Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thought of the day

People are so very hard to figure out. Come to think of it, I really fascinate the ability of God to create humans with many many many different characteristics, attitude, behaviour, and personality. Odd, weird, unbelievable, vague, hidden, scary. They vary from human to human and it definitely takes YEARS to really get to know someone.

I can't say I've met a lot of people yet. But the people I know so far, up to 20 years of my life is enough to enable me to come to the conclusion that I don't even know my friends sometimes. Even those I know for years suddenly turns out to have this side that I haven't seen before. And all along I thought I knew them long enough. Well, time has proven me wrong indeed.

It's scary to think that how unrational, and how demanding some people can be. Sometimes if you give in a little, they'll end up pushing you to one corner in the end. This is not uncommon in today's world. And its even scarier, given the fact that you've been friends with them for so long without knowing this side of them. Suddenly one day, this side just pops up right at your door step.

I guess what I'm really trying to say is that, can we really find the right friend? Answer is no. There are many sides of them which I may or may not like. But in order to really see the other side of them, we gotta be real close with them to find out. Sometimes I would prefer to have a duplicate of myself. I know what I want, what I don't.  Haha, but of course it's not possible. This is life. We grow and mature by exposing ourselves to the world. I'm not even working yet, and wow I can't imagine how's it gonna be when I work.

I think my lying skills are improving from day to day! LOL. I'm getting better and better at finding excuses and lies LMAO~ Well, in the past I used to not understand why they do it, but now I think I do, hahaha...I would've done it too.

Well, I don't know. It's really hard to find true friends. Friends who don't take you for granted, friends who understands you, friends who know the limits, friends who don't use you, friends who don't lie just to please you and later dumps you. The world seems complicated though. Life wasn't this way back when people lived in caves.

Oh man, I'm getting philosophic again...

I shall end it here then. Better go study~~~ grrrrrrrr =_=||


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