Friday, July 16, 2010


Gahhhh~~~ I haven't been posting anything here for ages....!
And there's so much I wanna write up.
Lots of stuff I wanna leave here in my blog, so that I go back in time, and read it back again in months or perhaps years to come, lol.
I have this, this, and this I wanna blog...but I haven't the time >.<
Arghh~ so for the sake of posting something, I'm posting this short crap XD
Anyway, no matter how tiring classes may be, or no matter how beh tahan some people might be, once I look at this fella down here...nothing else matters...HAHA~
Sometimes, I rather day dream on this Korean dude, than think of all this 'I like you or I don't like you' matters.
Pointless, waste time, waste energy, waste your brain cells, waste you emotions.
Ok, I gotta settle this once and for all!~~
I order to avoid hurting people even more if I were to tell later. I've been in that situation before, and I wouldn't be so selfish as to do this to another person.

G.DEEEEEEE~ ish ish ish~~~ wanna squeeze him~

Nickhuniie~ awww sweetest smile ever...XD

Anyway...classes are back on, and nothing's more important than passing my, yeah, I wouldn't think of other matters now, except for
JiYongie <3


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