Thursday, December 31, 2009


Well, today's the last day of the year...
ok I'm not gonna make this post an emo one... =.=
2009 has been a great year, well at least nothing bad happened.
So what's next year's resolution???
Actually I don't really make resolutions and say I have to do this, this, this, and this... It's kinda like just doing what comes your way and as long as everything goes well at the moment, then I'm happy. Of course I want my studies to go well and gotta take care of my health... >_< very very important.
College will be starting next Monday...then its back to the books...haihzzz and the whole cycle starts again... I don't even know what to write anymore...
Why is GD shedding tears? ? ? ?

Big Bang's G-Dragon has sparked up curiosity among many because the leader shed tears during the performance of his hit single, Heartbreaker at the 2009 SBS Gayo Daejun for reasons still unknown.

Big Bang's agency, YG Entertainment, spoke up about the incident during a phone call with Me2day Star News today on December 30. The representative said,
"There is much speculation about this issue, but only G-Dragon knows what happened during the stage performance. Today, G-Dragon and the other Big Bang members left for Japan to receive a newcomer award. The only way we can find out about why he teared during his stage performance is to confirm with G-Dragon himself as soon as he comes back from Japan."

*Hope he feels better now ^^*
Anyway, Happy New Year 2010 & Adios 2009~
Happy New Year GD, XD

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I've always wondered about this book where you can see your past, present and future life -3 lives. It is suppose to tell you what were you and what have you done in your past life and how it affects your present self. It tells you your current life and what will happen to you in perhaps 10, 20 or 30 years down the road. Will you succeed in life? At what age will you marry, or maybe you might not marry at all~ etc. The book says it all. I'm not sure about how it will tell you your future life, because I believe what you do now in this life affects your next life, people call it Karma -The Law of Cause and Effect. So I don't know how it can really 'confirm' how your future life will turn out to be, but one thing's for sure, this book is pretty accurate.

According to my mom you can go to the temple and see it once you turn 21(chinese age), so I can actually see mine by the end of next year. =/
My mom definitely wants to go see it, lol but I'm not really sure about it. >_< What if it says that something bad might or worse...WILL happen to me in future? I don't wanna live my life for the next ten years or so knowing that this particular 'thing' will happen to me one day. What if it says I'll die at --- age? or What if it says I'll suffer from some really terrible sickness one day and just...~ CHOI, TOUCH WOOD! Of course, nobody wants all these things to happen, we're all just human and not exempted from life, death and sickness. I am afraid of all those...but what's the point knowing that all those things will happen to me one day? Can't I just live my life happily without knowing all those things? XD Let's just say that ignorance is bliss~

If the book says good things then of course it's alright, but what doesn't? What if it says that my future won't be like a bed of roses? I know life is definitely NOT a bed of roses and I know so far, throughout these 19yrs of my life, I've been living a perfectly happy's like the path has been planned and laid out perfectly for me. All I have to do is to just walk along the path. I am very very lucky indeed to have been blessed with such a good life and I am very grateful to my parents and family for all of it. I realised I have been very lucky compared to many of my friends. I have what I want (well not everything, but I'm satisfied with what I am and what I have now) and life definitely have ups and downs. Well, since I consider this as my 'up', then when is my 'down'? There has to be a time for it. >_<
Life can't be all smooth sailing. I know there will be a time for it when I've to learn to do things on my own and without the support of my parents. But am I ready for all of those? I really really doubt that. Sometimes I really do think I'm that vulnerable. Sighs... I know myself and I'm pretty sure there's gotta be something for me to endure in future. I'm not being a pessimist, but life can't be all perfect for me right?

Sunday, December 27, 2009



2009 is coming to an end, what have I been going through this whole year? Well there are ups and downs. Good months and bad months, happy moments and angry moments.

JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL, MAY- was all smooth sailing, had classes and breaks as usual...nothing big has happened. I can conclude that the first half of the year was good and nothing really gone wrong, though there were some occasional bad weathers.

JUNE- ACCA exams...stress level has reached its maximum for all of us.

JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER- Things happened here and there, but still it was all ok (I guess...) Loads of birthday celebrations around the corner, ie time to be broke, LOL. But still it was all fun and the year end is drawing closer...which means exams are much nearer and the term is gonna end soon, and you'll see people leaving once again =(

The month of OCTOBER- the month where there were so many things going on. First of all, its my yeah, I should be happy of course...and also its the month where my anger has peaked.
I'm also thankful to my friends for making my day a blast...I really appreciate all of that.
On the other hand, not so thankful to a certain someone, who practically RUINED my birthday! It's my birthday and you spoiled it all!!! I really really wanna not see you, but ended up I had to face you for the whole day (as if the daytime celebration wasn't enough =.=) temperature was seriously boiling like mad and I've been tolerating you for such a freaking long time. I had to suppress everything down and tell myself nevermind, nevermind, gonna reach home soon...gonna reach home soon...
I was so freaking mad will I had to wash my hands with Dettol the minute I reach home. It made no sense as it could not remove whatever that has happened but I still did it anyway. Who are you anyway? Who are YOU???? You're like my nobody ok, and you DO NOT question me as to why I'm back home late from my aunty's house. Hello! Let me repeat my question: WHO ARE YOU???!!!
Ok, you do not have the right to do that and that too, and you never ever will, got that?
I don't like show-offs who think that they're so super duper great and they can get what they want and will do whatever possible to get it. You think you're so good? Once again, I'm not some prize to be won, so stay out of my life!
But anyway I'm glad this nightmare is over...and you had no idea how immensely relieved and de-stressed I was at the end of the month. No more worrying that you're gonna disturb me while I was studying, cause I have to freaking hard control the urge to cancel your call or ignore it.
Ok, Ok calm....I'm sorry if I sounded insulting but that was just a tiny bit of how I felt about this matter, and now its all over...=) To the person whom I don't have any feelings for from the very beginning, please don't do this to me. Thank you very much. =.=
Anyway, all this is just another experience and lesson to be learned. As they say, before you can see the rainbow, you must first survive the storm.
And anyway October month is Halloween =) One of my favourite holidays as a kid, LOL. I love Halloween XD

 NOVEMBER- Em, yeah exams are this much closer and I'm definitely getting back to my normal me. LOL. Stressed up, day and night studying...trying very hard not to get sick during exams >_< Also this is when I got so crazy into Big Bang and G-DRAGON~ Started liking everything Korean...and I was really really really crazy. All my blog posts were on GD =.= Well, at least it's something to keep me entertained while I'm studying. Haha~ November should be GD Mania Month. XD You're ma heart, heart, heart, heart, heart~breaker...^_^

DECEMBER- Exam month once again. I'm always so jealous because school children are busy holiday-ing while we're busy fighting a war here. =.= But then again, we've all been through that stage, so...yeah. Many things have happened and as I've reached the end of yet another year, I realised that I've learned a lot of new things throughout these 12months. Hm I think I've definitely matured a little? LoL. I knew a lot of things now which I didn't realise back then. I'm glad these 12months turned out to be one hell of a great experience for me and I'm thankful to have been given the chance to live, in order to see all of this.

