Saturday, February 13, 2010

Blogging while 2Day1Night-ing

Yo, haven't been back here in ages...and tomorrow's CNY eve already.
And as usual, I'll have to go back there for a couple of be precise, 4days & 3nights away from civilization. Being away from Facebook, MSN and my friends are nothing but not being able to communicate with the people there is EVERYTHING. You know, like the peribahasa 'bagaikan rusa masuk kampung' =.=
Well, it's only one year once, so I guess that's alright >_<
(So do not look forward to those dishes...the 'red & white blood cell' thingy and the super spicy 'dan fa' soup =.= ) Haihzzz
Will be bringing back some books to accompany me =)

Anyway, yesterday was a super cekaping movie marathon. Watched 2 movies in a row-

 Was it just me or did Wu Zhun look a lot like Capt Jack Sparrow? LOL
Haha, totally loved the whole Johnny Depp-ish image- not to mention the superb leng zhai-ness XD
He does look a bit like Lee Hom here as well.
Hm loads of chinese history involved...interesting though, and the action and the kungfu and the love story...
overall it was a good movie worth watching.

This movie was directed by the director of Harry Potter, can I not watch it right? Haha~ This movie was all about Greek mythology. It's got Mt Olympia, Poseidon, Zeus, Hades, Hermes, Aphrodite, Medusa,  the Hydra, the River Styx and Charon, Centaurs & Satyrs, Minotaurs, Persephone (Hades's wife) and oh yeah, their version of hell rocks...! It was friggin awesome. Love the way they put in all the people from Ancient Greek mythology and the graphics were not too shabby either. 
Plus Percy's super cute with super super deep blue eyes~~~

Both of them were very nice ^_^ But tickets were super expensive cause student cards were not usable due to CNY hols approaching and plus the movies were newly released, so yeah...they were super expensive. But I'm not paying for it, so who cares...XD XD XD
Haha, no, I really appreciate it, lol.

Anyway, it's already 13th Feb now and I'll be going back in about 12-14hrs more....
Will be needing some mosquito repellent...I seriously don't know why are mosquitoes so attracted to my blood =.= I'm always their target.
Will be seeing loads of oil palm estates along the way....boringggg =.=
Will NOT be going online for the next few days.
Will DEFINITELY be bored like hell for the next few days... zzzz

Kkz, chiaoz...going to get myself some supper =)

Happy Chinese New Year & Gong Xi Gong Xi ^^


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