Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Burp ~ ~
wow this is really one of my most stomach-satisfying supper since I'm not sure when XD
Other days, it was just milo, milo, er bun, em and milo...
Had 2 biji 'tau sar beng'...really wanted to eat the sticky sticky 'heong beng' but I took the wrong packet =_=|| errgh...and I had to eat it anyway...
Then had one small spongy bun with a layer of kaya in it =) yum~
and then another bottle of Vitagen to top it up!
LoL my mom thought that the whole idea of going vege has made me hungrier faster...
but it wasn't...somehow I got hungry faster today =.=
anyways, I'm tired...eyes especially...wanna sleep early
gotta finish reading up my F9 notes tomorrow >_<

Today's also the 10th day I managed to go vege straight...xD
hope to go on longer~ perhaps I'll go down by a kg or two perhaps? LOL

Oh yea, GD is finally cleared of all those charges thrown against him last December! ^^



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