Saturday, November 5, 2011

OMZG- Aigooo 말하지마!!! Before the whole lot knows...before HE knows. If he does, I'm doomed for the following few months =__= It'll be super awkward. I gotta control myself from talking too much about him. Damnnn. Good to see...good to feast on, but can't touch..can't eat. omg..just omg. 
Body, *check*
Face, *check*
Height, *check*
Outer personality, *check*
Inner self...dunno
Plus, he studies chinese, yet speaks good english cause he speaks english at home. I'm kinda into guys like that. Shit...I'm so dead.  I am not a good actress. 
Give up barh...그만 하자... 그 사람은 여자 친구 있어도. 내가 어떻게?
ok..gotta go

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

LWK? Hahaha *vulture mode*

Omg..I haven't been here in months!!!! I miss my bloggie. From finishing ACCA exams, to working with my Korean graduating from ACCA finally to landing myself in Deloitte KassimChan. Here I am...haha eyes tired, waiting for Ghostmaster walkthrough to load on You Tube because I can no longer play the real game. Yup, just got my first pay frm Deloitte. 
Lots to learn, lots to see. 
Hate YinFei so far.
Love to go out with Wan Koon~ Kyaaaa~~~ *vulture mode*
YeeLee``` I hope Wan Koon shields me frm the evil evil horrible monster... >__<
I hope I can learn a I can be of help to Wan Koon. 
He's seriously super super good looking. Body, looks, height...voice? hahaha not too sure about the inner self yet. But except for the smoking part, I'd give him a 9/10. XD For once, he's the one that's almost got a nearly complete package for the outer appearance. Except for the smoking part that is. 
Anyway...whatever it is, I still have to work. Gotta stand and cope with pressure. 
I got 3 cases waiting for me to be solved in a week's time. Next up is Kinta Press with WanKoon (yay~~~ ^^) but thumbs down for books in. =__=
Next, another 3 dormant cases for me in the following week and immediately after that, its Yee Lee again. I hope to just include Wan Koon, Sam, and I in the picture, but alas I had to include HER. =/
SHittt..I'm going to have to stick to them for the rest of my 3yrs in Deloitte. What will I do when Wan Koon & Vinita leaves? TT____TT

Sunday, July 17, 2011


오늘 너무 너무 너무 안 좋았는데! 싫어!!! 오, 너무 짜증나. @__@ 정말 미쳤어. 난 어쩌라고~ 오, 오~~
진정하세요...~잊지 말라요! 잊지마라요! 잊지마라요!
왜 오늘은 이렇게?
이거 완전...
매일매일 이렇게 처럼 있다면, 미친 것 같에.
나 도 몰라...

난 때 그사람을 보면, 모든 도 너무 아름 다음~
죽도록 사랑합니다 ♥
지금부터 한달 너의 생일 이에요.
당신은 하루하루 행복해 좋겠다.

진정하세요~ 화내지 마세요.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Hunting Horcruxes

Harry Potter and the thought of Hogwarts used to give me the warm, safe, friendly, and chivalrous feeling with a tinge of ancient and magic in it. But since Dumbledore died and Harry was left with the task of hunting and destroying all of the remaining Horcruxes, the story took a direct turn in the the dark and edgy side. It became so much darker and Hogwarts doesn't feel safe anymore, in fact. I just feel like gathering all the Horcruxes here, since I always have trouble naming all 7 of them lol. 

The cup of Helga Hufflepuff. Found in Bellatrix Lestrange's vault in Gringotts Bank. 

Rowena Ravenclaw's lost Diadem. Found in the Room of Requirements at Hogwarts. 

Tom Riddle's Diary, destroyed by Harry in his 2nd year using the Basilisk's venomous fang. Brilliant, JK Rowling is, by rearranging the words of 'Tom Marvolo Riddle' into 'I Am Lord Voldermort' 

Marvolo Gaunt's ring. Destroyed by Dumbledore in the summer of Harry's 5th year. 

Salazar Slytherin's Locket, destroyed by Ron in Book 7, using the Sword of Gryffindor. 

Nagini, a super large anaconda-sized serpent which never leaves Voldermort's side. Destroyed by Neville using the Sword of Gryffindor too.

Yes, last but not least, baby Harry Potter. He was the Horcrux created by accident on the night Voldermort tried to murder Harry's parents. Somehow, Voldermort sorta destroyed his own soul which was inside Harry without killing Harry. So yeah, he lives on and 19years later, his son by the name of Albus Severus Potter goes to Hogwarts for his 1st year of school! 
The end. 

Deathly Hallows 2


Went to watch Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 yesterday with Evaynne darling, Jiao, Vivian, Vemal and Adrian. 3D was so freaking expensive, but in the end it was worth it though! I don't mind spending cause its the FINAL HARRY POTTER MOVIE FOR GOD DAMN'S SAKE!!! 