HAPPY 2010~ ~ ~!


Wow, I didn't know the holidays could be super duper depressing...
I'm practically rotting away at home with nothing to do, and nothing to think of.
Probably cause we've been studying so much before this and now when we're left with absolutely nothing to do, this is what becomes of me. =.=
I'm very extremely, super super super duper, BOREDDDD...
I know, this is so typical...
and I'm not the only one
I have like only one more week of holidays left, and so far, I've done nothing.
I really feel like this term break is going to waste...
True, I haven't been using my brain a lot lately lol, but having not to use my brain makes me feel as if everything is moving so slow around me...
Time passes so slow, cause I've nothing to I've actually been able to keep a detail track of time.
I was so bored till I've actually decided to dig out some of my old cross stitch stuff and start on one. =.=
But I stopped halfway cause the colour combination I used wasn't able to attract me to continue stitching...
And I actually have time to blog everyday...this shows how much free time I have. XD
I have all the episodes of  宮心計, but I'm just too lazy to start watching...haha~
Ridiculous right?
Gosh I need to get a life man...=.=||

Saturday, December 26, 2009

After 2yrs XD

Haha~ finally after nearly 2years, my mom allowed me to touch her car.
LoL went for laksa during lunch somewhere near Bougainvillea club and after that I was like 'Eh, let me drive la, let me drive la...'
Since that area hasn't got many cars, she allowed.
LOL the last time I was allowed to touch the car was the first time I drove it, and that was last January...on the day I earned my P licence. XD
I drove the car back home from college and my mom was like freaking out beside me all the way home, imagine that. I didn't know how to adjust the speed cause the car was so much heavier, break pun tak tau, didn't know how to estimate the distance, etc. From that day onwards, my parents forbid me to touch the car. +__+
Haih~ it was that terrible back
 Finally I managed to convince her to let me drive the car back home today, haha~
First and biggest mistake I made -forgot to release hand break.......
 When we got home, I asked 'Not as freaky as last time right?'
She was like 'Yeah...=.='
LOL this time it was way better I felt. Next time Imma get her to let me drive more, muahahaha~

Thursday, December 24, 2009

25th Dec


Glitter Words


I've just deleted my last post which I wrote last night xD
Now when I'm reading it back, I felt that it was super
And I don't think that way anymore, so I felt that the post wasn't relevant anymore, haha.
I realised I've been thinking so much since I've started reading MAFM, WAFV. Girls by nature think a lot, and they think and think and think. @_@ One thing leads to another and to another. So its like a never ending thread I would say? LoL. The more I read, the more I think and the thread begins. So I'm kinda in a well now, haha. It's neither one's fault, it's just natural. So I'm just expressing how I feel here, without the intention to blame anyone XD.
Ok, ignore me, I'm crapping =.=
Reading this book makes me think of stuff which I've never even bother to give it a thought before and I'm definitely learning a lot from it. It's been my companion for the past couple of days and keeps me occupied. Enjoyed reading it at the same time makes me realise stuff which I've been ignorant of before this.
I would really recommend it to everyone cause if every guy and girl in this world knows about all these things, there would be less one break-up/divorce happening. Arguments and misunderstandings are bound to happen -it's inevitable but with this book, it helps to reduce the possibility of arguing over differences between men and women.
Holidays are coming to an end soon >.<
And I felt as if I haven't been able to enjoy it fully. Yes I do hang out with my friends once in a while, but somehow something is lacking...need to experience something'chi gik' XD haha and when I mean 'chi gik' obviously not stuff like mountain climbing and bungee jumping =.=
I'm afraid of heights....

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Diary-ing about A Diary

Haha, I've gotta be out of my mind...
Here I am lying on my bed on a lazy Wednesday afternoon, reading some stuff I've just wrote way back last year. I end up giggling and laughing all to myself! LoL imagine that.
Those were stuff written at the beginning of the beginning and more than a year has gone now. After reading it back, I laughed at myself while reminiscing all those times.
Funny how amusing old diary entries can be when you read them back and I do enjoy going through them. I've realised that I do find pleasure in few but nice & sweet tiny, trivial matters. Small things do matter a lot- proven to be a true fact, by MAFM, WAFV and myself lol.
WoW, I've just read a super emo-ed entry, which I nearly did cry at that time...well you can say I was almost at the edge of tears while I wrote that. I admit I am a very emotional person TT__TT and when I really feel sad and down, I really gotta let it out somewhere either by telling it off to someone or writing it down. I can't just go on keeping everything bottled up and even if I do, my face will probably reveal it, Haha~

Well, hahahaha I'm reading yet another /zadou entry XD
Haha can't believing I'm laughing at myself right now. Felt kinda silly for writing all this, but yet it's really entertaining to be able to read back all these now. xD
I even Crtl+C, Ctrl+V-ed one of the quiz results I took...

[PERFECT -Trustworthy and loyal. -Very passionate and dangerous. -Wild at times. -Knows how to have fun. -Sexy and mysterious. -Everyone is drawn towards your inner and outer beauty and independent personality. -Playful, but secretive. -Very emotional and temperamental sometimes. -Meets new people easily and very social in a group. -Fearless and independent. -Can hold their own. -Stands out in a crowd. -Essentially very smart. -If you ever begin a relationship with someone from this month, hold on to them because their one of a kind.]

How many percent of this is true? Hm emotional and temperamental...really true...*nods head*
Fearless and independent? Haha don't think so...I am definitely NOT fearless...and NOT independent. How can I be fearless when I'm even afraid of a lizard? =.= -and I definitely haven't been able to fully overcome the fear of public speaking >_<
Independent? Don't think so too, cause I've been living with my parents for as long as I could remember, lol.

Haha anyway, back to reading after a long pause.
Omo omo omo omo...>.<
(Korean way of saying Omg?)
Yesterday was the Winter Solstice Festival and tomorrow's Christmas Eve...and here I am rotting at home =.=
But at least I have a chance to relax and not use my brain for 2 weeks! LOL

Monday, December 21, 2009

Men=Rubber Band?

I've just read another topic from the book and it talks about how men's behaviour are similar to a rubber band. I've learned that we cannot always expect a man to be compassionate and loving all the time. He needs time for himself. Once more it is thanks to this book that I've discovered something which I didn't know last time.

