Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Looking at him itself is sooooo 迷人-ing ~ ~ ~
Haha, now I know why that girl couldn't look away from his face XD!!!
Looking at the comp. screen is already so 迷人-ing ~ ~ ~ What more looking at the real person LOL.
Seriously...he's not the most handsome-est, tallest, buffed-up guy in the world, but....well
one certainly can't deny that he's one of the most talented people walking on this earth (LOL too exaggerating)

But then again, there must have been so much trouble and hard work and toil and struggle, behind those happy cheerful smile and laughter. He has definitely earned his region of loyal fans. I used to kinda don't like G-Dragon last time, -that is, when I first knew who Big Bang were... And look at what has happened now =.= Total GD freak.

Hmm, if I were to meet Jiyongie, I don't want to be the crazy-screaming fan girl standing in line, just to get a glimpse of his face, shake his hand and get the album autographed by him, and then that's it -the security guard ushers you away. =.=
Instead, I wanna be somebody like hmm...Kim Yuna. At least we're of the same status I would say. XD
These few weeks of holidays has really left my brain with nothing to think of, except all this celebrity nonsense. =.=

It's time to do something meaningful...


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