I love most of the parts, it was so epic. I love the 3D effect they had on the Dementors and during duels -especially dementors. Because it was the 2nd part of the book, it was a lot of epic stuff going on. I'm glad I remembered bits and pieces of the book when I was watching the movie. I could at least guess what was gonna happen or happening. Ravenclaw's diadem! OMG. HAHA~
Loved the dragon scene in Gringotts! 
Loved the part where Harry & Ron rescued Malfoy in the Room of Requirements. 
Also the part where they tighten up defences at Hogwarts before the big battle and everyone was casting protective spells and enchantments to create a barrier around the whole castle. I loved the part where Prof. McGonngall casted the spell to bring the stone warriors (reminds me of Terracottas) to live and commanded them to defend Hogwarts.
Loved it when Harry was seeing all of Snape's memories through the pensieve - when he saw that Snape's patronus the same as Lily's and how he was heartbroken when he saw Lily's corpse in Gordric's Hollow. 
Then there was the scene where Neville pulled the sword of Gryffindor out from the Sorting Hat when all hope seems lost and Harry suddenly sprang back to life from Hagrid's arms. Everyone was like 'WHOA~~*starts fighting again!!!* 
The ending was of course epic! Hahaha darling and I couldn't stop laughing when all of them appeared 19 years later looking not so adult at all! LMAO! I of course, wouldn't name my son Albus Severus Potter?! Yeah, 2 of Hogwarts' greatest headmasters~

Evaynne and I were like commentators throughout the movie. We screamed, cheered, made excited noises during epic scenes and clapped at the ending! Whoots!!!
My favourite quote through the whole movie:

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

50 Ways To Cope With Stress

이거 어제 찾았다. 그게 재미있는 것 같아요. 난 이미 분홍색으로 강조 이들을 달성했습니다. 지금까지 난 아직도 다른도 얻을 수 없어.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


This is a tribute [not like he's dead or anything!] to  
김희철 @ 우주대스타!
I know the art's lame. HAHA, I haven't got the time to explore new stuff in photoshop, so yeah, that was a sudden splurge of creativity =__=
Here it is, my first art after ages. 
It was suppose to be a combination of many Kpop artistes but somehow I randomly ended up with Mr. Heedictator. 
Credit to many other people whose art I have stolen from in DA. LOL!

그냥 그래. 네, 그것 심훙색 꽃 너무 안예쁜 압니다.
괜찮아, 괜찮아...다음번에 좋은 만들 거예요.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Tammy's Kitchen & CS

Today's Eunice's 21st Bday celebration at Tammy's Kitchen. Wow~I've never had so much entertainment in such a long, did I not? Can't remember though. Well, anyway yeah! Today was really a lot of fun. There were so many people today and almost everyone's here. It's really been a long time since everyone got together like this. I really miss those times when gatherings were so often you know. Vemal, Jiao, Eunice, Adrian, Yin Yep, Yuk Ming, Clement, Wai Loon, Vivi, EVAYNNE~~ lol and a lot more others whom I'm not very close to. XD
That was a lot of fun.

Right after that, was the first time ever in my life, stepping into a cyber cafe to play Counter Strike with the guys. Oh wow, I'm glad I took the initiative and went along. That was super fun. Vemal and Jiao taught me how to start off. They were like, press b, then 3, then 4. Add ur ammo like b, then 8..then some other number @_@ Adrian's used the name 'carmenwongluvsgd' in the game and their server name was 'comekillcarmen' =___= They were off shooting and aiming like nobody's business. I on the other hand of course was killed off much more often than the times when I manage to shoot dead a terrorist! HAHAHAHA but it was all really fun though. I managed to kill using a ciplak pistol though =_=|| They were shouting from one corner to another like 'Eh, tunnel, tunnel! A lot of them there...#$%^, #$#$#!!!! Who's got the smokescreen thingy?? I need it. Eh who threw the grenade?? Arr die liao~ @#$#!!!!
Well, of course I didn't know which were the good and bad guns, so I just randomly pick anyone of them and run off shooting. Most of the time I just tried to keep myself from getting killed lol! Wow that was seriously fun lor, playing in a group. I don't when we can play another round like this before everyone goes off to work >__<
*Thanks to Vemal, Jiao, YinYep, Adrian, Yuk Ming* That really made my day, hahaha.

Today's one fun day =)
except for my bloaty stomach, the rest of it is pretty fine though.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011



Aigoo...I'm a sucker for this drama. I am seriously in love with this series and HIS MAJESTY~~
I'm a sucker for Bae Yong Joon in this drama. I reaalllyyyy like his character, appearance and all in this drama. Gosh! I don't wanna say it, BUT I saranghae you~~~!!! >_< -not the real life BYJ, but more of saranghae-ing his character. Hahaha, I'm really considering re-watching the whole series after I'm done with the drama. I can learn better also. I ❤ what I watched. Was all teary eyed just now when she requested to see him for the last time and she wore a hanbok for the first time. She was like hugging him from the back and all while helping him to wear his armour. He just stood there. Said some stuff. Damn touching moment I tell you. 

This picture really reminds me of Heechul when he had the beggar hairstyle. 

 또 다시 태어나는 그날에
하늘이 허락하길 바래요
우리의 이뤄질수 없었던 사랑을… 

하늘아 내 사랑을 가려줘 
바람아 내 아픔을 날려줘
그대가 내 눈물을 모르게 부탁해 …

The day we are born again
May the Heavens approve
Our love which could not be realized…

Dear Heaven, cover up my love
Dear wind, blow away my pain
Please don’t let my tears be known to her…

Hahaha, yes, at this point of time, I still need translations LOL

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

껓보다 남자, 김범

I've stumbled upon another superrrrrrrrrrrrr cute (and when I say cute, I realllyyyy mean SUPER CUTE and ADORABLE this time!) guy.
Guess what, I just took a quick quiz on this guy's fan page. And he's born in 1989. *gasp for air* He's so FREAKING KI-UTEEEE~
Ah..shit. I've officially drooled over 김범.
Danggg...I was searching for his correct name in Hanggul, and then, a whole page full of his photos just popped right in front of my eyes. I was like @___@ WOAH

I don't even have to select and pick pictures to put in here. EVERY picture of him is good. Oh man, I wish him and his character in Boys Over Flowers is real.
Ok, here are more...hahahaha
Oh wait, all of a sudden there's this rush of feeling whereby I'm not so excited on him anymore. =___= What is wrong with me???!!!
Maybe his good looks is just too overwhelming. Hm, he doesn't look nice if taken from a direct side angle though. GD looks like a vain statue when his pictures showing the side view of his face.
Kim Bum's got this super adorably cute dimple when he smiles. It just melts my heart away...ahh~so cheesy. He looks really good when he smiles. But when he puts on a serious face, all fades away. That charm is lost. Alas~
Adoi! Must I drool all over someone...then find out his weakness, comment about it, and then mention a little bit of GD along the way and end up not getting excited?
I am so lame.
I better just go to bed.

