Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Jing-yo I

I'm just too lazy to actually pay attention to my books these couple of days, and the same goes tonight XD
After watching 1hr and 15mins of Gumiho, its already 10pm++
And then I was like arrhh, waddaheck, I'll just do the consol crap some other day (tomorrow perhaps)
For one moment there, I felt like throwing off everything and just dive deep down into the world of G-Dragon and his greatness~~~hahaha~ ain't that a pleasant dream which I wouldn't want to wake up from?

You know, earlier on, when I thought I've explored every single page related to Jiyongie available on the world wide web, I stumbled upon this page. It was super long and without realising, I was already halfway scrolling down till the end. It was an article written about G-Dragon and there were comments from his manager, stylists, choreographers, hair designers, photographers and other people whom he have worked with since his pre-debut days and till this day. The more I read, the more I actually admire him.
Well, yeah, besides those cute, cool, sexy and stylish image which he potrays, all of those people talked about his attitude and how talented he was, bla bla bla...

Yeah well, he's a normal guy, he may smoke and drink or do whatever he did, but if he weren't all those that was mentioned, I guess he wouldn't be the G-Dragon people know now.
I kinda laughed when I read this part where the choreographer said that he used to dance so fiercely till he split his pants many times! lmao~
The photographer said he can change expression depending on the clothing in a split second. That's why I always admire him for having the ability to display a variety of different expressions and looks in front of the camera. Some people tend to just show a certain style when they pose and its more a less the same each time. But GD's on a totally different level. XD
He can pull off the extremes of lovely bang hair to shocking mohawk hair. To summarize, he is way too powerful as an idol, but too lovely as a musician.

Haha, and the fact that he's Big Bang's leader made me even more (^_^)V
I don't know why, but EACH TIME I like someone, he somehow turns out to be the leader of the group. LOL, I've got great taste or what? XDD I didn't know they were the leaders when I first noticed them.

Anyway, this isn't what this post was for. I'll continue in another post XD


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