Saturday, June 25, 2011

Tammy's Kitchen & CS

Today's Eunice's 21st Bday celebration at Tammy's Kitchen. Wow~I've never had so much entertainment in such a long, did I not? Can't remember though. Well, anyway yeah! Today was really a lot of fun. There were so many people today and almost everyone's here. It's really been a long time since everyone got together like this. I really miss those times when gatherings were so often you know. Vemal, Jiao, Eunice, Adrian, Yin Yep, Yuk Ming, Clement, Wai Loon, Vivi, EVAYNNE~~ lol and a lot more others whom I'm not very close to. XD
That was a lot of fun.

Right after that, was the first time ever in my life, stepping into a cyber cafe to play Counter Strike with the guys. Oh wow, I'm glad I took the initiative and went along. That was super fun. Vemal and Jiao taught me how to start off. They were like, press b, then 3, then 4. Add ur ammo like b, then 8..then some other number @_@ Adrian's used the name 'carmenwongluvsgd' in the game and their server name was 'comekillcarmen' =___= They were off shooting and aiming like nobody's business. I on the other hand of course was killed off much more often than the times when I manage to shoot dead a terrorist! HAHAHAHA but it was all really fun though. I managed to kill using a ciplak pistol though =_=|| They were shouting from one corner to another like 'Eh, tunnel, tunnel! A lot of them there...#$%^, #$#$#!!!! Who's got the smokescreen thingy?? I need it. Eh who threw the grenade?? Arr die liao~ @#$#!!!!
Well, of course I didn't know which were the good and bad guns, so I just randomly pick anyone of them and run off shooting. Most of the time I just tried to keep myself from getting killed lol! Wow that was seriously fun lor, playing in a group. I don't when we can play another round like this before everyone goes off to work >__<
*Thanks to Vemal, Jiao, YinYep, Adrian, Yuk Ming* That really made my day, hahaha.

Today's one fun day =)
except for my bloaty stomach, the rest of it is pretty fine though.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011



Aigoo...I'm a sucker for this drama. I am seriously in love with this series and HIS MAJESTY~~
I'm a sucker for Bae Yong Joon in this drama. I reaalllyyyy like his character, appearance and all in this drama. Gosh! I don't wanna say it, BUT I saranghae you~~~!!! >_< -not the real life BYJ, but more of saranghae-ing his character. Hahaha, I'm really considering re-watching the whole series after I'm done with the drama. I can learn better also. I ❤ what I watched. Was all teary eyed just now when she requested to see him for the last time and she wore a hanbok for the first time. She was like hugging him from the back and all while helping him to wear his armour. He just stood there. Said some stuff. Damn touching moment I tell you. 

This picture really reminds me of Heechul when he had the beggar hairstyle. 

 또 다시 태어나는 그날에
하늘이 허락하길 바래요
우리의 이뤄질수 없었던 사랑을… 

하늘아 내 사랑을 가려줘 
바람아 내 아픔을 날려줘
그대가 내 눈물을 모르게 부탁해 …

The day we are born again
May the Heavens approve
Our love which could not be realized…

Dear Heaven, cover up my love
Dear wind, blow away my pain
Please don’t let my tears be known to her…

Hahaha, yes, at this point of time, I still need translations LOL

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

껓보다 남자, 김범

I've stumbled upon another superrrrrrrrrrrrr cute (and when I say cute, I realllyyyy mean SUPER CUTE and ADORABLE this time!) guy.
Guess what, I just took a quick quiz on this guy's fan page. And he's born in 1989. *gasp for air* He's so FREAKING KI-UTEEEE~
Ah..shit. I've officially drooled over 김범.
Danggg...I was searching for his correct name in Hanggul, and then, a whole page full of his photos just popped right in front of my eyes. I was like @___@ WOAH

I don't even have to select and pick pictures to put in here. EVERY picture of him is good. Oh man, I wish him and his character in Boys Over Flowers is real.
Ok, here are more...hahahaha
Oh wait, all of a sudden there's this rush of feeling whereby I'm not so excited on him anymore. =___= What is wrong with me???!!!
Maybe his good looks is just too overwhelming. Hm, he doesn't look nice if taken from a direct side angle though. GD looks like a vain statue when his pictures showing the side view of his face.
Kim Bum's got this super adorably cute dimple when he smiles. It just melts my heart away...ahh~so cheesy. He looks really good when he smiles. But when he puts on a serious face, all fades away. That charm is lost. Alas~
Adoi! Must I drool all over someone...then find out his weakness, comment about it, and then mention a little bit of GD along the way and end up not getting excited?
I am so lame.
I better just go to bed.