In the past, I always thought I was right and I was the one who was the 'victim' and he was to be blamed. That was because I didn't know all this. I didn't realise that men too, deserve a time-out once in a while. While reading through this topic, I felt super guilty for treating him like that last time. Honestly at that point of time, I did feel hurt when the rubber band thing happened and I started blaming him, not knowing that it was not his fault too. It was just part of the cycle and it has to be this way. I wouldn't have done all those things if I had read this book earlier. I just didn't understand this last time, so each time this happened I started thinking what could be the problem? Why is he doing this?

A man would start to pull away when his intimacy level has peaked, and this so happens to be the time when the woman is finally feeling comfortable and is ready to give more of herself. So when the man pulls away suddenly, he often leaves the woman wondering why, why and why? But after a while he comes back and acts as if nothing has happened. Now this is something which still amazes me until now. How can he be so thick-skinned? LoL. From a woman's point of view, its like leaving the kitchen in the middle of cooking and when you come back, you expect everything to be taken care of while you were gone. (I'm not sure if this is a good representation of the situation but its the best that I could come up with XD). The guys very often expects everything to stay the same/ be at the same level where he had left previously, but the girl cannot do this because she has somehow been hurt by him pulling away all of a sudden without any reason. So when the guy happily comes back, he'd be shut off and forced  to stay in the doghouse, LoL.

Haha it was funny reading through this book and I find myself constantly 'Wow-ing' and Omg-ing upon discovering things which I've experienced before in the past and how I was able to relate to it and hope to be able to handle/cope this sort of things in future.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


I've recently been reading this book, 'Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus'.
I was bored during the holidays, and thanks to Martian Ooi, I've found an interesting something to do these few days, LoL. I've really learned a lot from this book- things which I thought I knew before this, and things which I thought were problems weren't actually problems but are more of differences which arises due to the natural behaviour of both men and women. So thanks a lot for giving me this chance to better understand the opposite sex! xD -really appreciate it. This book tells us about what really goes on in relationships; differences that arises between the two sexes which often causes unnecessary misunderstanding and bickering between millions of couples in the world.

Why are couples always arguing? Why can't they get along well? Why do breakups happen due to the slightest misunderstandings? This is because most of us do not realise that men and women are actually from two totally different worlds. Things that are considered the norm in Mars aren't actually applicable in Venus. Infact almost everything works the other way round.

When men are facing problems, they tend to keep it to themselves and prefer to solve it by themselves. They want to be able to solve it by themselves if possible. That's why when they're in this kind of situation, they'd stay quiet for quite a while.

Women on the other hand likes to let everything out. They talk to other women about their problems and by doing so, it helps to make them feel better. For a women, it is only right that we listen and help our fellow Venusians solve whatever's bothering them. That is why a woman thinks its the right thing to do when their favourite Martian is facing a problem. But infact, it brings upon a counter-productive effect. The woman has the intention to help him (as it is a way of showing that she cares for him) but the man reads it like this 'You think I don't know how to handle this on my own. You think I'm incapable of solving even my own problems, then how are you going to trust me to handle even bigger matters in future?'

So, conclusion is that a man needs a woman's loving acceptance and not her advice or criticism. I've just realized this fact when I read this book and I believe that in the past, I've done similar mistakes too. I now know how it feels to a guy. In the past, I think it was last year, I made a big mistake by trying to offer advice and lending help to him, resulting in him turning away. I was sincerely trying to help out because that's what I'd do to other of my girlfriends and in return he backed out. Ended up, I got real mad for no reason and was disappointed in him. I thought he didn't care and I was not even worthy of giving advice. But now I know what's really been going on and I shouldn't have got mad last time and it was my mistake for not knowing this fact earlier. We mistakenly assume that if our partners love us, they will react and behave in certain ways we react and behave when we love someone.

The same thing goes when a women expresses what is bothering her to a man. He thinks she is expecting a solution from him, but most of the time, all she needs is for him to listen and pay attention to her. Remember, men wants to be trusted while women wants caring.

One more thing is that a man's deepest fear is that he is not good enough or incompetent. In a relationship, its all about give and take. He may give more in certain aspects and less in other aspects, while she may help complete what is lacking. One does not have to be good in everything to think that he can only then be ready or good enough for her. Don't go try changing yourselves, just be who you are cause that's the reason you two fell for each other in the first place. Why force a change in yourself till it affects other aspects in your life?
So girls out there, just to reassure him from time to time, keep supporting him by showing your loving acceptance, show that you trust him, and always show your appreciation. Most of the time, women don't think of giving appreciation because they assume a man knows how much she appreciates. Well, this is what's in the book- He Doesn't Know! LoL. So, this is where communication comes in! ~

Ps. More to come in my next post, when I've read the other chapters...XD

Friday, December 18, 2009

I Knew I Loved You

This is an old song...but still, its a lovely song.
Heard it on the radio a moment ago, and somehow I've decided to post it here.
Really nice song /=)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Exams are over already...
No more studying...
No more stress LoL
No more facing the book & grabbing a pen...
This has got to be the most relaxed feeling I've had since like I dunno when..
However, its always the usual 'omg-so-boring-cos-I-have-nothing-to-do-now' thing. It's so weird cause before this, it seems like you LIVE JUST FOR EXAMS. Now that its over, you're a floating soul with no purpose, LOL.
Anyway, I should congratulate myself for finally getting over with it at last, super relieved.
I don't even know what to write anymore...
Feel like changing my blog template again, but all my widget's gonna disappear! -unless I save them somewhere...
What to do now?

What to do now?

What to do now?

What to do now?

What to do now?

Moving on...~~~

Hm GD...haih sad case...although his concert was a big hit, but he's currently under investigation due to the whole underage/minor thing. Poor guy, huge success always comes with consequences...
Album was a huge success but then due some of the words he used in the songs, his album is now only available to those above the age of 19. =.=||
And now, with this concert issue topping it up, the government might totally ban the album from being sold anymore...!
He's definitely getting a lot of bad press lately...A WHOLE LOT.

