Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Right now, I don't really have any strength left to bother about you...
Even if I want to, I can't afford to.
Who are you to me right?
You're just my very very very normal friend; you should belong in the most basic category available.

Anyway, I'm literally drowning in the sea of G-Dragon >.<
I also just watched the Haru Haru MV. Well this is not the first time watching, but last time I didn't really pay attention to the MV cause I didn't know who was who back then! LoL But just now, I really like the MV a lot! GD's acting skills were pretty amazing. He's full of expression and life. He can be so serious, so sad, so angry and super happy.
OMFG, you should see him when he smiles sheepishly...he stole the crap outta my heart man~ I love his smiles...his grin...his laughter...especially the shy ones! Gawsh !!! haha~and
He's only 21! ~and I like guys with good leadership skills && heheh
Man, I seriously wish he's my boyfriend. But then again, I don't really know his real character and attitude in full. But then again...JIYONGIE~~~~ ^_^ I ROLF YUuuu~~~

Ok, right now I'm having my lunch at the same time blogging. I realised I haven't been posting a lot lately, due to the fact that exams are less then a month away! I wish I could have more time to blog on how I feel and express my views & opinions. Sometimes when I think of a random topic to write, I'll tend to forget about it if I don't blog on it soon. This is what you call forgetfulness. You know what, GD and I have a few similarities (back to the GD topic! ahaha). We're both very serious about our work and I tend to be a real perfectionist most of the time. I was a leader back in my high school days and I have very high expectations of my board. So I kinda understand Gd's feelings when it comes to leading the team. It's totally not easy, and most of the time its the human factor that's the main problem you've to deal with.

Anyway, I've to start studying soon >.< style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Dolce Vita~
What do you think? It means 'sweet life' in Italian.
Its also tatooed on GD's arm. ^_^


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