Wednesday, May 19, 2010


It's been 2 years...2 long years indeed...
It seemed like it was just yesterday when you started saying hi to me in the library, and then the rest is history.
And in the blink of an eye, so many things happened throughout this period.
Humps and Bumps.
Twist and Turns.

The you who used to come chat with me everynight in Facebook and then go off to play Dota 2 years ago, and the you I've come to know now seems different. Well, I wouldn't use the word different though, erm, more like I've got a better in-depth perspective now.
The me 2 years ago would have easily misunderstood all your cleverly masked behaviour and words. But the me 2 years later realised that there was more to it than just the outer shell. All those things you show are merely a facade, so that others wouldn't see through the real you. You would rather suppress these inner feelings than show it out. You once said that you are only you when you're alone. What is, may not be it and what isn't, may be it.

Although sometimes, there were some misunderstandings, everything somehow managed to fall back to pieces in the end. I also do not deny that there were times where I felt like letting it go because I do not want to go on playing the guessing game. It's not easy to endure these feelings. However, despite my tries, I failed in my efforts to quit the game. I am an emotional person and its a fact.

Thank you for your company at times of stress and also all the other times.
Thank you for making the effort to come by even when you're tired after a day's work.
謝謝你讓我明白很多事情在這 2年的时间. 



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