This Is A Bae Yong Joon Post

Whoah~ I've stumbled upon like, the greatest national gallery of Kim Hyun Joong's pics and info. After watching 태왕 사신기, I can't help but to seriously agree that Bae Yong Joon and Kim Hyun Joong have like 99% similarity in DNA, LOL~
They look so alike. 
Can't deny that. 

This, is Kim Hyun Joong~the super famous and super, super star adored by millions of girls. 꽃 보다 남자~ 지후 선배~~

This, is MEGASTAR Bae Yong Joon, adored by gazillions of people. 태자 담덕~
I really like his image in this drama. He looks exactly like 胡歌 from Chinese Paladin!
I mean, they give off the same aura and feel. 

I can't believe that one day, I will actually be watching a Bae Yong Joon drama. I swore never to actually watch one. Haha, not that serious...but I never thought any of his drama was that nice. Yeah, Winter Sonata was sad all, people cried, died, hearts break. Its just that his image didn't really appeal to me. 
So, thanks to David, here I am, actually blogging about BYJ. Omg...

태왕 사신기 참 좋아요!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

지 오빠

Was just watching GD and Myungsoo on Infinity Challenge. GD's suppose to create a song for their short collaboration on the show. Adoi...GD's like ahhh~shy...laughing...fiddling with his hat all the time. Then laugh shyly some more =__= Aigoo
Hahaha ~ It took me like half an hour to watch a 7 minute video cause I kept on replaying almost every part of it. Hm, he's way skinnier though. GD's like a super pro in making songs. That demo song was awesome~ ah man, I hope that song won't be used but instead kept to make it one of Big Bang's song. Hahaha

Why is GD so shy??? He's like all super fly, all high and mighty on stage and in front of the camera during photoshoots and stuff, but when he appears on variety shows, he's like omo..super shy and wants to hide behind his mom. Hahahaha that's over exaggerating. But you get what I mean. LOL

Sigh...GD's so adorable sometimes...Eh no, all the time. Hahaha!

I just adore him a lot, that's all...hahaha
Ah..I guess this post turns out to be one of my first GD post after such a longgg longgg time. Ahhh~ my Ji is SO TALENTED! 
I love a man with talents! 
Cute face
Biting-lip habit
Sharp fashion sense
Overflowing music talents
Undescribable sense of charm  
Witty group leader
Knows when to be serious and when to play

Ok, the list goes on and on and on....   

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Post-Exam Post

Exams are over. Finally. *pat on the back*
Sigh...I'm not gonna think of the results. I just wanna enjoy these few months like I never did before. First, I gotta come up with a list of things I should do, so that I don't waste my time floating pass everyday like a lost soul. =__=

1. Revise my old Korean notes. Come up with new stuff, learn more words...EXPLORE 한굴!
2. Learn one (or two if possible) Korean song! (plucking style)
3. Finish watching Legend of The 4 Gods. 
4. Continue reading my Darren Shan saga. 
5. Read HPOoTp, HP+HPB, HP+DH !

Hmm, these are all my short term goals. I know, pretty lame and less beneficial in terms of knowledge adding. But...
Phooiiishh~Found a great and easy tutorial of how to play The Scientist! Damn easy. Not really the song I had in mind, but at least it was one of my favourite songs before LOL. 
Ok, today one song. 
Tomorrow another...
I'm on my way to finding my song~hahaha

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

So Near, Yet So Far (or is it the other way round?)

0 comments's 1st of June already. And tomorrow's 2nd June. And I was wondering why Lee Joon was trending on twitter! Hahaha Lee(2) Joon(June) ~ XD Oh man, LeeJoon ssi lovely~LeeJoon ssi wonderfulll~~~ He's so amusing, strong, athletic, funny, everything except for brains. Hahahaha!

Oh gosh, my brain is in serious need of entertainment, fun, joy, and laughter =__=
One more week to go until D-day. And then, after enduring those painful 48 hours I'll be free~for a couple of months at least. 

My schedule got interupted today because my brain can't work OT anymore >__<
I really really wanted to go fast this week, and for 2 days I've been able to go at top speed. But it went wrong today and oh well, I had to stop for the day. If I don't it's gonna get nowhere. 

Ahhhhhh- I NEED LAUGHTER AND HUMOR! Kinda badly....  =(
JiYongie...I command you to appear in front of me right now, give me a kiss on the cheek (not the lips..haha shy >_<), a 5minute-long hug under the stars, and hold my hand while singing Butterfly~

Sunday, May 29, 2011


안녕~오랜만이에요. Aih~ still can't say what I wanted to say in Korean =__=
Today's the errr 29th of May. Means I still have approx. 10 more days or so. Until then, I've to just keep calm and go through everyday zealously. And I mean REALLY CALM~focus...This will be my last time struggling and STUDYING- so DO IT PROPERLY once and for ALL. After it all, I can give myself a pat on the back and say 수고하셨어요 *nods head* Sigh...for now, we all have to be patient. After this, everyday can be my rest day, so WORK HARD NOW. 
Ok, that's that. Enough about my ACCA log. @_@

