Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thought of the day

People are so very hard to figure out. Come to think of it, I really fascinate the ability of God to create humans with many many many different characteristics, attitude, behaviour, and personality. Odd, weird, unbelievable, vague, hidden, scary. They vary from human to human and it definitely takes YEARS to really get to know someone.

I can't say I've met a lot of people yet. But the people I know so far, up to 20 years of my life is enough to enable me to come to the conclusion that I don't even know my friends sometimes. Even those I know for years suddenly turns out to have this side that I haven't seen before. And all along I thought I knew them long enough. Well, time has proven me wrong indeed.

It's scary to think that how unrational, and how demanding some people can be. Sometimes if you give in a little, they'll end up pushing you to one corner in the end. This is not uncommon in today's world. And its even scarier, given the fact that you've been friends with them for so long without knowing this side of them. Suddenly one day, this side just pops up right at your door step.

I guess what I'm really trying to say is that, can we really find the right friend? Answer is no. There are many sides of them which I may or may not like. But in order to really see the other side of them, we gotta be real close with them to find out. Sometimes I would prefer to have a duplicate of myself. I know what I want, what I don't.  Haha, but of course it's not possible. This is life. We grow and mature by exposing ourselves to the world. I'm not even working yet, and wow I can't imagine how's it gonna be when I work.

I think my lying skills are improving from day to day! LOL. I'm getting better and better at finding excuses and lies LMAO~ Well, in the past I used to not understand why they do it, but now I think I do, hahaha...I would've done it too.

Well, I don't know. It's really hard to find true friends. Friends who don't take you for granted, friends who understands you, friends who know the limits, friends who don't use you, friends who don't lie just to please you and later dumps you. The world seems complicated though. Life wasn't this way back when people lived in caves.

Oh man, I'm getting philosophic again...

I shall end it here then. Better go study~~~ grrrrrrrr =_=||

Monday, February 21, 2011

21 Feb 2011- ACCA+BB

Wow, today's results checking was like one of the most horrible experience for most of us. Thank god I didn't have to wait for over 8hours like most of them now. Even 3hours was long enough for me. I practically raped the refresh/reload button today. It was super nerve wrecking man. Usually by now, everyone would have known their results, but this year, ACCA's server crashed like a dying star. Everybody's talking about how frustrating and annoying it is that they couldn't access to their MyAcca or email. I thought 3 hours was long...and I really pity those who still awaits their results now. Makan tak kenyang, tido tak lena. 

Well, I passed all 3 papers. P1 56%. P2 65%. P3 64%.
Don't even want to question why my P1 was 56%. I really thank god for even managing to pass all 3 at one go. I don't care about marks. I just find it a bit odd to have P2 as my highest paper. Although its just one mark below P3, but its just weird! Hahaha considering Ms Liza didn't contribute much to the success. Well, she does deserve a bit of credit for being my lecturer and taught me all the basics. But I think that it was mostly my effort for being able to pass P2. Not boasting or bragging, but seriously, I studied more by myself than having her teach us most of the complex stuff. Not forgetting Mr. David whom I can say, really helped us a lot! He I can say, have really contributed a lot to our success and I really thank him for that. 

*after more than one hour of pause due to lots of sms, phone calls, and FB-ing*

I DID ask GD to come to Malaysia, and he really IS coming. But on the wrong date! And I bet the tickets are really expensive. Sighhhh~~~
Big Bang coming to Malaysia would really be a huge present for passing my exams, but how come it has to be early June? Of all months???

Saturday, February 19, 2011


오늘은 우리 화투 배우다
그것은  한국 게임 이에요. 정말 흥미 있는!
 제가 한번 우승을. 난 너무 행운으로!
하하 하하 하하~~~ XD
그런데, 제가 두 번째 라운드에서 멜빈에게 손실

Monday, February 14, 2011

해피 발렌타인 데이 ! ♥


오늘은 발렌타인데이 입니다.  너무 많은 포옹 키스, , 사랑해, 초콜릿...아~~~
 LoL, that's about as much 한국 I can think of to make my opening sentence XDD
I'll try to make more and more sentences in future! 화이팅!!!

