Friday, December 31, 2010

안녕 가세요 2010 년!

Today's the last day of 2010, and I bet millions and millions of other people around the world will be blogging about it today. There's really nothing much going on for me today. Half the people are still working today, despite the holiday declared by our PM. LoL. Half the world will be out partaying till the wee hours later on. I'll be chilling at home, tuning in to Seoul Fm I guess, while finishing up Stargazer and somewhere in Seoul, MBC's Gayo Daejun goes on. Of all the 3 year end specials they had, namely SBS, KBS, and MBC, I only get to see KBS's Gayo Daejun...and THAT'S THE ONLY ONE GD DOESN'T APPEAR ON. 
Instead, they went to Japan for another award ceremony.
I've just completed Paulo Coelho's book a moment ago. I liked a few stories in it...somehow it was a good read, though I don't usually pick up inspirational books =)
I've just found out about Seoul Fm. which is this Korean radio station, and its playing like a marathon of Kpop songs throughout the day. This is BigBang's hour, and its filled with tons of their old songs. Oh man~ Thank You iBigBang for tweeting this out. XD 
There's gonna be SS501, BEAST, U-KISS, SUPER JUNIOR...etc. And also yeah, all the other groups. They get one hour each. I'm gonna have to find out what time is the BEAST & UKISS marathon on for my mom! LOL.

OK, after another long pause...I'm back here. ^_^
Since today's the last day, its time to reflect back on what has happened during the year. Hm, a lot has happened definitely...A WHOLE DAMN LOT. Completing my F level in the first half, enduring the super tough P123 in the second half, new meetings and a few farewells, added some new faces to my circle of friends, dropped out one or two along the way, banged one or two walls and stood back up, made further new discoveries about the things and people around me and also within myself. I definitely wasn't the same person now, compared to the I on 31 Dec 2009 -nobody will be. 

Hm, ok...2010's gone now, and there's nothing much we can do about it. When we look at it, 31.12.2010 is just a number and life still goes on, no matter whether its 31st Dec or 1st Jan. Most importantly is that we realized what we've been through in the year, and keep on striving for the future. But just because we keep on working for the betterment of our future, doesn't mean we can forget to live in the present too. I should also learn to live in the present, take time to appreciate the things around me.

I always tend to write Happy 2010... I paused after 'Happy' to think of the year. =__=
OK, so it's HAPPY 2011.
If things go well, I may see myself working by the end of 2011 (hopefully /==).
I've been through ENOUGH emotional stress this year, so I hope next year's portion will be greatly reduced. Please and Thank You. =)

*U-Kiss and B2ST marathon on Seoul FM. now!*
Wow, at the end of 2010, I've added another person to my list of Korean dahlings~

Alexander Lee Eusebio from U-Kiss!
My mom said this pic was from 2yrs ago. So, he looks a bit older now =__=
But who cares, hahaha~ he's still cute and adorable and super farney~ and mischievous.
I wanna see how big this craziness gets. 
Will he overthrow Kwon Ji Yong from his throne? Hahaha, I doubt. Xander's gotta have to work a little more harder to steal Kwon Leader's No. 1 spot which has remained unchanged for more than a year now. 
I'm afraid I'd have to eat my own words one day, cause the more I say it, the more it won't happen. 
Hm, anyway...time to move on to another new year. 
Anyeong-gasseyo 2010~
Anyeong-hassaeyo 2011~

*After another LOONNGGG pause*
Stumbling upon another website/blog specially dedicated to GD is like a New Year gift to me LOL!
It's got tons of HQ pics....

Say High High High High HIGH~~~
Say La La La La LA~~~
Say HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 !!!!