*Ok, I"ve decided, I'm gonna change the*
Then, what else to do? Photoshop? =.=||
Read twilight? LoL I've just got the whole set from my cousin.
Ok, that can be the next best alternative...
Hm, I wanna make the best out of this 3 weeks...well 2.5 to be exact, lol.
I'm not just gonna sit at home and rot till 4th Jan!
I wanna do something!!!
Ok I don't know what to write anymore, so I shall put a fullstop here.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Today while I was studying, my dad came and told me that the reason why my dog was barking so loudly this morning was because there was another dog somewhere along the back lane, and it attacked one of the cats. -and the cat died.
*Why didn't she run into the drain or something?!*
He shouldn't have told me while I was studying >.<
I was kinda fond of the back lane cats, cause my mom feeds them everyday. Although we don't really keep them as pets but they grew up in the backlane and wondered the streets in our area. They'd come for food like 2-3 times a day, lol morning & evening and my mom would feed them. Sometimes when I grew tired of studying in the evenings, I would go to the back and look at them play & laze around. I would even play with them sometimes.
Cute cats~ XD
One of the cats were attacked/chased by a dog (I don't know if its a stray) and I think it got bitten to death >.< I can't imagine how it would look like. I used to call her Tiger cause of the colour on the body which resembled a tiger...and she's got this little black patch just below her mouth which makes it look like her mouth is always open from far, LoL.
She used to be scared of me last time until recently. Haih~
Was feeling kinda the other cat (the mother) will be alone. They weren't my pets but still...

This is one of the old pics taken some time ago while she was still a kitten =)

*Tomorrow's my last and final paper. GAMBATEH!!!!*

Friday, December 11, 2009


All of a sudden, I felt like I've just got brainwashed.
-I mean literally, brainwashed of everything...not studies, but rather my opinions, thoughts, things like that...
I think its the books that have finally gotten into me, till at one point, I actually asked myself this 'Why do I like GD so much??? Why do I like you so much???
LOL crazy right?
Its like I got BRAINWASHED totally.
At one point, I felt like nothing in this world mattered...
Its like, whatever lar~
Kinda like, my perceptions which I thought were true, suddenly changed.
I dunno how to explain but I just felt like I've got brainwashed.
Wow, its like deja-vu all reversed & upside down...
Sweat....I wanna have my old thoughts back...XD

Monday, December 7, 2009


Glitter Words

Glitter Words

Might be on hiatus for a week or so...due to the exams...
Good luck to all my ACCA/CAT coursemates who will be sitting for their papers this round.
A bit worried, at the same time wanting to end this nightmare quickly.
Super duper exhausting when all you do whole day is wake up, float, study, eat, online, study, float, sleep...zzz
Let's face this thing together and win this war~
Failure- is not an option.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

GD's 1st Solo Concert (5&6/12/09)


I am super freaking jealous of you people out there who are probably screaming and yelling your hearts out at the Seoul Olympic Stadium right now!!!!
Mark today's date; 5th December, and the time now is 6pm, which means its 7pm in South Korea!
G-Dragon's First Solo Concert is on RIGHT NOW!!!!
I can picture the stadium, filled with tons of screaming, wild fans waving huge banners and multicoloured neon lighted signs of G-Dragon. Crowds go wild as each second pass and right now, they're probably countdowning as its sharp 7pm now in Korea T__T
Or perhaps G-Dragon has already made his appearance and I swear there will be people going deaf in there.
How I wish I can be there....
Its his first ever solo concert....
My baby Jiyongie's first solo concert....
I feel so alienated here, in my house, not knowing what's going on in that stadium!
I am so so so jealous!
Greening in envy!!!!
Ok, G-Dragon's probably out right now...I'm sure he won't make his fans wait. OH I can imagine the long tailing line outside the stadium since this morning itself. I'll bet there are also people camping right outside since last night itself. I'll have no trouble believing that.
Man, this is seriously heartbreaking...I can't go to his concert....
I feel so restless!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Another GD Moment

Oh my gosh I'm just dying here, watching videos of G-Dragon!!!!
It's friggin killing me you know?!
The completely precious leader~
I've been watching videos of G-Dragon mainly since the past hour or two and I haven't been able to control myself since then...
I kept laughing and laughing and laughing so hard,
I kept smiling each time I see him smile,
each time he blushes & does the hand thing (ok, that was a little tiny weeny bit gay >.<)
Its like, 'OoooOoohh, hot hot hot...~'
Other than that hand-fanning thing, G-Dragon is nothing but perfection!
I literally melted while watching the video on this RadioBroadcast where G-Dragon called this girl who was suppose to be his girlfriend (she's not!) and OMFG the way he started the conversation, was like...gosh...if i were her, I would've just melted on the phone. His voice was so///em..'teh' in canto..LoL
And many other videos gosh, I don't wanna stop now, but I've gotta go study *sobs sobs*
Waaaa~ I don' t wanna study, I wanna be with my Jiyongie darling..wuuuu~~~
*slowly drags herself off the laptop*

Monday, November 30, 2009


My mind is kinda in a state of blurness...
too tired due to lots of studies going on...
too stressed up due to lots of thinking and the utilization of my brains...
too jammed up already...

My eyes are so tired...
so dry...
they felt like closing...
cause I wore contacts and spent the whole day in air-cond...

My mood is kinda sucky...
I think its the tiredness and stress...
It's definitely the exams...


this thing...
this thing.

I don't really think about it when I'm studying,
That's cause my brain's occupied with audit & performance management.
But when I have spare capacity,
the mind wonders off into the distance and down into my deepest thoughts.
This is when I start to think and wonder why?

OK, after my exams, I'm gonna get it over and done with.
For now, I have to work hard and try my best!
ACCA HERE I COME! *runs back and studies more*
omgomgomg...I hate it when people are trying to help me but without realizing its scaring me.



I just wanna enjoy tonight and not think about anything other than ways to relax...but then, the line is super friggin slow......=_=||
No matter, here's a pic of my dear Jiyongie~
Have a nice day~

Sunday, November 29, 2009


I don't believe that people just write up emo posts without a reason. Even if you put a so called disclaimer saying that 'This doesn't not bring any significant meaning cause I just picked it up from a random website or I've just read it up somewhere and I find it meaningful, bla bla bla.'
LoL, even I do this sometimes. You can give all the reasons and disclaimers you want, but somehow, deep down, you sort of meant it, right? -I know I do. If it didn't bring any significance, you wouldn't even pay attention to that topic first of all am I right?

Ok, its random...XD
How do you define love?I think love is all about forgiving & accepting each other's weaknesses. Learn to forgive, even if you cannot forget. Despite the negative outweighing the positive sides, one does not desert the other.
To me, love is indescribable.
To me, there is no exact reason as to why you love that person.
If you love him/her, its because you love him/her, because of who he/she is and accepting their strength & weaknesses. It is not because he is so good looking, or she's so beautiful...things like that are merely there to blind your sight.

I believe you have to go pursue your own happiness, because it won't just land right on your doorstep. If you want it, go for it. If you think the other person will be happier off if you stayed away, then you are wrong my friend. If you think that your bad points will deter you from giving the best things to the other, you are also wrong. It doesn't matter like I've said, its all about accepting each other for who they are; not being afraid that you cannot afford to provide happiness. Being with you brings happiness itself.