Now, let's turn our heads over to K-POP sensation~BOO-YAH!~
Lately, FT Island has been returning to the K-POP scene with a blasting mini album and it was Boo-Yah-ly great! Love 3 of the songs! Love 홍기's voice~super lovely. ^__^
The songs were rock-themed. Plus, there's this song 고백합니다 which means I Confess. That's super lovely, I loved it on the first time hearing it. It's got a light melody and it kinda paints the picture of cycling through the countryside.
I absolutely adore the lead singer 홍기. He's got this scruffy-ish voice thingy when he sings his rock songs! And I love the way he says blablabla-해요. His 해요 sounds so sexy! Hahaha and he's funny. Ok, I shall add him to the list of idols on the sidebar! LOL

I also spend 3hours plus last night (well, middle of the night) watching Boys Over Flowers. Well, yes, I know it took me so long to watch it but I didn't find them nice last time. I thought it was so generic and typical. KBS just happens to play them again and yesterday was the repeat. Four episodes in a row @__@ 
And I fell in love with the whole series on the 2nd episode itself. I'm a sucker for cute/tall/handsome/dark horse/knight/-every other good thing a girl likes in a guy from a drama series. And yeah, the luxuriously unbelievable life these F4 guys live in the drama. It's just unbelievable and it makes you wish how nice if it's all possible in the real world. Also, I managed to get hold of another great song from the series! Ah, I better devote 90% of my time to Korean after my exams. FIGHTING!!!~

Oh man, I've just started a frantic search of Lee MinHo and Kim HyunJoong and I find myself loading several tons of tabs here...
Oh my god...*faints*

I wish it could be bigggerrrrr here in this blog TT___TT
Aww man, seeing him in BoF, kinda makes me think of him as how Bae Yong Joon was when he was young and was still acting in those Winter Sonata series...

Aigoo...lum sei ngor lor..... 

OK, enough enough for now. After exam baru buat intensive research..hahaha
GDnite~ ^_^
ps. Ji Yong, I still love you, lol

Saturday, May 21, 2011

21st MAY~supposedly Doom's Day

Aduh..I really don't feel like going to bed tonight. Cause when tomorrow comes, then I'll have to study again Zzzzz.. Today's my off-day. Tomorrow I gotta start those grueling 6 days all over again TT__TT
Well, it's already 21st May 2011. And according to some Mayan calendar (is it Mayan?) the world's suppose to end today. I'm still very much alive at 11.11pm. Well...I guess I should say that we're all lucky to have lived up till so far. Unlike those in Japan...or China...or Middle East...well, almost everywhere else in the world.
It's just a little more...3 more weeks and I'm off for about 2 months or so. I can do it! If my baby Ji can survive through 365 days of work non-stop, so can I!!! If HeeChul can make it through several terrible accidents and still live through it, then why can I live through some mere ACCA exams?? -OK fine, they are not mere =__=
Still...a little bit more~~~

Ahhh..this time, I've not only GD to lighten up my exam days, but also HeeChul oppa~hahaha. I've gotta watch your version of Shock everynight before I offline.
In the KKKKyuubeee! Oh LAA LAA LAA LAA LAA LAA~~~
Now instead of listening to local Mix Fm, Hitz Fm, etc, I'm tuning into Kim Heechul's Young Street every night~ Though I can't understand what they're saying most of the time, but I'm starting to understand bits and pieces here and there... I just can't put them together yet. Hmm..I'll try harder after my exams!

Ok, anyway...its late. Gotta go to bed. GDnite everybody~

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Get Well Soon, Ji

Ji hurt his leg?? >_<
Aww man this is the first time I've heard of such GD having an injury or something. So far all I've heard were the regular flu and fever but never this HUGE. Ok, its not that HUGE, but considering the fact that this happened during their Japanese tour, it IS HUGE. Poor GD, his leg was bandaged and braced. He has to wear CROCS! Omg. Poor Ji...

I really hope he's going to get well soon, but firstly he mustn't exert himself too much. Knowing GD, he will push himself to the maximum since its their concert tour. And then, he'll end up much worser. Omg, I really feel worried. Hope he's doing ok. Fans said that TaeYang even had to support him by the waist during Gara Gara Go. They said he was smiling throughout the concert, and no one knew he was in so much pain. Only later when fans saw him at the escalator, he had bandages and braces and crocs on. And he can barely walk.

Ji Yongggggg >_<
Please get well soon...VIPs all around the world are praying for you. I don't know what you're doing right now but I hope you're resting your leg and all other parts of your body. They must be worn out like hell.

Get well soon yeah, I wanna see you FLY on stage~ =)

Monday, May 9, 2011

What's the date today??

Well, looking at the rate I'm going I think this blog's gonna be outdated soon LOL!
So anyway, here I am taking an afternoon break from studies. Urgh how I wish I could go to the library to study. I'm kinda bored of the home environment already. Have been stuck at home for about 2 weeks or so. Starting to get sick of the daily home routine. So, I've been trying to improvise on a new different routine every time but I get bored of it fast. Hmm, studying routines have very short life cycles for me. The library's full of germs and bacteria with almost 2-3 out of 10 coughing, sneezing and having sorethroat. >__< I know my immune system wouldn't be able to last me until end of May if I go there everyday. Hahaha~plus considering the fact that I'm such a taufu, I'm forced to stay home =__=

Still living by my set of Korean songs and Android apps. Hurmm...I need some kick from GD. Haha! I need some ecstasy. I need something that will make me go WAAAAHHHHHHAAAA and squeal like a maniac fangirl. 어떻개? 지용이, 도와 주세요...너 내가 싶다고...XD

