Saturday, March 27, 2010


It sure is stressful these days right? Especially when everything's so new to you and whatever you've learned cannot be put to practice in your work. Out of nowhere, emails start coming in and you gotta add another task to your list. More and more responsibility comes in day by day. Datelines and all the paperwork to do...and all the late nights in the office >_<
Sure kinda sanfu at first right?

I know its all very hard at the beginning but trust me, it'll be worth the while later in the years to come =)
So, its ok. All this is good learning experience which money cannot buy you.
As long as you think you've tried your best then it's alright =)
Remember, you're not stupid.
Don't ever think you're stupid, cause if you are, you won't even be able to land yourself in a job now right? Its just that you're not used to doing all this yet. This is a whole new thing, so I guess it takes time. You're a very talented and smart martian, so I believe you can do it! /=)

Well, I haven't worked before so I'm definitely not in a position to tell you how you should act. Don't think that its a way of exploitation or being underpay -although company may be making use of you >_< but try not to think it that way...take it as a time as an opportunity where you can explore and learn more ;-)
I know that it's very difficult in the beginning, but if you hang on to it, I believe you'll have a very bright future ahead.

Despite all these, you're still able to stay strong and I know you'll be able to handle the situation no matter what /=) I know you'll definitely do well...
Wish I could also help you reduce some of your workload, but I can't, haha~ can only offer moral support.
So, no worries ^_^
I trust you'll be alright.
努力 加油 !


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