Friday, July 30, 2010

All hail Lord GD =.=

I just gotta post this up.
This is such a nice piece of artwork...
Oh god, why did this person have to be discovered by YG and got recruited in and now he's like the LORD of KPop fashion XD plus, he gets a 5star rating in everything he does LOL.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Dinner earlier this week @ Akamomiji? Er, did I get it right? =.=||

It was a whole plate of raw stuff...the squid tentacles just looks like Davy Jones's lol.

Looks pretty oily, but yum yum~ 

Some ginormous prawns with cheesy base. I got the prawn with the most cheese >.<
I still prefer them without cheese =)

Erm...Jap noodles...I think its Udon...yeah~

 Favourite dish : I've forgotten what's inside, but the rolls are made out of cucumber!
Me loving it! ^_^

I don't know which fella went and took the first stick.
Spoiled the pic =_=

Had a bit of sake. In fact, its my first try...and it was even milder than my mom's DOM =.=|||
Nothing great...XD

This coming week...jom pergi Kizuna~~~ 


~ True friends are hard to come by. 
If you manage to come across one, cling onto them like vines.
They give you their heart, trust, and truest friendship.
Appreciate them.
They want to be treated the same way too.
Nevertheless, in this world, it is always the case whereby one does not get back what that has been given out ~

I really am beginning to see that this is true. True and real friends are really rare. Sometimes, even your lifetime bffs can be a real faker. However, there are people who are really out there to offer you their sincere and honest friendship. These people not here to gain benefit from befriending you. Fakers on the other hand, are only your bffs when they need something from you. You can actually tell the difference, lol.
I sorta did a quick flashback and I realise that most of the people I am/was close with, whom I consider to be true, are all of another skin tone lmao! Talk about being multiracial XD
Since I'm the only kid at home, these people are my brothers & sistas =)
I hope they stay the same and I am glad to have known them.

...Well, that wraps up the student life. When it come to the working environment, I guess its a whole new world?



Monday, July 26, 2010


Can u believe GD's fans made this gold plaque for his 1st solo album? O.O
Gosh...these people are so damn fanatic...XD
There's the signature white mask moulded according to his face, and a list of all his awards.
Probably an early bday present ^_^

And a trophy? ? ? LOL

One word = geng 

Big Bang Wins Global Unity Award


"Big Bang was awarded the ‘Global Unity’ award from the UN and became an icon representing all of Asia.
Big Bang was awarded the ‘Global Unity’ award at the Asia-Pacific Global Tolerance with Music 2010 festival on the 24th held at Osaka Universal Studio Japan.

Big Bang is the third ever to receive this award, following former Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani-renown singer Alanis Morissette.
Big Bang expressed their gratitude by saying, “It’s an honor to receive such a meaningful award. Though it may not be much, we will continue to aid in the effort to promote understanding and advancement in Asia through music.”
Big Bang, who started their promotions in the Japanese music market last year, has not only received rookie awards at various ceremonies, but is continually receiving much love as they continue in their activities."

Damn proud of BigBang ^^ Haha...I don't see groups like TVXQ, Super Junior and SS501 winning stuff like this...ngek ngek

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Wish I could be the one sitting here and enjoying whatever nature has to offer...

Purplish/pinkish/whitish primrose 

Beautiful...I just wanna leave it here in my blog =)

It's nothing special...but that small collection of pure water on that Taro leaf reminds me of an episode of 2Days 1Night LOL ^^

Love the angle and perspective from which this is taken!

Ahhh~ Very the red flowery, leafy twines on the swing...

Monday, July 19, 2010

P123 ad. nauseam etc etc etc

Am starting to realise that it is not easy to take on 3 papers at a time...what more a professional level paper. Gosh...I was so used to taking 2 papers previously, and now when switching to 3, its really gonna require a lot of effort from the start itself. Which means, less entertainment, and more of the serious stuff. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna give up on my GD  and Big Bang lol. I'll still make time for K-POP! yeah~
It's not just digesting every single sentence the book and storing them in your hard disk. It's more of the application...and...its not easy.

There's so much to study, so much to absorb, in just like 3months of lectures (is it 3? er..4 perhaps). And at the end of it in December, you vomit out everything. Sometimes, I disagree with the style of having exams...
The education system here has made us so exam-orientated that we grew up having a mindset of having to study, so that we pass our exams. That's it. End of story. I think all this has caused most of us ACCA students to forget what they've studied in the previous sems or perhaps one year ago.
Let's say I passed my Audit last sem, and 3 months later, you come and ask me what is Internal Audit? I'll be like (............). LoL. Go ask someone's who's taking audit this round. XD
Haih...same thing happens to me.
We study like mad for this sem, and 6months later, we'll be concentrating on another paper so hard that we totally deleted everything about the previous subjects learned.
How laaaaa?