Sunday, May 1, 2011

내 머리가 나빠서

내 머리가 나빠서
꽃보다 남자 OST

내 머리는 너무나 나빠서
너 하나밖에 난 모르고
다른 사람을 보고있는 넌
이런 내 마음도 모르겠지
너의 하루에 나란 없겠지
또 추억조차 없겠지만
너만 바라만 보고있는 난
자꾸 눈물이 흐르고있어
너의 뒷 모습을
보는것도 난 행복이야
아직 나의 마음을 몰라도
끝내 스치듯이 가도
니가 너무 보고싶은 날엔
너무 견디기 힘든 날에는
너를 사랑한다 입가에 맴돌아
혼자 다시 또 crying for you
혼자 다시 또 missing for you
Baby I love you
I'm waiting for you

너의 하루에 난 없겠지
또 기억조차 없겠지만
너만 바라만 보고있는 나
혼자 추억을 만들고 있어
내겐 사랑이란 아름다운 상처같아
너의 예쁜 미소를 보아도
함께 난 웃지도 못해
니가 너무 생각나는 날엔
가슴 시리고 슬픈 날에는
니가 보고싶다 입가에 맴돌아
혼자 다시 또 crying for you
혼자 다시 또 missing for you
Baby I love you
I'm waiting for you

Bye bye never say good bye
이렇게 잡지 못하지만
I need you
아무 말도 못해 I want you
바래도 다시 바래도
니가 너무 보고싶은 날엔
너무 견디기 힘든 날에는
너를 사랑한다 입가에 맴돌아
혼자 다시 또 crying for you
니가 너무 생각나는 날엔
가슴 시리고 슬픈 날에는
니가 보고싶다 입가에 맴돌아
혼자 다시 또 crying for you
혼자 다시 또 missing for you
Baby I love you
I'm waiting for you

AH~~I absolutely love this song! And the best part is, I can follow the lyrics!!~~hahahaha
This song can join the other FT Island songs that I can follow too~ ^_^


Whoaaa~its been like weeks since I've blogged. I think there's like 1mm-thick-dust settling on the covers of my blog already. Imagine how much a phone can do these days compared to the few thousand dollars worth walkie-talkie phone a couple of decades ago. I hardly need my laptop when I have Wifi on my phone. ~
Finally settled with a Samsung Galaxy Ace...
No complaints so far~ its been superb!

Korean classes have been teacher kept on saying I've improved, but I still can't hold a proper and smooth conversation with her though I understand what she's trying to say. =/ Sucks, yeah I know...
Gotta brush up even MORE after my exams!!! 아자 아자 화이팅!!!

Yes, and I've finally finished my revision of the syllabus for P4 and P5. I was one day late though. After this I'm suppose to hit the revision kits. Hopefully I'll have a comfortable one month period to finish them. Plus one week of cushion for a quick run-through the syllabus before D-day. >_<

Guitar hasn't been meddled with lately. No time to look for new songs TT__TT
Though after the exams, I hope to be able to learn another song (plucking style) like The Myth, and hopefully it can be a K-pop song this time XD.

*ahhh its raining >_<*
It's starting to rain outside. And you know what, I'm a real softie...and I hate the fact that I'm so soft hearted. I've been contemplating on whether I should write it here or not. But oh well...There's this stray dog (just about 1yr old) wondering outside my street for days and it wouldn't leave. At first we thought it was 'dumb' and doesn't have the guts to wonder far. It even stood there in the rain just like that, without looking for shelter or something. And it breaks my heart seeing the dog like that. Later, my mom decided to feed the dog and it we fed it a couple of times and it was really really friendly. Wagging the tail and all...even wagging so much even when its eating, like its very happy and grateful for the food. Oh my god. I actually cried thinking about it. And seeing it like that. We definitely couldn't take it in cause Mickey 仔 and 하루 definitely wouldn't accept her. They just keep barking so furiously. =__=
Plus one house can only keep 2 dogs. Surrender it to ISPCA to be put up for adoption was the next best option, at least she'll get food and shelter. But we gotta pay Rm200 >_< We can't just let it wonder and bite people's stuff, sleep in front of their gates. People gonna complain sooner or later. But she's so pityful...and so playful...
I really tried not to get so attached to her or else... TT__TT
It makes me cry. I can't even concentrate while studying cause I kept thinking about what's gonna happen to her. Especially when it rains...she's got nowhere to go. Yesterday we let her in the house when it rained, but opened the gate after it stopped and she went out. So, every night she sleeps opposite our house cause it's unoccupied. And its raining now. I don't know what's gonna happen to her. Once you feed her, she won't leave cause there's food here.
What now???
Sigh...I don't wanna think of it. I prefer to be indifferent sometimes. Just don't care...but I can't >_<

Sunday, April 17, 2011

아자 아자 화이팅!

오래간 많이예요! 잘있었어요?
오늘은 제가 한국어 수업에 갔어요. 우리 배워 너무 많이해요. 하지만 우리 수업은 정말 재미 있어요. 저는 정말 한국어 빨리 말하고 싶어. 과연 제가 할수있을까? 난 확신 난 할수있을까~! 오랜 시간이 기다려 같아 할거야. (이렇게 맞아요?) ㅋㅋㅋ 몰라요...

