free till he can afford to float around college so often these days, lol.
Halfway during class, Mr. David said he saw a ghost/black figure at the door...turns out to be my dear bro Vemal LMAO He was just being sarcastic laaa =_=
Had a great time catching up with him today =)
I seriously missed the old college environment...I think this is the umpteenth time I've mentioned this...
Haha, so I shall not mention further...
Don't look backwards...
We should march confidently into the FUTURE!~
and speaking of the comes 23Aug2010...D-Day for all of us ACCA students.
Don't wanna mention further, just wish everyone good luck and all the best >.<

"That Person" by Lee Seung Chul


Thursday, August 19, 2010


For a moment there, I thought I'd DEFINITELY BE IN DEEP SHIITTT !!!
I banged something FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!!! (Besides hitting the pole in driving school few yrs back)
When I felt the impact, I was like OMG OMG OMG OMG sei lor sei lor sei lor O.O
That seriously came out of no where...
How could I be so careless? ? ? ? T__T
I went to fetch my friend for lunch...and while waiting for him, I've decided to make a 3 point turn so that it'd be easier to just drive off straight later...
The reverse censor was beeping away (like always)
I didn't care, cause the sensor ALWAYS beeps no matter what =.=
I thought there were only bushes behind without noticing a pole!
Then.......I hit it!!!! T__T
I was like, shit shit shit shit..........
I quickly parked back nicely and got down to check.
I expected to see something horribly ruined, but I didn't notice anything...
Nothing broke? o.O
I was like 'Eh, I was pretty sure I banged the pole'
Then I looked properly...and I saw there was a small dent on the plastic/rubber thingy which was attached somewhere below the number plate and above the exhaust pipe!
Then there was a tiny little splat down there where the paint came off >.<
I was like, thank god for that piece of plastic thing.
If it weren't for that thing, the damage would have been worse T___T
However, the dent on the plastic couldn't be fixed, cause its not metal and cannot be bent back.
Called my mom...kena lecture >.<
After class, went back and showed her...
Then showed my dad when he came back...
He didn't say much though >.<
'Don't bang also bang jor lor...what to do'
My fault ler...usually I'll look before reversing...don't know why this time I was so careless...
I took the censor for granted T__T
Well, I thought I wouldn't get into any bangs or accidents...
Guess this is the first one and thank god its nothing big =.=
If not, sure kena slaughter gao gao d....

***Today's BigBang's 4th Debut Anniversary*** ~and I hit a pole =.=

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

생일 축하합니다 G-드래곤

I know its not yet 12am here, but it's already 12am plus in Seoul! And on 18th Aug 2010, my dear dear Kwon JiYong turns 22yrs old!!!!~ 
It's not my birthday, and it's not my best friend's birthday, but it's the birthday of the person who have successfully made KPOP conquer my music world for almost a year now~ lol

생일 축하합니다 G-드래곤
Hm, well, I started this post almost 2hrs ago, and I spent the first hour typing out all the nonsense I can think of concerning G-Dragon XD
I wrote about how I hoped for Big Bang to come to my doorstep (literally) and how I wished Jiyongie could continue to produce and write good, funky music...
Then I went on to blabber about Jiyongie being such a great fashionista and all...
His favourite brands like Givenchy, Louise Vuitton, D&G, Coco Channel, just to name a few...and how he would spend $400+ on an LV headband, which is approx RM1200++ for just a single piece of headband~
One of the BigBang fansites got him a super expensive Giorgio Armani perfume
Then I blabbered more about some other irrelevant stuff...
I also wished my friends, 
Gavin Khor & my darling darling Sara Leeee
A VERY HAPPY 21st and 20th BIRTHDAY ^_^
I envy them cause they share the same birthday with GD lol.
And then, I couldn't remember what else I wrote...and then I decided to post it...and then Google redirected me to the Login page.
 I was like #$%^&!!!
I practically spent an hour on that, and now its all gone...and its not saved properly by!!!
Only 1/4 was saved =.=||
Then Rara called...and we talked and talked and talked over the phone for almost hour...
That made me forget about the whole blogger error
Then we went on to talk about the whole issue of me getting married to ACCA =.=
Cause I said my lecturer told us, our partners may leave us, but ACCA will never leave us.
Haha..which is true in a way...
The conversation went on to me walking down the isle with err..ACCA? 
Instead of saying 'I do', it'll be 'The total profit for FYE 20xx will be $xxx...'
The bridegroom will be ICAEW.
The bridesmaid will be CPA.
I won't be wearing a white dress, but a balance sheet? =_=|||
Instead of people throwing flowers, there'll be credit and debit cards....LMAO
We'll have kids named Audit &
Haha that sounded funny on the phone and I lmao-ed. XDD

