Saturday, October 9, 2010


I haven't been posting for such a long time...
It's the beginning of October, 5 days ago was my birthday, tonight's prom, classes are ending next week...
Well, I guess I'm finally no more -teen...but a tween. I'm 20 now, and am proud to have left my teen days with lots of great memories and events.
I truly did enjoyed my birthday celebration, thanks to several of my friends and I really appreciate their efforts. 
Some of the gifts I received, though didn't cost much in terms of money, but was very meaningful to me. Good thing I didn't open them in front of them, or else I would have teared right there and then, lol.
It was super touching.
Thanks to all my friends who've made my 20th b'day a very memorable one.
And thank you for all the presents too!

Classes are coming to an end now. Its time to start the climb again...up the treacherous mountain of P123.
I really hope I can make it through this time as well.
Gambateh to myself!!!~
I don't want to care or think about other things now, but concentrate on passing my exams!
I need to study the technique of how to handle stress.
Let us all hope for the best and that this study season won't turn out to be another boring and stressful session.


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