Sunday, November 29, 2009


I don't believe that people just write up emo posts without a reason. Even if you put a so called disclaimer saying that 'This doesn't not bring any significant meaning cause I just picked it up from a random website or I've just read it up somewhere and I find it meaningful, bla bla bla.'
LoL, even I do this sometimes. You can give all the reasons and disclaimers you want, but somehow, deep down, you sort of meant it, right? -I know I do. If it didn't bring any significance, you wouldn't even pay attention to that topic first of all am I right?

Ok, its random...XD
How do you define love?I think love is all about forgiving & accepting each other's weaknesses. Learn to forgive, even if you cannot forget. Despite the negative outweighing the positive sides, one does not desert the other.
To me, love is indescribable.
To me, there is no exact reason as to why you love that person.
If you love him/her, its because you love him/her, because of who he/she is and accepting their strength & weaknesses. It is not because he is so good looking, or she's so beautiful...things like that are merely there to blind your sight.

I believe you have to go pursue your own happiness, because it won't just land right on your doorstep. If you want it, go for it. If you think the other person will be happier off if you stayed away, then you are wrong my friend. If you think that your bad points will deter you from giving the best things to the other, you are also wrong. It doesn't matter like I've said, its all about accepting each other for who they are; not being afraid that you cannot afford to provide happiness. Being with you brings happiness itself.

Sometimes, it is very hard to understand the human behaviour. One does this thing and the next, it seems like none of this matters anymore. So if you've any unsolved issues or unsettled problems, please get them settled because sometimes, people just cannot let go until they've found the answer to it.
No vague answers please, make it crystal clear, lol.

DIsclaimer: This has no particular meaning or whatsoever...just things that came popping into my mind. XD


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