Sometimes, it is very hard to understand the human behaviour. One does this thing and the next, it seems like none of this matters anymore. So if you've any unsolved issues or unsettled problems, please get them settled because sometimes, people just cannot let go until they've found the answer to it.
No vague answers please, make it crystal clear, lol.

DIsclaimer: This has no particular meaning or whatsoever...just things that came popping into my mind. XD

Friday, November 27, 2009

Sweet Dream

Morning, morning, morning people!!! I've just woke up like 20mins ago, and I can't wait to blog on this..!!! Guess what guess what???
I've actually had a dream about GDragon last night! YEahhhH Baby~~~~
It's the first time I had a proper dream of someone I like and its the LONGEST, COMPLETE DREAM (sort of haha)

Here it goes,
I was in college...(the beginning was in college!)
and then its in the morning...and I knew Big Bang was coming to college somehow...a whole lot of people went to see them (haha not unusual), except for a few others, like me. I didn't know why myself either...I guess I wasn't a fan of Big Bang then. So I was wondering in areas of the college's 1st floor where the art & design student usually go, although I naturally don't belong there. Strangely he appeared in my dream too, but was sitting in a dark room complaining about something. The room was dark cause the slide screen & projector was up, not that it was some kinda mysterious, scary room. Btw, the he wasn't GD.

Then, somehow it all shifted, or rather I walked to the front part of the building, where the ACCA students belong, and the girls toilet is no more the girls toilet! The structure & the cubicles were still the same, but its not a toilet anymore...its more like some sort of practice area and the cubicles look more like individual, mini practice rooms (private). So I peeped into the mini 'cubicles' which have turned into practice rooms, and I saw a person lying down in the first room, sort of in a sleeping position. I somehow knew it was G-Dragon. He was alone in there. I didn't want to wake up him up. Oh, in case you were wondering, the Big Bang appearance is over by now.

So, somehow, I knew it was GD and then I think an announcement was made through the speaker system (although there was originally none in my college, LOL), asking certain people to go the admin office. GD & I were one of those people.

I've forgotten certain tiny parts!!!
I can't write out the details!
I can't remember if we did have a proper conversation before that >_<
Anyhow, we both heared to the office and everyone around us were acting so normal, despite it was the GD, and yet remained cool about it. We started talking and strangely I spoke in Cantonese. He replied! -in Canto! I was like 'Omg you can speak Cantonese???' and he was like 'Yeah, I can.' WOW, isn't that cool? We can actually communicate with each other, and all along I thought he speaks Korean only. I was so glad.
So we went to the office to sign something and then we talked some more. I can tell he was pleased to meet me and enjoyed talking to me. And so, we talked and talked some more, until we got kinda close (arrghh I can't remember the details! *sobs*) and if I've not mistaken, he even gave me his, err iPod (not sure if its iPod or some other player) and asked me to help him re-shuffle the songs inside? LoL Oh yea, I also got to meet his em, manager I think, I'm not sure if he's the manager but he's close to GD and kinda takes care of certain stuff for him, sort of like the things a manager would do.

*skip, skip, skip* ~cause I can't remember clearly what happened.
Then he sms-ed me and asked me if I wanted to go eat frog porridge =.=|| Actually there was no frog porridge available anywhere near my college, but there was in my dream. I remember I hung out quite a lot with him before that and I really do like him, and I'm also kinda flattered that a huge celebrity like himself, would spend time with me. Anyway, I went to the place where there was such porridge and met his so called manager (forgotten his name). GD didn't come somehow, and I talked to the manager and I found out a few interesting things about him but I've forgotten all of them by now. All I know was that I found out from the manager, that GD has a very very very tight schedule ahead of him, and he isn't suppose to be spending so much time here, ie in my college. At that time, I was kinda feeling guilty because he had so many things to do and yet he is somehow staying back to spend time with me.

Then, the scene changed to evening, where I was walking on a field near my college (supposedly there was one in my dream!) and there were many other people around there doing recreational activities as well. I saw GD sitting down on one of those picnic tables, together with all the other 4 Big Bang members, Seung Ri, TOP, Dae Sung & Tae Yang. The manager I met earlier was there too. GD waved at me and I went over to say hi to all of them. They were all very friendly and invited me to hang out with them! I was really very happy =)
I'm close to GD, and now I'm hanging out with Big Bang!

Once again, I've forgotten the parts that happened in between. All I remembered was that throughout the whole time, GD and I were getting closer and closer. It even came to the point where I actually thought he likes me too! *blushes* I recalled both of us walking along the field and just hanging out...bonding and getting to know each other...

Then the scene changed to the shoplots near my house =.=
It was nearly sunset at that time. The whole place was empty and only GD & I were there. He started singing to a song and he was holding a mic! LoL the song he sang wasn't some sort of rap like he used to. It was more of a ballad. It was nice =) It was like he's singing it for me only. The both of us walked down the shoplots (wished it could be at a better location though) At first he was kinda holding my hands slightly by holding on to the tip of my index and middle fingers, sort of leading me along with him as we walked. He sang 2 songs I think and by the time he got to the 2nd song, he sort of entwined his fingers with mine...

Wow, at that point, I realised that we both had it. He likes me afterall and it was really super duper sweet of him to do that. Omg...!
And on top of it all, ITS G-DRAGON! Words could not describe how happy I felt at that point of time; GD & I are actually together, holding hands!!! It's just all too good to be true!

Then there were some other things going on after that, and the next thing I know, I was on an elephant trying to get to GD's place which was flooded with water! =_=|||


Then, the dream ended and I woke up.
I've gotta say that was the most complete dream and one that made the most sense out of all the dreams of celebrities I had so far. The most absurd was Raymond Lam squatting down at a stone bridge, eating a cigar... =_=|| now you know what I mean. I mean, practically breaking the cigar into half and EATING it. LoL how absurd was that?!
I wished I'd gotten up earlier to blog about this so that I won't forget the details, but its too late and some of the parts have already faded away. *sobs*
But I'm still happy that it was all a happy ending ^^ though we didn't get to do anything more that that! Haha~

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

偏爱 2

Finally found 偏爱's piano version!!! ^^
Its super super nice~~~~
Thank you!
Listen here.
I guarantee you'll get addicted to this song soon! Haha


Does anybody know where I can get the piano version to this song???


