Friday, January 1, 2010


Welcome to the new year of 2010!
It's like a breath of fresh air~ haaa~~
Did you look out to the window and take in a deep, huge breath when you wake up first thing this morning and say, 'Wow, its 2010...two more years to 2012...?
Okay, skip the lame crap... Somehow I felt like just gotta post something to mark the first day of the year lol.
I'm kinda in the middle of spring cleaning my room...and this job has been on my To-do list for the past 2 weeks, lol. Didn't know what to do with my text books now and I've gotta get a new box...Other than that, I've cleaned practically every other part of my room. Wiped, dusted, vacuumed, re-arranged lol. I tend to keep old stuff and my mom's always complaining. Cause if I keep and keep and keep, and not throw anything away, my room's gonna turn into some kandang one day =.= That's why I'm just 're-arranging' them. XD
I didn't want to throw them away cause I think I will want to look at it again in future? Or I might need to use it again, though chances are that it'll just lay there and gather dust. =.=
Hm I guess overall my room looks er...shinier now? Haha~

Oh by the way, GD did not cry during his performance the other day. It was the smoke effect that caused his eyes to tear...he couldn't wipe it off till the next song, that's why it looked as if he was crying in the first song. LOL.

Hmm...I better go find a box now...haha...


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