Wednesday, July 28, 2010


~ True friends are hard to come by. 
If you manage to come across one, cling onto them like vines.
They give you their heart, trust, and truest friendship.
Appreciate them.
They want to be treated the same way too.
Nevertheless, in this world, it is always the case whereby one does not get back what that has been given out ~

I really am beginning to see that this is true. True and real friends are really rare. Sometimes, even your lifetime bffs can be a real faker. However, there are people who are really out there to offer you their sincere and honest friendship. These people not here to gain benefit from befriending you. Fakers on the other hand, are only your bffs when they need something from you. You can actually tell the difference, lol.
I sorta did a quick flashback and I realise that most of the people I am/was close with, whom I consider to be true, are all of another skin tone lmao! Talk about being multiracial XD
Since I'm the only kid at home, these people are my brothers & sistas =)
I hope they stay the same and I am glad to have known them.

...Well, that wraps up the student life. When it come to the working environment, I guess its a whole new world?


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