This Is A Bae Yong Joon Post

Whoah~ I've stumbled upon like, the greatest national gallery of Kim Hyun Joong's pics and info. After watching 태왕 사신기, I can't help but to seriously agree that Bae Yong Joon and Kim Hyun Joong have like 99% similarity in DNA, LOL~
They look so alike. 
Can't deny that. 

This, is Kim Hyun Joong~the super famous and super, super star adored by millions of girls. 꽃 보다 남자~ 지후 선배~~

This, is MEGASTAR Bae Yong Joon, adored by gazillions of people. 태자 담덕~
I really like his image in this drama. He looks exactly like 胡歌 from Chinese Paladin!
I mean, they give off the same aura and feel. 

I can't believe that one day, I will actually be watching a Bae Yong Joon drama. I swore never to actually watch one. Haha, not that serious...but I never thought any of his drama was that nice. Yeah, Winter Sonata was sad all, people cried, died, hearts break. Its just that his image didn't really appeal to me. 
So, thanks to David, here I am, actually blogging about BYJ. Omg...

태왕 사신기 참 좋아요!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

지 오빠

Was just watching GD and Myungsoo on Infinity Challenge. GD's suppose to create a song for their short collaboration on the show. Adoi...GD's like ahhh~shy...laughing...fiddling with his hat all the time. Then laugh shyly some more =__= Aigoo
Hahaha ~ It took me like half an hour to watch a 7 minute video cause I kept on replaying almost every part of it. Hm, he's way skinnier though. GD's like a super pro in making songs. That demo song was awesome~ ah man, I hope that song won't be used but instead kept to make it one of Big Bang's song. Hahaha

Why is GD so shy??? He's like all super fly, all high and mighty on stage and in front of the camera during photoshoots and stuff, but when he appears on variety shows, he's like omo..super shy and wants to hide behind his mom. Hahahaha that's over exaggerating. But you get what I mean. LOL

Sigh...GD's so adorable sometimes...Eh no, all the time. Hahaha!

I just adore him a lot, that's all...hahaha
Ah..I guess this post turns out to be one of my first GD post after such a longgg longgg time. Ahhh~ my Ji is SO TALENTED! 
I love a man with talents! 
Cute face
Biting-lip habit
Sharp fashion sense
Overflowing music talents
Undescribable sense of charm  
Witty group leader
Knows when to be serious and when to play

Ok, the list goes on and on and on....   

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Post-Exam Post

Exams are over. Finally. *pat on the back*
Sigh...I'm not gonna think of the results. I just wanna enjoy these few months like I never did before. First, I gotta come up with a list of things I should do, so that I don't waste my time floating pass everyday like a lost soul. =__=

1. Revise my old Korean notes. Come up with new stuff, learn more words...EXPLORE 한굴!
2. Learn one (or two if possible) Korean song! (plucking style)
3. Finish watching Legend of The 4 Gods. 
4. Continue reading my Darren Shan saga. 
5. Read HPOoTp, HP+HPB, HP+DH !

Hmm, these are all my short term goals. I know, pretty lame and less beneficial in terms of knowledge adding. But...
Phooiiishh~Found a great and easy tutorial of how to play The Scientist! Damn easy. Not really the song I had in mind, but at least it was one of my favourite songs before LOL. 
Ok, today one song. 
Tomorrow another...
I'm on my way to finding my song~hahaha

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

So Near, Yet So Far (or is it the other way round?)

0 comments's 1st of June already. And tomorrow's 2nd June. And I was wondering why Lee Joon was trending on twitter! Hahaha Lee(2) Joon(June) ~ XD Oh man, LeeJoon ssi lovely~LeeJoon ssi wonderfulll~~~ He's so amusing, strong, athletic, funny, everything except for brains. Hahahaha!

Oh gosh, my brain is in serious need of entertainment, fun, joy, and laughter =__=
One more week to go until D-day. And then, after enduring those painful 48 hours I'll be free~for a couple of months at least. 

My schedule got interupted today because my brain can't work OT anymore >__<
I really really wanted to go fast this week, and for 2 days I've been able to go at top speed. But it went wrong today and oh well, I had to stop for the day. If I don't it's gonna get nowhere. 

Ahhhhhh- I NEED LAUGHTER AND HUMOR! Kinda badly....  =(
JiYongie...I command you to appear in front of me right now, give me a kiss on the cheek (not the lips..haha shy >_<), a 5minute-long hug under the stars, and hold my hand while singing Butterfly~



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