Well, back to my P123- it's definitely not easy, and I'm really amazed at those who passed all 3 in one go. Definitely requires early prep. and lots lots lots of reading - not romance novels or your Twilight books, but things a professional accountant would read. Make it a point to go look at the biz section of the papers first thing you lay your hands on them. Make it a point to read articles relating to your subjects. LOL. Read up whatever you find useful -and not some hunky vampire vs. shirtless wolfman romance.

Being in Mr. David's class has made me realise how little I know about the world and how shallow our knowledge is regarding the real financial world out there. So, I need to pump up on that aspect >.<
And most importantly...CONSTANT PREPARATION~~~

Friday, July 16, 2010


Gahhhh~~~ I haven't been posting anything here for ages....!
And there's so much I wanna write up.
Lots of stuff I wanna leave here in my blog, so that I go back in time, and read it back again in months or perhaps years to come, lol.
I have this, this, and this I wanna blog...but I haven't the time >.<
Arghh~ so for the sake of posting something, I'm posting this short crap XD
Anyway, no matter how tiring classes may be, or no matter how beh tahan some people might be, once I look at this fella down here...nothing else matters...HAHA~
Sometimes, I rather day dream on this Korean dude, than think of all this 'I like you or I don't like you' matters.
Pointless, waste time, waste energy, waste your brain cells, waste you emotions.
Ok, I gotta settle this once and for all!~~
I order to avoid hurting people even more if I were to tell later. I've been in that situation before, and I wouldn't be so selfish as to do this to another person.

G.DEEEEEEE~ ish ish ish~~~ wanna squeeze him~

Nickhuniie~ awww sweetest smile ever...XD

Anyway...classes are back on, and nothing's more important than passing my, yeah, I wouldn't think of other matters now, except for
JiYongie <3

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Well, whattaya know...I'm not needed for work now. So I guess I'll be having back my Saturday mornings and noons XD
Classes starting on Tuesday...and the ball starts rolling back again.../==
Feels kinda reluctant though, knowing that your next long break's gonna be in another 6months time.
No. 1: Timetable - not so very pleasant better change...
No. 2: 3 papers... >.<
No. 3: ....
Haiya...complain wat lar..just go study nie =.=||
But hey, the faster we get through with the classes, the faster its done, lol.
Last but not least,

>> Happy Belated Birthday to 3 of my dear friends:<<
 *poor picture quality =.=*

Eunice (24th June)

Satvin (26th June)

Talvin (3rd July)

Friday, July 2, 2010


Oh god...why did the timetable have to change last minute =.=||
All afternoon classes? ? ?
Everyday? ? ? 3hours of lecture...
I like morning classes! And I WANT morning classes....!
Afternoon classes are so

Thursday, July 1, 2010


These few weeks of holidays might not be much for other college students who gets like at least 4months of sem break every year, but its definitely enough for me to relax my brain and not have to worry about studies for a while. Since I'm not working, so there's practically nothing for me to worry about.
The feeling of waking up at whatever time you want every morning and glide through the day doing whatever that pleases you is very enjoyable~ that is, up to the point where it bores the shit out of you. Same old thing in my opinion, sem breaks shouldn't be too long. This is just nice. =)

Two weeks plus is short, but I think that this time, I've made the most out of it. I've got loads of activities going on, in and out...friends, families, celebrations, outings, lunches, badminton, shopping, etc. Probably nothing spectacular, but all this is good enough to keep me occupied for half the day. XD I've also had loads of spare time to go crazy over Jiyongie all over again~ ~ ~ and one or two new obsessions, namely the super shuai ger Nickhun...and er, mostly its still GD. LOL. Seriously, this obsession is getting over the top and I better divert this elsewhere or else its gonna spiral out of control one day~ XD

~~GEe GeE GEe GeE, Baby Baby, GEe GeE GEe GeE~~
{see what I mean? =.=}

Well, with outing, comes money yeah, I'm gonna have to cover back all my expenses (and saving them, so that I can reward myself with something in future =)) by working on every Saturday at Tune Town Kids, from 9am-3pm. Haha, erm, its not so much for the money though...but more like wanting to gain some experience.

I haven't done something like this before, so I was thinking, why not...its just every Saturday >.< Otherwise, I'd be wasting my Saturday mornings sleeping LOL. I wanna get more exposure to the working world, get to know more people, see new things...yea... This job's not much, but at least its provides some exposure I guess...

Classes begin next week, and my day off will be on Thursday only (one day, instead of two, like it was previous sems) Kinda worried actually...about the 3 papers I'm about to take this time. I haven't been attempting 3 papers before in ACCA, and what more, its the P levels now T.T
I'm really worried....
I know its definitely gonna be super stressful....
I just hope I'll be able to cope with it and pray that I can make it through the course smoothly ^^



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