*wipes sweat off my forehead*
Managed to regurgitate a short paragraph of this. Hopefully it's at least 80% correct in terms of grammar and all. Spent about an hour with the help of google translate and my Korean notes. >__<
Wanted to write a few more sentences in Korean but they were too long and complicated. Plus I'm not sure if the word in Google Translate is the right word to be used. 
My teacher kept on saying that I've improved a lot these few weeks. Haha, I can read faster now. I understand a couple of lines and words here and there in songs. I can roughly know what they're talking about on TV sometimes, cause one or two words are familiar. In class, I can also understand her conversations cause she uses simple words that we know. I try to reply in Korean too. LOL. Hopefully I can learn faster, but P4 and P5 is sucking up a lot of my time. I must pick up the pace after exams!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I Hate This Love Song~


I thought that Chris Medina video will be the last video I'd post here. But then I remembered that I haven't seen Big Bang's latest Love Song MV. And then, it was really nice. Ahaha, I'll say anything with GD in it is amazing~! But, this MV is really worth $200k. One whole scene throughout the entire MV plus GD in it. Even if it's black and white, I love it! GD's got really good pronunciation. Koreans usually say love as 'lop', 'lop', lop' cause they can't pronounce the '-ve' part. But GD's was as clear as a whistle~love. He's a rapper. He should have good pronunciation. Haha ok, I'm really a GD worshiper. I don't deny. 
Love Song is GREAT. 
DaeSung's Baby Don't Cry is REALLY GOOD!
Stupid Liar is EVEN BETTER!
Stupid liar liar liar la!~~~
All of Big Bang's song this time were written and produced/co-produced by Ji Yong himself. I'm so proud ^__^ 
And he still hasn't lost his touch. Ji still manage to produce really good and top quality songs! Keep working hard but at the same time take care of your health. I don't really like the way you look in sleeveless now. >__< You look awfully thin.
Anyway, yeah~VIPS all around the world will keep on cheering for ya'll~
빅뱅 화이팅!

What Are Words


I haven't been listening to much English songs lately. 90% of the songs in my phone are Korean songs. I tell you, once you're addicted to Korean music style and beats, no English song can compete. Wooish, the beats and rhythm are really 츼고! 
This song is really nice. Great piano and lyrics. Real meaningful. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


우와아아~~~안녕!!! Long time didn't post anything. I sort of forgotten about my blog's existence the past week or so. HAHAHA~
OK, just to recap, at this moment P5 classes have ended. P4 still have a couple more to go, and then its the EOM. =__= Everything is starting to move at super high speed now it seems. I've got like *counting fingers* 2 weeks until I've to open my exam kit and hentam questions. Library is getting merrier these days. =__=

Yesterday in my mind, I had loads to tweet. EH, tweet =__= I mean, blog. Now its empty. Hurmmm...I'm currently reading back Darren Shan's whole series. I'm at book 4 at the moment. Hope to read it every night as a past time thing. Study during the day, relax at night, yeah that's my policy now.

I want bedsheets like this. It'd be fun, waking up next to some random face. XD How creative of GD.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


*OK, confirm my brain's totally affected by it*
I just took the card reader and tried to plug the USB into the phone =___=

Cover up

Ok, just to avoid reality and from seeing that emo post each time I open my blog, I shall post another something to top that one. Let's put a huge smiley face of GD here.

Ok, let's just add another one more. effect. I guess even adding Heechul's picture here wouldn't be much of a big help either. 
Forget it...


I hate for this to be the first thing I post in April. Though I didn't want to admit, but I seriously do think I'm such a soft-hearted person. I can't stay angry at someone for long. I can swear and curse all I want at that person but after a while, everything tones down. I forget about it.

Have you ever thought about what if the person is not one of those on your list of 'people you want to see the most', is no more around one day? I know, you really don't like him but one day he's no more around. What to do?

After all these years, and now what if he's gone. What's even more painful is seeing the process of them fading away. It kinda pinches your heart a little to see them change from someone you find super annoying in the past, to someone whom you really pity and wish for him to be ok now. Well, they say normal people have this kind of bright aura surrounding them. But you don't see it in those who are, know, almost...yeah.

Hm, I don't know. I just don't want this to ruin my studying mood. I know it's pretty selfish of me to think of it like this. But I also don't want to see the people around me sad. I seriously don't know what can I contribute to this. Just sit back?

Sigh. Maybe I can say that this is karma, if I want to make myself feel better. But still, I don't like to see the current situation. Can't help but to feel a pinch in my heart each time I think about this.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Oh man, Advance Financial Management (is it the correct subject name for P4? o.O) is really driving me NUTSO! 미치겠다 *screamsssss into a pillow*
I thought it was handle-able when I decided to take up the subject, but it was hell of an easy thing in the end. =__=

OH well, how laa wanna pass P4 and P5 this time? I seriously, seriously, seriously have no confidence this time TT___TT Every part of the syllabus so far was like just -erm how to describe this...its like my head was just nice above the waters. It's surely damn tough. But with a little bit of effort and constant updating, I managed to catch up and keep my head just nice above the waters so far. Now, we've entered one the most difficult part of the syllabus (which I believe to be) -Risk which includes all the mother father of risks there is~~~ And the grandmaster of all killer topics is the ones revolving around Forex Risk. Hedging is like a nightmare to me. Forward and Money Market is not so bad. Futures is really a pain in the ass. @__@
I mean, like seriously a pain in the ass and the head as well.
Bank buy, bank sell, $/£, €/$, call, put, basis risk, 3months, 2months futures price, spot rate, when to divide, when to multiply the stupid currency quotation, take the left or right one, European or American quotation method. Kepala pusing @__@
We're all like ~~_~~_~~_~~ in class..... #__#
I seriously don't know if I could handle a full P4 paper. It's killing me. It's so hard to understand. I need to take like more than ten seconds to reason out something to myself, when people can just like *snap* oh, divide this rate, then multiply the other currency rate. @__@
What the heck??? Arrrghhhh~~
And we haven't even entered options, swaptions, derivatives, and whatever there is some more...
I'm done for.
I'm sure there is still time. I'll come through somehow or rather (바래)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Let Me Spazz over him for a few months more!!!

