Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sweet things are made of these...

Lately, I've was lucky to have been treated like a girl; as in, how a girl would be treated by a guy in a sweet and caring manner.

Ok, imagine this scene below:-
"Girl was lamenting on how her shoes are such a pain. It was irritating and painful as had to stand for longs hours. She had to take it out for a couple of seconds. -
Guy saw and asked what happened;
Girl told him...
Guy knelt down and took the shoe from her feet. He bent it and made some adjustments so that it would be more comfortable."

How was that? I don't know. I find it really sweet. REALLY, Sweet... I don't know, maybe I was emo or something, but it was definitely a nice feeling.

Second scene:-
"Guy and girl walks towards a fence-like structure. They had to climb up to get onto the side walk;
Guy went up first, and offered his hand to her- only her."

Third scene:-
"It was raining...well, drizzling actually;
Guy walked to the parking lot to get his car and went back to the front to get the girl so that she wouldn't have to walk in the drizzle and wet her white shoes."

Fourth scene:-
"Small servings of food was served before practice;
One of them included some sweet delicacy wrapped in oily leaf. Guy had already peeled them and offered it to the girl before she came near."

Ok, it happened to me. I was giggling these days as I enjoyed the 'girl' treatment. It was definitely pleasant. Very pleasant in fact.
Alright, its a nice feeling. I shouldn't harp on this more, or else these sweet things won't come to me anymore =/

Saturday, November 5, 2011

OMZG- Aigooo 말하지마!!! Before the whole lot knows...before HE knows. If he does, I'm doomed for the following few months =__= It'll be super awkward. I gotta control myself from talking too much about him. Damnnn. Good to see...good to feast on, but can't touch..can't eat. omg..just omg. 
Body, *check*
Face, *check*
Height, *check*
Outer personality, *check*
Inner self...dunno
Plus, he studies chinese, yet speaks good english cause he speaks english at home. I'm kinda into guys like that. Shit...I'm so dead.  I am not a good actress. 
Give up barh...그만 하자... 그 사람은 여자 친구 있어도. 내가 어떻게?
ok..gotta go

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

LWK? Hahaha *vulture mode*

Omg..I haven't been here in months!!!! I miss my bloggie. From finishing ACCA exams, to working with my Korean graduating from ACCA finally to landing myself in Deloitte KassimChan. Here I am...haha eyes tired, waiting for Ghostmaster walkthrough to load on You Tube because I can no longer play the real game. Yup, just got my first pay frm Deloitte. 
Lots to learn, lots to see. 
Hate YinFei so far.
Love to go out with Wan Koon~ Kyaaaa~~~ *vulture mode*
YeeLee``` I hope Wan Koon shields me frm the evil evil horrible monster... >__<
I hope I can learn a I can be of help to Wan Koon. 
He's seriously super super good looking. Body, looks, height...voice? hahaha not too sure about the inner self yet. But except for the smoking part, I'd give him a 9/10. XD For once, he's the one that's almost got a nearly complete package for the outer appearance. Except for the smoking part that is. 
Anyway...whatever it is, I still have to work. Gotta stand and cope with pressure. 
I got 3 cases waiting for me to be solved in a week's time. Next up is Kinta Press with WanKoon (yay~~~ ^^) but thumbs down for books in. =__=
Next, another 3 dormant cases for me in the following week and immediately after that, its Yee Lee again. I hope to just include Wan Koon, Sam, and I in the picture, but alas I had to include HER. =/
SHittt..I'm going to have to stick to them for the rest of my 3yrs in Deloitte. What will I do when Wan Koon & Vinita leaves? TT____TT

Sunday, July 17, 2011


오늘 너무 너무 너무 안 좋았는데! 싫어!!! 오, 너무 짜증나. @__@ 정말 미쳤어. 난 어쩌라고~ 오, 오~~
진정하세요...~잊지 말라요! 잊지마라요! 잊지마라요!
왜 오늘은 이렇게?
이거 완전...
매일매일 이렇게 처럼 있다면, 미친 것 같에.
나 도 몰라...

