Friday, July 3, 2009


Ok, I was really disappointed...for something...I thought you'd change...thought that you'd finally realise and buck up...but...doesn't seem like it though...

I'm really disappointed...

Disappointed by ~myannalise9

You forgot wh
o you said you were, I’m disappointed.
You never really meant it, I’m disappointed.

You lied and cheated and stole, I’m disappointed.

You’ve changed, I’m disappointed.

You ran away from your dreams, I’m disappointed.

You gave up, I’m disappointed.

You’re killing yourself, I’m disappointed.

You look like a fool, I’m disappointed.

What can I do, I’m disappointed.

You won’t listen to me, I’m disappointed.

I can’t make you change, I’m disappointed.

I did all I could, I’m disappointed.
I taught you and guided you, I’m disappointed.
You still ignore me, I’m disappointed.

You forgot what I said, I’m disappointed.

You never really cared, I’m disappointed.

But what can I do? I’m disappointed in you...


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