Today's the 14th of Feb, and yes, this is the 21st year of my life going through Valentines without a regret. I am still single, and proud to be one! XDD
Yes, yes, bouquets of red roses, Valentine chocolates and that big stuffed up bear the size of your computer swivel chair together with an anniversary ring, and the possibility of your 오빠 booking the entire place for dinner - HAH! Dream on~

Anyway, being un-single has a price to pay. The downside outweighs the benefit much more for me now. The only person I would want for my Valentines is my 카리스마 오빠~~~ 

Haha...and moving on, we have another 7 days more to go before classes in SYCI start shrinking. It brings upon a dull day and seriously destroys your study mood. week, at this time, it's either gonna be a pleasant sunny day or heavy, let's wait and see...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

There And Back Again

Been there for a whole 3 days and 2 nights. of expected, there was nothing much for me to do there. Haha, was pretty bored as usual. But I guess I should take this as a chance for me to just relax and have nothing to do. LoL.
Ah yes, Happy Chinese New Year~! 2011. Yes, year of the Rabbit. Being a banana, the word looks a lot like me. Hahaha, each time I see it, the word rabbit=ghost to me. Anyway, yeah, its CNY once more. The road down to my hometown has become less tiresome as I grew up. I don't feel like it's that long of a journey anymore compared to ten years ago. But that doesn't change the fact that that place seriously bores me to death. But this year, its not so dull cause I've a cute little cousin to play with. And the BEST thing is that, he UNDERSTANDS ENGLISH! -Not like my other cousins =__=||

His name is Xuen (just asked my aunty how to spell properly -but I don't call her aunty, I just call her by her He's damn adorable..haha and this time is really the first time I get so close to a baby. Hm, he's not really a baby anymore..he's 2 years old, but still hasn't learn how to speak properly. So half the time, I was busy figuring out his baby language. This pic was taken about half a year ago. He's much bigger now I guess.

He's so freaking sweet I tell you. He always offers his food or things to me. He offered me a bite off his keropok, oranges, dried meat! I can tell he'll be a generous person next time! LOL! Always ask me to sit next to I find it fun playing with him, though I'm not really good with kids. He's so cute when he cries and when you stretch out your hands to him, he wants to just run into your arms and huggg you...super sweet!
I've no brothers and sisters, so dealing with a toddler is pretty weird for me =__=||
But hey, its fun! Hahaha~ he and his pom pom..god knows what it means...

Well, the most interesting thing during my CNY was this kid. XD
Nothing much, its just another week. Didn't study much either. Didn't really manage to do what I planned to. Hm...another week closer to 21st February.
Gahhh~ I missed 2 episodes of my Ciel Phantomhive! Aishhh...
Missed my 1박 2일 on Friday!
Anyways, I'm now listening to Lee Seung Gi because I heard him mention G-Dragon helped him in his 4th album or something when he won the Golden Disk Award. Went to You Tube his songs and found a few nice ballads =)
Used to just enjoy seeing him on 1박 2일 but never really went into his songs and all. He's very well brought up, adored by females of all ages and even respected by the guys. Very polite, very well mannered although he's a megastar. Does very well in juggling between singing, acting, hosting, and a whole lot more. He totally deserves praise. Not to mention, super good looking and talented. And he's still so young!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

지디 & 산더

I'm suppose to be in bed by now, after posting the last post. But I went on to look at my older posts last year and on 31.Dec 2010, I said this:
"I wanna see how big this craziness gets. 
Will he overthrow Kwon Ji Yong from his throne? Hahaha, I doubt. Xander's gotta have to work a little more harder to steal Kwon Leader's No. 1 spot which has remained unchanged for more than a year now."
Hahaha...I was referring to Alexander Lee Eusebio aka Xander from U-Kiss. He's the guy who speaks over 7 different languages and the one I've been stalking on Twitter for over 2 months I guess. Now, I'm reconfirming my statement that Kwon Ji Yong is still the reigning king of my heart! ROFLMAO~~~~ I won't have to eat my words. 
G-Dragon, you are one powerful idol. -and btw, your Baby Goodnight MV ROCKS THE SHIT OUTTA ME!!! OK...that's so disgusting...scratch that out. It's just one word. Sexxxaay! LOL 지디 너무, 너무, 너무, 너무, 너무, 섹시 ~~~~
Goodnight baby. I'll see you in my dreams in a while. =)
잘자요~~ ^__^

