Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Self review

OK, self review here...

I realise that my blog so far, has contained mostly posts on my feelings, emotions, complains, happy and sad moments...all mixed up and let lose here...

When people read my blog, some might say that, 'Why do you even bother posting all this stuff on how you feel and all this emotions? bla bla bla...' Yeah, I admit its all on my emotions and honestly this is the only place where I can spill it all out honestly and knows that no one will find out...haha so if you don't like it, then don't read it! LoL

Anyway, I also realised that I've been a bit unfair or have been acting indifferently towards some people, which I know its very bad of me. I tend to put so much hope and attention to someone and totally push off another, although that person has been very good to me. Yes, I know, it's my problem and no one else's. It's not his fault, its mine. I don't know why, but I just wanna shut him off completely, which I know can be very hurtful (I know it because I've also been treated in a similar way not too long ago either, by 'someone'). I didn't mean it...really...I'm sorry and I know its wrong, but sometimes I just don't want to let myself feel so unhappy because I'm trying to please the other person and not let him get hurt. Many times, I just want to completely, totally ignore him because I can't stand it anymore. I just wanna completely avoid that person if possible.


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