Friday, August 21, 2009

Catch A Falling Star

Catch a falling star an put it in your pocket,
Never let it fade away!
Catch a falling star an put it in your pocket,
Save it for a rainy day!

For love may come an' tap you on the shoulder,
Some star-less night!
Just in case you feel you wanna hold her,
You'll have a pocketful of starlight!

That is just a little song that popped into my mind this morning while I was driving to college. I have no idea why but it just did, lol! So I came home and You Tube-ed it! Found a very nice version by Nina Wall. Click here for the video.

Its like imagining you're in the middle of a beautiful meadow, its the middle of the night and the sweet midnight breeze blows gently, lightly caressing your face. You lie down on a patch of fresh green grass and gazes at the dark dark blue canvas of God. Millions of stars along the Milky Way dotted the horizon ahead. Lying next to you is the one who promised to protect you for the rest of your life...The feeling of being at peace and calmness is just like none other!


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