Omo~I'm falling in love with you all over again~
How many times can someone fall for this person? This is insane I tell ya- 
The person who owns him (now/future) is like seriously who I want to be right now. LOL.

I suddenly love his blonde image during the Heartbreaker days. Charismatic Leader! He's so 짱!!! Falling head over heels once more~
Heechul, you lost the battle....hahahaha XD

애교 리더~

This is supposedly some drink CF, but fans are not drooling over the drink. They're drooling all over Ji~~~
I'm going to bed with Ji all in my head...hahahha I've decided to call him Ji from now on LMAO!

Random Topics

LMAO! I just came across this icon which says
 HAHAHA Oh man. This is seriously so wrong~hahahaha **stop thinking**
Today's like my rest day. No P4. No P5. No ACCA.
Just me and my little world of K-pop, enjoying my idle hours. It's been a while since I read any fanfics~lol and I've read a very nice one today. ^_^

March is coming to an end. In the blink of an eye, April's here already. P5 will be ending in a couple of weeks. P4 hmm, I don't know. Haha~ I just hope I can make it through this time. I seriously, seriously don't want to repeat any papers >__<
ACCA 진짜 무서워요. 내 친구는 많이 실패. 하지만, 우리 결국에 합격. 제가 할게요! Haha, I don't even know whether what I write is correct or not. I gotta let my teacher check one day LOL! Google translate helps a bit with the words and all, but you can never trust it when it comes to sentences. =__=||
I've got nothing much to blog about I guess. It's just a rough doodle on some random thought. I'm currently listening to this cool Hawaiian song~ He Mele No Lilo. It's really Hawaiian-ish. Feel the wave, see Mt. Kilauea, do the hula dance~~Not creepy, but very folk-ish. 

Right now, Ayumi Hamasaki's Butterfly~~I'm your little butterfly, green black and blue, make the colours in the sky. This song reminds me of my once-close friend when I was in Form 1, Siranjit. Oh man, but our personalities were like North and South pole. Haha, and this song makes me think of Hiei each time. LOL I think because it talks about Butterflies and Samurais in Japan~ He was one of my favourite all time fighter! Yaaa! 대박! I love the fire element~

And then now, Inukami's Hikari~ oh man, my playlist is full of my previous anime songs~ which brings me back to my old anime days. >__<

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Little Experiment

I'm just a little bored and decided to try out a few blog apps. 
I've added some stuff to the sidebar for fun...and this one, was just an experiment. 
I just love his face. Hahaha a few angles of his face are pretty addictive.
Did I just sound weird? o.O
희철 희철 희철 희철~
I think these days, I typed 희철 more than 권지용. LOL~

Saturday, March 19, 2011

김치, 슈주, 포스토~

Let's see, all the money I spent today has gone to 대한민국 =__=
Friggin Rm53 for a poster...OK la, it's not paper material, it's made of cloth and hangable on the don't complain. And its expected to have a useful life of more than 5years LMAO! So, it should be worth it, and GD's face occupies quite a large portion of the yeah. Fine. All the other items are sooo expensive. 정말 비싼! >_<
If there's a wall clock for BigBang as well, my mom would've asked me to get that instead. And that costs a friggin RM114! @__@
You know what my mom said? 'RM53 also sakit hati, you call yourself a BB supporter?? How you wanna support people like this?'
Oh well, gotta start saving up again for another round at Kim's mart! Hahaha, kidding.

Just now, we had a super hilarious and enjoyable kimchi making class. Of course, we had to pay for the ingredients bought, divided by 5 of us, each RM20 /==
It was spicy, but yummy. ^_^
I prefer fresh kimchi cause it's not so sour...
Yeah, we had fun making gimchi!
I'm currently waiting for those picture from Kenny...argh I can't post it up here together.

And tonight was Super Junior's Super Show 3 in Malaysia!!! They were dancing Sorry Sorry, Bonamana and No Other in one of the stadiums while we were making Kimchi in Ipoh! Awww man...I really feel like seeing Heechul T__T
And then, my mom said, if you look at it from another perspective, these Kpop idols are merely being paid (by you) to entertain you, ie the boss. So, we are actually the 사장. Why do we have to take all the trouble to line up for hours, cram up in crowded stadiums and treat them like god? Without us, they'll be nothing! Without our support, they won't even have that much money to donate to the Japan disaster victims! =__=
What was my reply?
>It's similar to the supply and demand theory. Things will be in equilibrium when supply=demand. But now, there's obviously a demand>supply situation. Hence, prices go up and there're so so so many of us, but only 5 of them. Where got enough? LMAO~

Sigh~I've been involved in too much Korean stuff today. Didn't touch my books. And I won't tomorrow too. Well....
안녕히 주무새요! 내일봐~

Friday, March 18, 2011


It's just so awesome to drown yourself in a sea of sapphire blue blinkies. This sight at Super Junior's Super Show3 :Taiwan is just awesome man!
If I were a Suju member, I'd be so touched to see a whole stadium full of ELFs cheering you on. This is just so beautiful. It's like the sky's dotted with a gazillion stars...

And, tomorrow, they'll be having their Super Show here in Malaysia as well. It's part of their yearly Asian tour. Oh man~now I feel like going to the concert so freaking much!!! To see my Heechul!!! >__< 
I'm so last minute. It took me this long to discover Super Junior's pretty boy. 

