Sunday, May 1, 2011


Whoaaa~its been like weeks since I've blogged. I think there's like 1mm-thick-dust settling on the covers of my blog already. Imagine how much a phone can do these days compared to the few thousand dollars worth walkie-talkie phone a couple of decades ago. I hardly need my laptop when I have Wifi on my phone. ~
Finally settled with a Samsung Galaxy Ace...
No complaints so far~ its been superb!

Korean classes have been teacher kept on saying I've improved, but I still can't hold a proper and smooth conversation with her though I understand what she's trying to say. =/ Sucks, yeah I know...
Gotta brush up even MORE after my exams!!! 아자 아자 화이팅!!!

Yes, and I've finally finished my revision of the syllabus for P4 and P5. I was one day late though. After this I'm suppose to hit the revision kits. Hopefully I'll have a comfortable one month period to finish them. Plus one week of cushion for a quick run-through the syllabus before D-day. >_<

Guitar hasn't been meddled with lately. No time to look for new songs TT__TT
Though after the exams, I hope to be able to learn another song (plucking style) like The Myth, and hopefully it can be a K-pop song this time XD.

*ahhh its raining >_<*
It's starting to rain outside. And you know what, I'm a real softie...and I hate the fact that I'm so soft hearted. I've been contemplating on whether I should write it here or not. But oh well...There's this stray dog (just about 1yr old) wondering outside my street for days and it wouldn't leave. At first we thought it was 'dumb' and doesn't have the guts to wonder far. It even stood there in the rain just like that, without looking for shelter or something. And it breaks my heart seeing the dog like that. Later, my mom decided to feed the dog and it we fed it a couple of times and it was really really friendly. Wagging the tail and all...even wagging so much even when its eating, like its very happy and grateful for the food. Oh my god. I actually cried thinking about it. And seeing it like that. We definitely couldn't take it in cause Mickey 仔 and 하루 definitely wouldn't accept her. They just keep barking so furiously. =__=
Plus one house can only keep 2 dogs. Surrender it to ISPCA to be put up for adoption was the next best option, at least she'll get food and shelter. But we gotta pay Rm200 >_< We can't just let it wonder and bite people's stuff, sleep in front of their gates. People gonna complain sooner or later. But she's so pityful...and so playful...
I really tried not to get so attached to her or else... TT__TT
It makes me cry. I can't even concentrate while studying cause I kept thinking about what's gonna happen to her. Especially when it rains...she's got nowhere to go. Yesterday we let her in the house when it rained, but opened the gate after it stopped and she went out. So, every night she sleeps opposite our house cause it's unoccupied. And its raining now. I don't know what's gonna happen to her. Once you feed her, she won't leave cause there's food here.
What now???
Sigh...I don't wanna think of it. I prefer to be indifferent sometimes. Just don't care...but I can't >_<


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