Sunday, April 3, 2011


I hate for this to be the first thing I post in April. Though I didn't want to admit, but I seriously do think I'm such a soft-hearted person. I can't stay angry at someone for long. I can swear and curse all I want at that person but after a while, everything tones down. I forget about it.

Have you ever thought about what if the person is not one of those on your list of 'people you want to see the most', is no more around one day? I know, you really don't like him but one day he's no more around. What to do?

After all these years, and now what if he's gone. What's even more painful is seeing the process of them fading away. It kinda pinches your heart a little to see them change from someone you find super annoying in the past, to someone whom you really pity and wish for him to be ok now. Well, they say normal people have this kind of bright aura surrounding them. But you don't see it in those who are, know, almost...yeah.

Hm, I don't know. I just don't want this to ruin my studying mood. I know it's pretty selfish of me to think of it like this. But I also don't want to see the people around me sad. I seriously don't know what can I contribute to this. Just sit back?

Sigh. Maybe I can say that this is karma, if I want to make myself feel better. But still, I don't like to see the current situation. Can't help but to feel a pinch in my heart each time I think about this.


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