Damn pretty right?
My mom said she didn't see anything special in him, and he's got a super weird character which means he's gonna be pretty hard to get along with -not that I'm going to meet him or anything, lol. 
Anyway, he tweeted during the day and said he's heading to Malaysia, which means right now he's sleeping in one of the hotels here in KL!!!! 
Can somebody bring me to that hotel now so I can bust into his room and see him half naked in bed??? 
HAHAHAHA what am I saying #__#
It means its time to go to bed I guess...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Not now, thank you very much, 감사합니다

Currently, I'm blogging this out while listening to this guy playing(plucking) Super Junior's No Other on the guitar. I love his version and I wish he'd make a tutorial cause I'll definitely learn it!!! It doesn't look as hard as The Myth. I can strum the song though, but I'd love to pluck it!!! Aaahhhh~~

Anyway, it's been a really long time since I really blog out my opinions. One reason is because I didn't really know what to say, but then something just struck my mind earlier on and I've decided to expand my thoughts here. Nowadays, I see many of my friends getting married at such a young age. People get married at 21, 22, 23...what the hell? Even at 25 I would say it's still definitely a little too early. Apa terjadi? Accident? That one, memang padan muka, dei sei mia....well, it's your fault in the first place.
Sigh...Otherwise I don't see the reason why you should tie down yourself to one person so early? I mean come on, you're gonna be stuck to him/her for the rest of your life. Aren't you sick of that fact? /==
And don't tell me love ever, ever after exists. =__=

Last time, I didn't know how it'll be like to have a girlfriend or boyfriend. Back when we were still in secondary, we weren't that exposed to the opposite gender so much, or rather I was just too much of nerd! Hahaha let's just say I was too busy to even bother about it. But now, seeing so many exemplary couples, I wouldn't be so keen on relationships. And I've been through hell of a time with these issues too. Even though I haven't had a boyfriend before, but for now, I'd rather stay single thank you very much. We're still young. There's plenty of time. I'm not ready for it either. And I still want to spend all my money on myself. One has taught me the world there is to know about it all, two together has made me realise that things are not what it always seems, three people all together is already scaring me half to death. Let's not move on further. At this point in time, I've nearly lost nearly all confidence of the existence of a perfect relationship. It's all fairytale rubbish.

Well let's not make it sound so pathetic, but right now I don't see any benefit of it at all. Let's just say I've learned a few valuable lessons-although I really didn't deserve them- and right now I have absolutely no intention of wanting to celebrate Valentines Day in the near future, unless it involves the possibility of me and Kwon Ji Yong having a romantic drive-date by the Han River in his Bentley! LMAO! Having a boyfriend could be take you to cloud 9 and it could also be a pain in the ass. I'm not saying all guys are bad out there. I can't conclude a sample by judging it based on a few rotten apples. I really do hope one day, there would eventually be someone out there for me. Somewhere, out there...Anyonghasaeyo?? LOL

Oh geez, this post didn't turn out the way I wanted it too. Felt like deleting this whole thing, but I didn't wanna waste my time typing it out, so I decided to let it up here anyway.
Let's just go put in those songs into my phone and go to bed.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Another Kpop post~

For no particular reason, I just felt like putting up this picture of a mafia-ish GD and TOP. 

*A stupid car just sped past my house with the stupid noisy exhaust pipe, thinking that he's driving some cool Lamborghini.* I hate these type of people, modifying and accessorizing their car with all the useless blinkies and things which don't even look nice. I'd suggest you save up all those cash and get a better car instead of wasting it all on those ugly/noisy parts.

Anyway, as I was saying...GD and TOP. 
Sigh, I gotta really revise on my 한글. I need some progress. Or else, it'll be pointless. 
These days, I'm starting to look for guitar chords for a couple of my favourite KPop songs. Firstly, I enjoyed strumming 너 같은사람 또 없어 by 슈퍼주니어 (*희철 오빠~~~*) 와 2AM 전화 받지 않는 너에게. 정말 재미! 
I really like No Other...damn addicted till I gotta listen to it once a day! Strumming to it is so cool! Although I can't sing to it properly cause one, I don't memorize the lyrics and second, even if I wanted to read along while I strum, its too hard cause the song's kinda fast. I tak sempat baca >_<
Well, as I say I gotta improve my Korean~~~

I wanna learn how to play more Kpop songs! That should be damn fun! I wish I'm like Jung Sungha. He's so awesome. 
Lately, I've been kinda interested in Super Junior! Hahahahahaha...during BigBang's comeback! Pengkhianat antarabangsa! =__= All thanks to 저것 남자 김 희철 씨. 하지만, 제가 빅뱅의 팬 있을거야! 빅뱅 화이팅!!!
안녕 지디, 희철, 산더, 이퉄, 은혁, 홍기, 쌈디, 니쿤, 지원, 승기, 리키김...와 태민...
Hm, I think I didn't miss out anyone. That should be it. LOL~

여러가지 뉴스

Haven't been posting in such a long time. Everyday's been so normal, nothing new. So eventually, there hasn't been much to blog about.

The weather's a bit crazy lately as usual. Japan's been hit by a terrible earthquake/tsunami during the day. Stock markets there crashed like all the houses and buildings there. Yen value drops. Oil prices keep on sky rocketing as long as the Middle East crisis continues. Inflation in China is getting worse- people there worked their whole life and couldn't even afford to own an apartment. European debt crisis still hasn't come to an end. The world's going nuts. Every continent has its own troubles and crises. Ah yes, Australia, one of the most peaceful nation has now been visited by almost every single natural disaster in the past few months. Unemployment rates in the US is still high. And for once, it feels really lucky to have been born in Malaysia- safe from tsunami (I hope), safe from war (I hope so too), safe from earthquake, safe from severe economic crisis. Perfect rain and shine throughout the year.

Let us hope the world won't come to end before I die. LOL. 

So that's that. Now, P4 and P5...화이팅!!! No matter what, I gotta clear everything off by this June. I know I can do it! >_<



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