Friday, January 22, 2010

Used, Using, Use, User XD

Sometimes, people either knowingly or unknowingly, are actually using you in a way. I think everybody in their lifetime has been used by another person for at least once, or maybe a couple of times- either because it took them too long to realize that they were actually being used, or that they realized it and is willing to be used. I personally think the second group of people are dumb enough to let this happen =.=

Most of us fall into the first category mentioned. The world is very materialistic, and most of the time people use each other to obtain wealth, fame, and fortune, and even in relationships, couples do use each other to get something they want- you name it. So, being honest is not a very good thing sometimes. Being all too good and honest puts you on the losing end. Don't be so nice, cause you'll only leave an opening for people to start using you.

When you put your heart into doing a task or helping others, and they've done a good job in the end partly thanks to your contribution too. You felt happy about it and is glad that you're able to lend a helping hand at a time of need. However when the time comes for you to require such support and help in return, you do not get it. Of course, it is not a must for the other to return the favour. There is no signed agreement saying 'You HAVE to help out the next time he/she needs it'. But still, isn't it part of the whole give and take thing? People have to learn how to give back some after receiving. We're not being too demanding, but just take it as an equation, whereby you have to balance it up.

Hm but then again, I do not think life can be equated like a simple maths equation. LOL


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