Well, its super late now, and its like wayyy past my normal sleeping time already.
I should really go to bed.
Good night and pleasant dreams =)
Happy Birthday to my dear Mr. Kwon Ji Yong once more!
May you have a bright future ahead~
Yes, yes, I need a guy too!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Ok, the black skull ones are a bit over...
but it would be nice to know where I can PURCHASE these fantabulous earrings 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


7th Aug 2010 ~ LWOT charity event once more~
The kids are alright...and they ran & walked faster than we could...and the ones I got this time is super super shy, haha probably cause of my weird & cacated malay, lol.
Last year's was a total opposite! They were very cheerful and instead of me pushing them in the double-tube along the river ride thingy (which is the right thing to do XD), they were the ones pushing it and I'm riding on the tube! HAHAHA~~ that was super fun!
But overall, it was fun, except for the slightly crazed weather halfway...
It was so windy and cold, till I was super reluctant to go down the wave pool (the kids are there). Instead, I went to cozen myself at the hot spring pool! LMAO That was seriously very very relaxing. Up till a certain point, if your whole body goes under water except for your head, you could feel the strong pressure till its actually kinda hard to breathe >.<
But due to the responsibility of having to take care of the kids and afraid that they would somehow drown, I had to drag myself down to the cold waters T_T
There was food for us, like almost every 1-2 hours...HAHA I think they were afraid that the kids would starve. But I seriously lost my appetite after 3 rounds of those puke-arousing rides.
Gosh~ I seriously....didn't feel that nice after the pirate ship and those swing thingy.
And then, there was this whole height issue T_T
I'm more of the ferris wheel and less extreme type lol.

>>and oh my effing gawd~!~! I got sooooo much DARKER after all of that!!!!
It's scary how much damage the sun can do to your skin just after 5hours of exposure >.<
Guess my expired sunblock didn't work =.=||
My legs.... T___T
I promise I'll be wearing more long pants and long sleeve =_=
Don't know how many years or months is it gonna take to undo this... sigh~

Monday, August 9, 2010

Gossip Man

What's the date today? Er its past 12 now, so its 9th Aug and this will be my first post for the month. =)
Today's Monday, and the cycle starts again... =.= sighhh~ much to cope up with >.<
I was just listening to this song, and  I so happen to open up this tab with clips from the MV, so yeah:-

G.Dragon - A Boy =)

Can u believe that netizens can be so into GD, till they actually say that his pair of chicken legs are sexy slash smexy? And they actually can't stop staring at them and they would repeat the whole video just to look at his legs @_@ Just because he wore short pants on stage for once. These people are at a slightly higher degree than I am. LOL
Staring at his bare chests (that is, when he wears V-collared shirts) and sexaay collar bones are alright =D but admiring his skinny chicken legs is a bit weird I would say, HAHAHA~
Fans would even talk about various topics about him in forums...
Eg. How do you think GD smells like?? Does he smell like baby powder, or manly perfume? Some thinks he smells like sexy, manly cologne but not too overpowering, just a slight scent. Some think he smells like baby, some think he smells like sweat when he sweats =.=|||| Some even suggested that he used this perfume, and that brand..LOL these people seriously have got nothing to do, but to start these silly discussion topics!
If you've got so much time, go and help vote for them at MTV Korea larh! They need VOTES!!!
Although, I can't deny that reading those has brought laughter along the way. XD
How undeniably crazy and absurd fangirls can be when it comes to their husband.

Well, GD is GD, and speaking of which...his BIRTHDAY IS COMING REAL SOON!!! ~in 9more days!
He'll be 22 by then, and I'll be 20 in a couple of months time, LOL still can, still can...hahaha ~
How I wish I can... =.=||
And on the following day, it would be BigBang's anniversary! (19 Aug) How meaningful =)
Last yr, GD's solo album came out on his bday, and the first one being produced in the factory was delivered straight to his home. It's been on his shelf since ^_^
Haha...I am one crazy GD sicko~

Artistically flawless~~~
How can so much talent be concentrated on one guy alone?
God is so unfair- LOL

/CALM - back to earth...gotta sleep, and in another 8hours or so, reality hits back....XD



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