Sunday, January 10, 2010

I don't know what title to give

Ok, now secondly I would like to put this in an indirect way but I had no idea how to.@_@
I'm bad at being indirect...I'm more of a straightforward person.
So, nothing has changed so far. ok~
It has been the same from the very beginning.

Don't think so far.
There is no necessity to do so.
(I'm seriously bad at expressing in words cause I might end up saying something which I do not mean =_=)
What is, is just it. Don't bother thinking of any reason behind it.
Cause there is none! XD
Em, I think no one's gonna get what I'm trying to say for now...but me. LOL

*If I don't want what's in mind to take place, I better work at it.* This is not related to  the 2nd para.
Haha, told you no one will und what I'm trying to say...cause even I don't know what I'm trying to


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