Monday, May 31, 2010


Wow, today was superbly fun XD
Went go-kart for the first time ever in Extreme Park today =)
That was totally unexpected cause we were suppose to go back college and study after getting Father's Day gifts at JJ with Kaho, Talvin, & Satvin.
Somehow, we drifted off course and went go kart-ed instead LOL

First time ever, I wore a helmet today =.= felt weird, haha lame - I know.
First time ever went go-kart
First time speeding the end, can't control, and I went spinning and then went off track to the dirt =.=
Haha, many first times today XD
It was super hard to control the steering wheel and the whole kart was vibrating non stop @_@
My helmet was also kinda loose, and my legs were shaking even after I got off.

Mali kita go kart lagi lepas exam lol.
P/s. I suck at drifting =.=


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