Monday, February 14, 2011

해피 발렌타인 데이 ! ♥

오늘은 발렌타인데이 입니다.  너무 많은 포옹 키스, , 사랑해, 초콜릿...아~~~
 LoL, that's about as much 한국 I can think of to make my opening sentence XDD
I'll try to make more and more sentences in future! 화이팅!!!

Today's the 14th of Feb, and yes, this is the 21st year of my life going through Valentines without a regret. I am still single, and proud to be one! XDD
Yes, yes, bouquets of red roses, Valentine chocolates and that big stuffed up bear the size of your computer swivel chair together with an anniversary ring, and the possibility of your 오빠 booking the entire place for dinner - HAH! Dream on~

Anyway, being un-single has a price to pay. The downside outweighs the benefit much more for me now. The only person I would want for my Valentines is my 카리스마 오빠~~~ 

Haha...and moving on, we have another 7 days more to go before classes in SYCI start shrinking. It brings upon a dull day and seriously destroys your study mood. week, at this time, it's either gonna be a pleasant sunny day or heavy, let's wait and see...


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