I've been searching high and low for this piece in piano =(
Nothing in You Tube.
And I can't read Mandarin T_T
Its one of the themes to Chinese Paladin 3;
Pian Ai (Biased Love) by Zhang Yun Jing.
I would very much appreciate it if anyone can help me find!
I really really really love this song *sparkly eyes*

English Translation of the Lyrics
Invalidate yesterday
Now that you are in front of me
I want to love
Please give me a chance

If I'm wrong, I'll take the responsibility too
Insisting you are the answer
I'm not afraid of being laughed at for being extreme

Believing in my instinct
Stubborn person doesn't complaint tireness
In love with you, I'll not retreat

I did say
I'm not dodging
I insist on doing this
I don't listen and insist on love
Try my best to love
To make you understand

There is no other road to take
You decide whether you want to be with me
I don't listen, insist on love
Following my feeling with love
Waiting for you to depend on me

Love you especially
Pain is enjoyable too

Sunday, November 22, 2009

MAMA Part3 (Videos)


MAMA Part2

Here comes Part2 of what I wanna blah out on last night's wonderful event in Korea ^^
The camera man sure loved GD, and kept on shooting him & 2PM who was sitting down the stage whole night.

I was also hoping for him to get the best male artist, but T_T sadly he did not. I was scanning through from time to time in case they posted anything new- and they DID! I saw the whole bloody nominees' list & was kinda surprised that Big Bang was nominated for one category only which is best group. That explains why they did not show up and only GD did, together with 2NE1.

I watched until 10, until still not much of GD, just a whole bunch of girl groups winning awards.
I was like 'Where's my baby GD???' >.<
I didn't wanna wait whole night for nothing...
Then there was a commercial break and when they're back on air, the stage was filled with rows and rows of peoply in masks. WHITE MASKED PEOPLE~ and that's when I knew,
G-Dragon was hanging in mid-air and slowly descended to the platform, and BAM! He started performing his FANTABULOUS HEARTBREAKER.
Well, I guess he did not really get the time to practice, cause it was live singing and there were times when he was kinda out of breath due to all the quick movements & dance steps. But anyway it was still a marvelous performance.
Then, TaeYang came out to perform Where U At & Wedding Dress (one of my favourites at the moment!) He did mostly the dancing part and hardly sang throughout Wedding Dress. Hmm...
And while TaeYang was performing, GD went in to change (into this white prince-like outfit!!!~ sooo hot!!!) and appeared again to perform Korean Dream. That was super spectacular!
As quoted by Big Bang's powerhouse duo and best friends for life, G-Dragon and Taeyang, took the stage at MAMA to show everyone in the audience exactly what it means to live the Korean Dream.
A perfect concoction of an ostentatious rapper, a silky smooth singer and dancer!

His hair was like....FUH!~ TOP of the WORLD~ GD is fashion, man~

And finally, after waiting whole night, the moment of truth has come.
I wasn't really paying attention to the TV cause I was refreshing the page for an updated list of award winners...
My fingers quickly ran the mouse scroller down the page...and then...I saw...
those words....


I was practically jumping and squealing inside out! I saw this like, 3 seconds before they announced it on TV. And when the presenter (whoever that was, haha, I was too happy to notice) said 'G-Dragon', I was like WAHHHH~~~~!
Then I was all too happy to think of anything...I quickly grabbed my phone to video his acceptance speech (so I could see it every night before I sleep =)
Oh my gawd...(He's so hawt)
This is what is stated in :

G-Dragon won 'Album of the Year' with his 19+track Heartbreaker album, and stated: It is awkward that I am receiving this award alone, because I have always received it as a 5-member group. But I am very happy that I am receiving it with my YG family members, 2NE1. I think a lot of things happened in the music industry, for both me and others. I hope a lot of good things will happen next year."

As you can see, I do not understand the Korean language, so I had a hard time perceiving what they're saying. The only things I understood were when they counted '1,2,3' (learned that from Kang Hodong), 'namja' (means guy), and things like 'anhyeong', 'saranghaeyo', 'biyane', 'moruguessumnida', etc.

Anyway, no words can express how happy I was last night. ^^
I can't sleep, and I keep on thinking of GD. Gosh, I've never been so obsessed with someone this way before. Like I said, for the first time and out of all the celebrities I like before this, GD's the first person that I actually wish could be my boyfriend. Gosh!

MAMA Part1

Hey ya'll ^^
A very good morning to all & I'm back here to post on more of G-Dragon!
It's been drizzling non-stop since Friday night & the weather is perfect for sleeping beauties like me and you. But what did I do? I got up at 9.15am, thinking of whether to go college to revise or not.
Conclusion, I'm here lying here on my comfy bed, blogging! Haha~ and the weather is absolutely marvelous!

Ok, drumroll~~~~~
Presenting the MNet Asian Music Awards (MAMA) 21.Nov.09 (Saturday) brought to us live (delayed live, I think) by Channel [V] !!! Thank you so much for broadcasting this live!
I've only started going gaga over Big Bang (to be more precise, it was TOP first and then GD) since erm, the middle of October I guess. And this is my first time watching a Korean Music Award show and I have somebody to cheer for!!! ~and that person has actually gotten the BEST ALBUM OF THE YEAR!

They should've live telecasted the Red Carpet event too >.<
OK, like wtf..I've just written like a paragraph on GD & Gaho on the red carpet and its all GONE after I've decided to embed the video clip of them on the red carpet! Gahhh!!~
Anyway, what I said was, Gaho was surprisingly bigger (way bigger) than what I remembered. The last time I saw his actual size was on GDTV, that was when GD took Gaho for a walk on the day his Heartbreaker album was sent to his house. Now look at him! I was shocked to see him bringing Gaho to the red carpet. I love GD~ *faints*

GD's hair is back to black again =) Although I kinda gotted used to his white anime-like hair, lol. I thought he's go bald or something after all the bleaching & dying he did to his hair!
He dressed in a simple black suit and with a lovely corsage (although I'd love to know what flowers were those) and, and, and...oh I LOVE YOU GD!
GD's arrival time was 7:17PM KST, which was 6.17PM at Malaysia. What was I doing at that time? Haha~ I just finished bathing and was sitting down facing the balcony in my parent's room, staring right into space. I didn't know what to do, but to listen to this song 偏爱 and emo-ed for a while (at the same time hoping it wouldn't rain). I would be cursing my heart out if it did rain last night, and Astro would be unavailable T_T


OK, I'm gonna make this super super short (although I so really wanna give an elaborate blog post)
I have to go sleep soon and all I wanna say is:
CONGRATS GD@Jiyongie for winning Best Album of The Year in the MNet Asian Music Awards a few hours ago.
And the best part is, I watched it LIVE! LIVE!

It's your first solo album, and YOU'VE WON THE BEST ALBUM with it!!!
I'm so proud of you JIYONGIE OPPA ^^

Ps. I'll give a full elaboration on this ASAP, first thing when I get my hands on this laptop tomorrow!

Friday, November 20, 2009

This post belongs to him

Here I am, back again to Dolce Vita!
It has been a while since I've posted something here in my blog.
Right now, we (all ACCA students worldwide) are in an exam frenzy mode.

