Sunday, November 15, 2009


These are the tiny notes I've been saving up in my phone from time to time:
  • I love[d] you more than you think you know me.
  • Even footsteps on the moon must be left behind one day when men finally learn to live on Mars.
  • For a moment you're like the worm in my body and the next thing I know, you're like the stranger whom I thought I've never met before...
  • I remember what you wore on our first date, you came into my life and I felt hey, you know this could be something...
  • Sands of time changes the passage of the human mind as well.
  • Nice to see, nice to touch. Once broken, consider yourself disposed off.
  • The first cut is the deepest..what about the 2nd, 3rd, and the ones after that? I think in this world, only a fool will allow the 2nd and 3rd to happen..and only I will allow it to continue coming.
  • Guess what? I'm super hurt..and I for one do not deserve such treatment.
[Why the F am I talking to you on MSN now???] Erghhhh....I regretted that action.
I haven't forgiven you...and I do not know the reasons behind your actions. Why are you only doing this to me? Me, Me and only Me?


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