난 때 그사람을 보면, 모든 도 너무 아름 다음~
죽도록 사랑합니다 ♥
지금부터 한달 너의 생일 이에요.
당신은 하루하루 행복해 좋겠다.

진정하세요~ 화내지 마세요.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Hunting Horcruxes

Harry Potter and the thought of Hogwarts used to give me the warm, safe, friendly, and chivalrous feeling with a tinge of ancient and magic in it. But since Dumbledore died and Harry was left with the task of hunting and destroying all of the remaining Horcruxes, the story took a direct turn in the the dark and edgy side. It became so much darker and Hogwarts doesn't feel safe anymore, in fact. I just feel like gathering all the Horcruxes here, since I always have trouble naming all 7 of them lol. 

The cup of Helga Hufflepuff. Found in Bellatrix Lestrange's vault in Gringotts Bank. 

Rowena Ravenclaw's lost Diadem. Found in the Room of Requirements at Hogwarts. 

Tom Riddle's Diary, destroyed by Harry in his 2nd year using the Basilisk's venomous fang. Brilliant, JK Rowling is, by rearranging the words of 'Tom Marvolo Riddle' into 'I Am Lord Voldermort' 

Marvolo Gaunt's ring. Destroyed by Dumbledore in the summer of Harry's 5th year. 

Salazar Slytherin's Locket, destroyed by Ron in Book 7, using the Sword of Gryffindor. 

Nagini, a super large anaconda-sized serpent which never leaves Voldermort's side. Destroyed by Neville using the Sword of Gryffindor too.

Yes, last but not least, baby Harry Potter. He was the Horcrux created by accident on the night Voldermort tried to murder Harry's parents. Somehow, Voldermort sorta destroyed his own soul which was inside Harry without killing Harry. So yeah, he lives on and 19years later, his son by the name of Albus Severus Potter goes to Hogwarts for his 1st year of school! 
The end. 

Deathly Hallows 2


Went to watch Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 yesterday with Evaynne darling, Jiao, Vivian, Vemal and Adrian. 3D was so freaking expensive, but in the end it was worth it though! I don't mind spending cause its the FINAL HARRY POTTER MOVIE FOR GOD DAMN'S SAKE!!! 

I love most of the parts, it was so epic. I love the 3D effect they had on the Dementors and during duels -especially dementors. Because it was the 2nd part of the book, it was a lot of epic stuff going on. I'm glad I remembered bits and pieces of the book when I was watching the movie. I could at least guess what was gonna happen or happening. Ravenclaw's diadem! OMG. HAHA~
Loved the dragon scene in Gringotts! 
Loved the part where Harry & Ron rescued Malfoy in the Room of Requirements. 
Also the part where they tighten up defences at Hogwarts before the big battle and everyone was casting protective spells and enchantments to create a barrier around the whole castle. I loved the part where Prof. McGonngall casted the spell to bring the stone warriors (reminds me of Terracottas) to live and commanded them to defend Hogwarts.
Loved it when Harry was seeing all of Snape's memories through the pensieve - when he saw that Snape's patronus the same as Lily's and how he was heartbroken when he saw Lily's corpse in Gordric's Hollow. 
Then there was the scene where Neville pulled the sword of Gryffindor out from the Sorting Hat when all hope seems lost and Harry suddenly sprang back to life from Hagrid's arms. Everyone was like 'WHOA~~*starts fighting again!!!* 
The ending was of course epic! Hahaha darling and I couldn't stop laughing when all of them appeared 19 years later looking not so adult at all! LMAO! I of course, wouldn't name my son Albus Severus Potter?! Yeah, 2 of Hogwarts' greatest headmasters~

Evaynne and I were like commentators throughout the movie. We screamed, cheered, made excited noises during epic scenes and clapped at the ending! Whoots!!!
My favourite quote through the whole movie:

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

50 Ways To Cope With Stress

이거 어제 찾았다. 그게 재미있는 것 같아요. 난 이미 분홍색으로 강조 이들을 달성했습니다. 지금까지 난 아직도 다른도 얻을 수 없어.



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