Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Hello March =)
3rd month of the year, which means a quarter of the year is almost gone...
classes are halfway through...
life's hanging somewhere...lol
the weather's very much predictable, ie hot, humid, sticky, sweaty, BURNING~~~

Had F9 progress test today, was so so...haha
anyway moving on~
my friend taught me how to make a rose today! XD
As in origami rose...lol
She mentioned it yesterday during class, and promised to make one for me...
She really brought one cute lil pink rose for me today! Haha~ taught me how to fold one...
The steps were really really really long and kinda complicated >_<
Made 2 in college, with much difficulty >_<
Turned out to be kinda ok....
so I thought I wanna go back and practise more to perfect it,
somehow...I think I've forgotten one tiny step somewhere in the beginning...and it didn't really turn out to be what it's suppose to be...so I was stuck halfway =.=
Tried re-folding 3 times...
gave up after that...
no point trying again and again cause I really forgotten that step >_<
no matter how many times I tried, I just couldn't get the foldings right.
If I go on, I'll just get really irritated and pissed at myself for nothing =_=
Stopped folding....haha
I thought if I managed to get it right, I can move on to a making a smaller rose...and perhaps invest on some nice coloured paper...=)
I really wanted to make fold a paper rose using a BLACK paper!
Black rose ~ ^^
Em, its suppose to look something like this...
But still, I wanna try to learn how to fold this by myself >_<
This needs a lot of patience...which I'm lacking...haha
But as you can see, I've lost it so soon...XD after 3 attempts...lol


One more thing...CONGRATULATIONS 
just saw his interview session during a 2Day 1Night shooting on KBS...
He was like...
'I can be a bit of a wacko sometimes...and she would be my anchor...
I would like to spend the rest of my life with you...'
Walao...hearing JiWon, who's seriously such a wacky person saying this was just not right...haha but whaddaya know, the guy's getting hitched soon!


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