Of course, I do my revision & study, but now is the time of the day for me to relax as I've covered what I'm suppose to for today.
-and since I'm here, what do I blog about?
Kwon Leadah of course!
These 2 are my favourite mini banners I've found in the forum.
'Always a Hot Issue for the World' ~so true.
I like this : 'bangin' since 1988!' LOL

I don't know why I'm so particularly obsessed with GD since the past few weeks. I can't live through a day without going GD-photo-hunting and constantly loading new gifs & jpegs into my phone memory card! -and this obviously means changing my phone wallpaper and screensaver practically every 24hours.

This pic below is one of my recent findings and...haha it's super retard XD
TOP's the retard, lol and GD's like 'I dun wanna fren u >_<' Haha~~
This one below is from their recent commercial shoot, erm, some Hite Beer ad I think. It's suppose to be winter-themed, where they're all frozen up and GD's blonde hair definitely helped him pull off the icy look. Did I mention that he goes well in EVERYTHING he dons? He's like all super ice-man mode in striking blood-red suit saying 'Come on babeh~~~~'
How alluring....*devilish grin*
Can't wait to see the full advert!!!
Thank you for keeping me updated on GD & Big Bang!
This is another random pic which I like to share here in my blog. I just like the colourful heartbreaker watermark. It's brilliant. ^^ Sadly I can't get this into my phone. I don't think its compatible. T_T
You're my heart~ heart~ heart~ hear~ heart~breaker~
This is GDragon's latest genie inspired Vogue photoshoot.
Is this chic, 21st century genie concept working?
When I first saw the pics I was like, O.O yup that's right...all wide eyed. This is fantabulously crazy. It's like fashion+evil genie-gone wild. Haha GD's such a fashion icon, and I think he totally deserves the title Fashion Genie. He is Fashion after all, LOL.
I'll be keeping an eye out for the Dec edition of Vogue magazine! Haha~By the way, did I mention to you that my dear dear Jiyongie is having his own solo concert on 5th & 6th December? ? ? !!! -and FYI, its in SEOUL =_=|||
(so badly....) *sobs...*

Ps. ACCA exams officially begin on Dec 7th =)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Wedding Dress

This is Tae Yang's new release, called Wedding Dress. I like this song a lot as well as the MV and for some reason I've decided to post it here.

You and he would argue
Then sometime tears would drip.
As you’re struggling, I felt the rays of hope
My heart s-s-shattered in the silence
And I would calm down as I look at your smile
I conceal and hide my feelings away from you
Because if you find out, we may be no longer together.
I hold my breath
And bite my lips
Then I hope that she’s by my side, not his.

Baby, please don’t hold his hands
Cuz you should be my lady
I’ve been waiting forever, so please look at me.

Once the music starts
You’ll take the eternal pledge with him
I prayed and hoped
that this day would never come

The wedding dress you’re wearing (dress)
(Girl) The wedding dress you’re wearing
(but I’m not the one who’s by your side)
(Wedding dress, dress )
The wedding dress you’re wearing, oh no

I hated you
for not understanding how I felt.
So at one point, I even wished for your misery.
But my tears were already d-d-dried up.
Every night I felt anxious
and now if I think about it, I might have already foreseen this event.
I close my eyes,
And dream an endless dream.
Then I hope that she’s by my side, not his.

Baby, please don’t hold his hands
Cuz you should be my lady

Once the music starts
You’ll take the eternal pledge with him
I prayed and hoped
that this day would never come

The wedding dress you’re wearing (dress)
(Girl) The wedding dress you’re wearing
(but I’m not the one who’s by your side)
(Wedding dress, dress )
The wedding dress you’re wearing, oh no

Be happy with him
So I can move on
Please erase those pitiful memories of me
For a long time
It was hard on me, no oh
I spent too much time fantasizing
And had a lonely life like a fool
She’s still looks at me
and smiles brightly

The wedding dress you’re wearing (dress)
(Girl) The wedding dress you’re wearing
(but I’m not the one who’s by your side)
(Wedding dress, dress )
The wedding dress you’re wearing, oh no


I'm really into Kpop now. ~_~

Ps. Another song that I find quite nice is Time To Love (TTL) by T-ara ft. Supernova. Damn 'cun' lol

Sunday, November 15, 2009


These are the tiny notes I've been saving up in my phone from time to time:
  • I love[d] you more than you think you know me.
  • Even footsteps on the moon must be left behind one day when men finally learn to live on Mars.
  • For a moment you're like the worm in my body and the next thing I know, you're like the stranger whom I thought I've never met before...
  • I remember what you wore on our first date, you came into my life and I felt hey, you know this could be something...
  • Sands of time changes the passage of the human mind as well.
  • Nice to see, nice to touch. Once broken, consider yourself disposed off.
  • The first cut is the deepest..what about the 2nd, 3rd, and the ones after that? I think in this world, only a fool will allow the 2nd and 3rd to happen..and only I will allow it to continue coming.
  • Guess what? I'm super hurt..and I for one do not deserve such treatment.
[Why the F am I talking to you on MSN now???] Erghhhh....I regretted that action.
I haven't forgiven you...and I do not know the reasons behind your actions. Why are you only doing this to me? Me, Me and only Me?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Count Dracula vs, Timon?

Haha I know it's a little absurd to be posting everything there is about Big Bang here, especially on my Jiyongie dear and cool cool TOP ^0^
But I've gotta point this out...
Does Jiyong (G-Dragon) really look like Timon (yes, Timon the meerkat from Timon & Pumba =_=||) and does TOP look like Count Dracula???
By the way, TOP's the guy on top, and Jiyong is the one below.
Well, my friend actually told me this, and I was like...waddaheck?!
TOP does look a bit scary, but Jiyong=Timon??? You've gotta be kidding me...he's just like the cutest thing on earth !!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Layout

Haha~ Officially updated my blog today!
I've changed the name to Dolce Vita ^_^
I've completely changed the layout/template and you can never guess how long I took to choose this, cause I've been to several sites and it was so difficult to choose a nice one!
However, all my old Blogger Tools like the chat box and music player are gone =( I need to find them and put it back here.
Anyway, this post marks the start of a brand new blog & the beginning of much more wonderful stories from me! ^_^

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Right now, I don't really have any strength left to bother about you...
Even if I want to, I can't afford to.
Who are you to me right?
You're just my very very very normal friend; you should belong in the most basic category available.

