Sunday, May 15, 2011

Get Well Soon, Ji

Ji hurt his leg?? >_<
Aww man this is the first time I've heard of such GD having an injury or something. So far all I've heard were the regular flu and fever but never this HUGE. Ok, its not that HUGE, but considering the fact that this happened during their Japanese tour, it IS HUGE. Poor GD, his leg was bandaged and braced. He has to wear CROCS! Omg. Poor Ji...

I really hope he's going to get well soon, but firstly he mustn't exert himself too much. Knowing GD, he will push himself to the maximum since its their concert tour. And then, he'll end up much worser. Omg, I really feel worried. Hope he's doing ok. Fans said that TaeYang even had to support him by the waist during Gara Gara Go. They said he was smiling throughout the concert, and no one knew he was in so much pain. Only later when fans saw him at the escalator, he had bandages and braces and crocs on. And he can barely walk.

Ji Yongggggg >_<
Please get well soon...VIPs all around the world are praying for you. I don't know what you're doing right now but I hope you're resting your leg and all other parts of your body. They must be worn out like hell.

Get well soon yeah, I wanna see you FLY on stage~ =)


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