Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Well, if there was just one thing I could think about to blog of is my long long list of celebrity crushes.
Seriously, -If I'm going to spend another minute watching G-Dragon videos and drooling over his face & sexy collar bones (=_=||), I swear I can go mad. Well, like I said, once I like somebody, there's no end to it. HAHA~ And obviously, like every other girl, I'm no exception...I've had my teen days where there were many HUGE celebrity crushes~hahaha and they were hillarious when I think of it now.
I still remember my friend leaving comments in my autograph book (her name is Su Yenn) saying that I have long lists of crushes. "Today, he can be the no.1 in my list, and few moments later, his position will 'jatuh mendadak' to dunno number what..." LMAO~~

So, while I was thinking of GD just now, the idea of compiling all those people whom I've had a crush on popped up~ and, here goes...

It all started with the Dragon Love tvb series...I think I was in Std. 4 at that time~ was so captivated by the drama, although loads of ppl said the story was kinda stupid and the effects were very poor (which I agree). Then there was Journey To The West, Gods of Honour where he was 哪吒 which was my all time favourite LOL. 

I realised that I have the habit of giving most of the pictures a detailed description and does this mean I'm the type of person that pays attention to details and I have high potential in nagging? =_=
Haha, this guy here, Harry Potter~played by none other than Daniel Radcliffe was like oh my god~
LOL I was pretty much obsessed over this guy from primary school right till Form3 I guess...
The level of obsession was almost equivalent to GD's. Imagine- I actually handmade my very own Harry Potter scrapbook! LMAO~ It's impossible for those who know me, to not know how much I like Harry Potter. I read all their books, went online to search for every piece of information available, memorized every single latin spell and word/term created for this world of wizardry. My room was (still is) filled with Harry Potter posters. And I mean REALLY FILLED~ Not like I didn't wanna take em off, but it would leave a mark on the wall, so I just left it there.

Then there was this 5566~ LOL it all started with 'My MVP Valentine' and then there was their hit song~ 我難過 and then the rest was history~ The crazyness went on for about 3years I think...
At first I liked the leader, Sun Xie Zhi...then switched to Wang RenFu, the jovial, smiley face of the group lol. 
I even went all the way to KL just to see them promote this album (好久不见) and this was like a week or two away from PMR =_=|| 
I squeezed all the way through with my friend Jocelyn amongst the crowd of crazy fans screaming their names. I almost died in there..I still remembered, I didn't understand what the MC said in mandarin. We were not allowed to shake hands apparently, but I went all the way up there, and stuck my hand out, wanting to shake hands with the leader, and he JUST IGNORED ME~~ just like that~ and those security ppl ushered me away cos there were many people waiting behind me.
After that, my heart was like 'aduh~all jatuh berkecai adi~' 
And that's not the worse part. I susah payah brought their CD to get it signed, and the stupid WARNER MUSIC (I'll rmb u till the day I die, and I'll nvr ever buy cds from u!) gave 5566 WHITEBOARD MARKERS to sign their autograph on the CD cover! WTF~ I accidentally had a part of it rubbed off. So I thought of going to line up and get it signed again, and I rubbed everything off clean. Before I had the chance to line up, they left.....
I was like $%^&* WTF!
Since then I didn't really like them, hahaha~
The fact that he IGNORED ME just made me so disappointed.
I do hope G-Dragon doesn't do this to me if BigBang were to come to M'sia one day.
If not.....

I can't rmb which TVB series made me like him so much...hm it was those olden days drama for sure...
Oh yes yes yes~
I remembered...Twin of Brothers 大唐雙龍傳, with Ng Cheuk Hei~ LoL
Well, love his acting, love his songs, love his everything...tall, dark, handsome~hahaha~has a super deep sexy voice...lol 
There was a couple of times, when he cried in the drama, I cried too T__T
Still do like him though...just that I don't pay much attention to the HK entertainment industry lately. It's sinking like Titanic.

WANG WANG~~~ JIRO 汪東城 of Farenheit~
They say his lips look like Angelina Jolie's? haha~
I like him a lot. Not much description here though...guess my level of crazyness isn't as high.

Johnny Pacar~
found him through Disney movies...I find him to be pretty cute though =)
He's not that popular, but he's got some pretty sexy deep voice~hahaha~
(What is it with me and deep sexy voices???!!! =_=||)

Let me think, who else...(besides anime lol)
Hm...there's him

and him...
HAHA~ Eun Ji Won, my first Korean celebrity crush thanks to 2Days & 1Night.
Was the leader & lead rapper of the once famous boy group Sechkies[told ya I always pick the leaders, lol not on purpose] (of course, its disbanded already), but you still get to see this fella on plenty of Korean variety programs =)
He's happily married to a pretty lady whose name I do not know...and they had their wedding in Hawaii where they first met. Super romantic~they broke apart for about 12yrs and JiWon went back to Korea do pursue his career...and they met again 12yrs later...until now~ <3

There's also him...Prince of Thailand~

and of course...my current and Number 1 spot for almost a whole year now~
~BigBang Leader~
Kwon Ji-Yong
G-Dragon@Kwon leadah
Haha~no descriptions needed here...XD
looking at his face is enough lol.

Ok, it seems that I've gotta end the list, get the heck out of here and into my bed. I gotta wake up pretty early tmr~ its back to school ya'll~~~ ^_^ hopes to update Dolce Vita again with pictures of my alma mater =)


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