Anyway, I'm literally drowning in the sea of G-Dragon >.<
I also just watched the Haru Haru MV. Well this is not the first time watching, but last time I didn't really pay attention to the MV cause I didn't know who was who back then! LoL But just now, I really like the MV a lot! GD's acting skills were pretty amazing. He's full of expression and life. He can be so serious, so sad, so angry and super happy.
OMFG, you should see him when he smiles sheepishly...he stole the crap outta my heart man~ I love his smiles...his grin...his laughter...especially the shy ones! Gawsh !!! haha~and
He's only 21! ~and I like guys with good leadership skills && heheh
Man, I seriously wish he's my boyfriend. But then again, I don't really know his real character and attitude in full. But then again...JIYONGIE~~~~ ^_^ I ROLF YUuuu~~~

Ok, right now I'm having my lunch at the same time blogging. I realised I haven't been posting a lot lately, due to the fact that exams are less then a month away! I wish I could have more time to blog on how I feel and express my views & opinions. Sometimes when I think of a random topic to write, I'll tend to forget about it if I don't blog on it soon. This is what you call forgetfulness. You know what, GD and I have a few similarities (back to the GD topic! ahaha). We're both very serious about our work and I tend to be a real perfectionist most of the time. I was a leader back in my high school days and I have very high expectations of my board. So I kinda understand Gd's feelings when it comes to leading the team. It's totally not easy, and most of the time its the human factor that's the main problem you've to deal with.

Anyway, I've to start studying soon >.< style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Dolce Vita~
What do you think? It means 'sweet life' in Italian.
Its also tatooed on GD's arm. ^_^

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Slowly but surely

Sometimes, you might be finding it hard to accept certain issues despite the fact that many people who are close to you have given tonnes of advice to you.
Yet, you still don't get it.
You find it is so hard to penetrate that thick, foggy and misty skull of yours.
It took you months and months and yet, no sign of improvement in the process of doing so.
Then one find day, one fella just came up to you and told you the same stuff you've been hearing from those close to you- and you seem to be able to accept it.
Isn't it strange? -that it takes an unrelated party who is totally unrelated to this issue to get this message through?
Sometimes, its like that...
So, I think I'm really in the process...
Let's hope this works.
Conclusion, a third party's view is always better cause when you step out from the situation and give it a good look, you'll realise that it's a lot easier to comprehend what's going on and in time to come, you'll learn to accept it...slowly, but surely =)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Let Me Hear Your Voice

Why don't both parties just talk and be frank to each other?
I sometimes feel that there's so much underlying details that we(or rather you) try to cover with pleasant smiles.
I don't know when are you speaking the truth and when are you putting on a show.
I used to think I know you, but lately I doubt that its true.
Sometimes I just wish we had that heart to heart talk and let out all our issues.
I wanna know why...
I've got so many questions starting with 'Why' left unanswered when you just walked away from countless situations.
You leave me hanging with a question mark.
Anyway, screw the emotional part.
All I want is a frank conversation with you and let's go over what's been bothering us, or rather me all this while. Maybe you're just too indifferent to even realise or bother there's an existing problem.
That's what I've been wondering all this while.
Maybe you didn't even realise there's been a problem at all!
All I want is to know what's going on in your brain and answer this question once and for ALL~!
I was told never to question the question mark, but now it seems that I cannot just leave it unanswered, considering my attitude for not willing to rest until I've got the answer.

Ok, why the heck am I even posting on this issue again. No point.
You're not worth it.
I've wasted enough time on you, shed unnecessary tears, killed millions of innocent nerve cells for stressing myself up because of you.
Yet you go on to disappoint me. Can't we just remain as friends happily? You have to go and make things so hard for me.
I told myself never to dwell on this issue anymore.
Just try to bury it and cover it up with whatever I can find.

To my dear bro, I just wanna let u know that if you feel like talking, your sis is always here for you.
Anyway, Happy Birthday in advance to you Bro! (5th November)
May you have the best year ahead and I hope our friendship lasts forever!

Ps. The title to this blog is from Big Bang's latest album! I wonder if they can speak fluent Japanese by now? GD & TOP <3>

1st Nov Post

Well, I haven't been posting anything here for quite some time and I think it's time to cook up something as a starting point for my November posts =)

I'm so into K-Pop right now that my everything is practically Korean-themed.
My phone's theme has gone from TOP to G-Dragon within a week =.=
My desktop wallpaper is G-Dragon aka Jiyongie darling *squeals!!!~*
My previous blog posts were on Big Bang~
I have more and more pictures of G-Dragon stored in my laptop~
I begin to photoshop on G-Dragon.
Even my blog banner is G-Dragon =_=||
*note how many times the name G-Dragon has appeared. LoL
I'm even listening to Big Bang's song as I'm typing this right now. It's called Forever With You, featuring Park Bom. I don't know why it's only GD and TOP throughout the MV. I don't seem to see the other Big Bang members! The song's not bad though.
Conclusion: I just love my Jiyongie now V(^_^)V

OK enough of the fun stuff...time to blog on some more serious issues.
Firstly, exams are like a month away and we're seriously in 24/7 study mode, some even since last month itself.
I'm really really nervous....I have to study and study and STUDY.
It's like having to eat, sleep and shit with your past year papers =.=
Actually I'm supposed to be reading up on the last 2 questions on the Dec 2002 F8 paper, but I'm too tired (and lazy) to catch up on it now, although I'm really suppose to if I don't wanna fall behind schedule.
I see others study, I feel motivated to study as well. At least it will make me think 'Oh, they're studying, so I must at least do something equally as beneficial'
On the other hand, its kinda boring and tiring. Honestly who likes studying? =_=||
But anyway, that's why I've been staying in college the whole day instead of at home. At least I've got my friends as entertainment. They're the laughter providers at times of stress, and I'm glad to have them around.

Today haven't really been productive =(
I tried to study, but it's like taking so long to get absorbed into my brain, plus the distraction from too many 'movements' around me. =.=
Well, at least I know I'm not the only one like this and I can't expect everyday to be all smooth-sailing. There tend to be ups and downs; rainy days and bright weathered days~ you get what I mean. =)
Tomorrow, promise I'm gonna try my best! Also bear in mind to take care of my health >.<

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Glitter Words

Yup, this is Big Bang's G-Dragon (real name: Kwon Ji Yong) and he's my latest obsession!

These 2 pics above are G-Dragon & his cute little dog 'shar pei' called Gaho XD~
I just love watching You Tube videos on these 2! Despite him being a super famous celebrity, he still takes care of him, like taking him for walks, feeds him, and cleans up his poop and urine! haha~ That was hilarious. G-TV nearly turns to Gaho-TV due the fact that Gaho appears on it more than G Dragon himself!

G-Dragon in formal wear! Not bad eh~~
Forget about him being only 170cm tall and he smokes (at least I think so), and he's accused of plagiarism. =.=||
Despite all those, I still like G Dragon!



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