Sunday, July 4, 2010

Well, whattaya know...I'm not needed for work now. So I guess I'll be having back my Saturday mornings and noons XD
Classes starting on Tuesday...and the ball starts rolling back again.../==
Feels kinda reluctant though, knowing that your next long break's gonna be in another 6months time.
No. 1: Timetable - not so very pleasant better change...
No. 2: 3 papers... >.<
No. 3: ....
Haiya...complain wat lar..just go study nie =.=||
But hey, the faster we get through with the classes, the faster its done, lol.
Last but not least,

>> Happy Belated Birthday to 3 of my dear friends:<<
 *poor picture quality =.=*

Eunice (24th June)

Satvin (26th June)

Talvin (3rd July)


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