Today's the first day of class, and its already so scary. Hm, more like the horrors of P4 are beginning to unravel itself despite this is only the 1st class of the sem.
He's good, but...sometimes too fast. You've to like, pay 100% to what he's saying while concentrating on what you're jotting down at the same time or else you'll tend to get lost along the way. He gave a brief intro to the syllabus and what is expected of us. Overall, it was kinda scary lor, to reveal so much on the first day. But otoh, its good to let us know that we've to start work from day 1 itself.
It's not easy passing your optionals. DEFINITELY.
Tomorrow's P5, and my first meeting with Mr. David to decide on my OBU topic. Hopefully by starting early, I'll have more time and its ok if it gets delayed later~hahaha.
Ah yes, reminder to self: Go grab textbooks tomorrow~
I was just thinking, for the past 2.5 weeks, I've been doing nothing but onlining, listening to songs, TV, indulging myself in K-POP idols, guitar-ing, reading, learning Korean, and a bit of OBU research, occasionally doing some cleaning and cooking, here and there. Nothing on my list of things which I did required any mental stress. And today, there was like such a huge different in the things I did at night compared to last week.
I studied for the first time today. I was forced to open my F9 textbook after feeling blur in class today. It's like my head was just ngam ngam above waters today. His tactic to scare us today sort of worked I guess. And I still think we definitely deserve more than 2 weeks of break~after all the brain cracking we've done for the past few months.
Holidays have officially ended.
Time to descend from cloud 9 and back to living hell.
Who likes this anyway.
With OBU and all coming....
And here come GDeeeeeeeee~
And here come GDeeeeeeeee~
Hm..I hope this will be another good year for me, for us all~ but most importantly, for me~
Let's hope this sem goes smoothly and I can knock out every single ACCA paper that comes my way~just like GD's new song, Knock Out!
아주 뻑이 가요 아주 뻑뻑뻑뻑 뻑이가요~~
Ok~its late now...GDNITE~!
Off to Xanderland to join him. LOL XD
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