Oh man, I am so childish.........wake up, wake up, wake up... *slaps myself* ~~~ =__=

The other day, I've been going through my old stuff, reading through the many short stories I've written. Mostly were all fan fictions, based on characters I once liked. Many of them were left incomplete cause I either ran out of idea, or because I didn't have time to complete them. Haha~ when I read them back, I felt that those plots were so predictable, not pro enough, and so immature. Something very much expected from an inexperienced kid.
There was...
  • Northumberland High Military Premier Band (crazy name..dunno what in the world made me come up with that name and the lame story) There was the whole Graham and drum major crap and all...hahaha
  • Forlorn Hope (with the short, but very cool and skillful midget Hiei- love his katana)
  • Shuici Minamino (another incomplete story with Kurama)
  • Ahh, Kawahira Kaoru...this one is completed, but later on, I find the story extremely dumb =__=
  • This I Promise You (hahahahahaha lameeee)
  • I don't know what title I gave to this story, but its about Wolfram von Bielefelt, my once favourite anime Storyline pretty lame
  • Yes, another incomplete one with the idea from La Corda D'oro Primo Passo. The lame lock down in school thing...adoi~~~~ I suck at fan fictions...
  • Another incomplete story of Wolfram, scribbled down in a couple of pages.
 Oh man, its sooo lame. Only I can read them.
LoL..all I wanted to do last time was to draw out a story of how I wanted the characters to act or portray themselves as. You could say I was trying to sharpen the creativity skills in me. Reading back all those has made me wanna start writing something again. Hahaha...but I can predict its gonna be another lame one.

However, as much as I like to read fan fic, I too love to write a few. But it was too immature and too too simple. It didn't have a proper direction. It just goes to show how immature my thinking was last time!
I remembered how I used to like all those anime characters and my friends would say that they look gay. =___=
I don't understand, why is that whatever I like always seem to have the element of gay in the eyes of other people? =___=||
I don't I'm not the only one liking them. There are tons of ppl in the world who used to like/ likes Wolfram von Bielefelt, the spoilt brat. Haha~ I love Wolfram back then.
I really really like Victorian styled characters. And I love how animes can portray them so well. So elegant and regal. The names are really nice too...
Ciel Phantomhive...Wolfram von Bielefelt...
I like regal names...
Ciel sounds regal, don't it? lol He's an Earl, mind you, hahaha~
Earl Ciel Phantomhive...Lord von Bielefelt~

I really appreciate all the time I had last time to mess around with all these things. Writing and reading fan fictions has helped me a bit in my essay writing last time. Thanks to it, I actually took the effort to search the dictionary for new words I could use in describing things and characters to create the atmosphere. I love details, so I would want to describe everything to as detailed as possible so that I could draw up a clear picture of what I'm trying to tell. It may be a bit long winded sometimes and repetitive though. I guess I really just like to write and express my thoughts and ideas on a piece of paper. I'm not very good at it though, but I try my best. That's why, all my stories can't be read by anyone, cause its super lame. LMAO!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Oh well, it's the second month in 2011. How time flies. I didn't even realise that I have gone through 31 days of 2011 already. Tomorrow's gonna be loads of hours on the road. Sighhhh~ Every year when Chinese New Year comes, I'm not really keen...
Well, I would be, if I get to spend it with my family and friends here in Ipoh. Not that the folks back there are foreign, but well... It's just boring there, nothing much to look forward to. So, yeah... I'm off tomorrow.
Anyway, its just once a year and I get why not?
Before this, I feel like I have a lot to write. But now that I'm blogging, I'm stuck.
*Note to self* Remember to pack P5 textbk, my Korean notes, P4/P5 notes and that investment book, incase I need a few choices on what to study.
Gotta start packing in the morning...

GD looks pretty awkward in a hanbok. Hahaha I bet the last time he wore this was when he and his family went to the studio for a family picture years ago when he was a kiddo. 
~HaPpY ChINeSe NeW YeAr~



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