Wow, I started this post at 2 or 3++pm, and now its like 5.30pm. HAHAHA~orang pun sudah lepas kerja!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Eve of New Yr's Eve

You know, I'm really beginning to fall for the names of Lucas & Alexander. Well, more on Lucas. Hahaha, I know, this is nuts. I can't believe I'm falling for people's names instead =_=
Haha, I know a friend who fell for the names Ryan and Bryan. LMAO!
How cliche it is, to buy a love story between a vampire and human, knowing that they can't be together unless the other one turns into a vampire too. Reading the second novel in the series without reading the first one, kinda makes me want to go back to MPH and grab that one and only one book left on the shelf! I wonder if its still there by now. I know I'll love the first one even more~
Right now, I'm loving my two books and I'm taking them wherever I go. XD

The weather today's so so cold, just like a moderate winter kinda feeling. It feels as though we are beginning to experience the 4 seasons as well, lol. And I know its snowing like mad in Seoul right now. GDTOP's performance during last night's SBS Gayo Daejun was of course flawless~
Alexander just tweeted, he said he's down with a headache and couldn't even smile. And they've got the KBS special stage to attend tonight. Still gotta practice. Poor Xander T__T

For a moment there, I just felt like this post is crap and sounded so immature =__=
Maybe I'm just trying to dig something up to post before the year end. LoL.
Anyway, yeah, I'm still a G-Dragon fan~ and will still be...until god knows when...maybe until some KPOP dude with the name of Lucas springs up. 
Ok, lame....
I should be reading my book now.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Time Flies

Today's the 29th of December. Loads of stuff coming along the way...just waiting to be done. Also, sem starts next week, which means no more waking up at 10+++ lazing around, onlining whenever I want, reading as I please for hours, no more mindless strolls, playing the guitar for hours, just sitting here doing nothing and not having to worry about studies. =D
This is the best time anyone could've hoped for. Of course this time, I won't say I'm bored because if I don't make the best out of the holidays, I know I'd regret it later when I start working. No more 2 week breaks. I might even have to work my ass off on public holidays =__=
What a lifeless job.
Oh well....

But anyway, I think this time, I didn't regret how I spent the holidays. Although I wasn't traveling, but I did quite a lot at home considering its just 2 weeks of break.
In the first week, I started learning one song, and it took me one whole week to learn it fully. Although it wasn't what I intended to learn at the beginning, but that will do, cause its also one of my favourite songs. I still need lots of practice though.
Also started a bit on my OBU. Was trying to look for suitable companies so that once the topic was agreed on, I could start working on it. So far, the Word document has been left untouched since last week, so I gotta continue later....
Started attending Korean classes which I certainly did not regret! Again, more practice is needed so that I can read faster instead of figuring the first word, and then pause a few seconds to piece up the second character. I hope I'll still have the interest once sem begins and revision and OBU starts coming in. But no matter, I WANT TO SPEAK KOREAN!!! 화이팅!!!
Learned how to cook Kurma chicken ^_^ Was suppose to learn rendang this week...but hmmm tak jadi LOL.
Then, I also had the time to discover not only there's G-Dragon, G-Dragon, and G-Dragon...and only G-DRAGON in Korea, but there's also other cute people like Xander, and uhm...yeah, pretty much Xander. Haha, there're others too like Taemin and all, but I like Xander more out of the bunch of new guys I've discovered. Hahahaha~ He SPEAKS 7 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES!!! -AND, HE'S CUTE! LOL

Then, besides onlining, helping around, and doing all those things above, I also bought 2 books during the weekend. Actually, my main goal going to MPH was to get myself a Korean dictionary, but I ditched the dictionary for Paulo Coelho's 'Like The Flowing River', thanks to Nickhun! Just as I was about to pay, something pulled me over to the section filled with vampire fiction books. Then, my eyes caught the word 'Stargazer', I picked up the book and read the back cover. I had hard time choosing between the vampire version of Romeo and Juliet story, or the Stargazer book which also talks about vampire, but its about romance between a vampire and a guy who belongs to a group of vampire hunters. Haha, how typical. In the end, I got Paulo's book and the Stargazer.
So, my next few days were given away to the books. Less onlining, less guitar, less OBU. Hahahaha~I'm still halfway through each book. Now I know why Nickhun chose that book. Cause its made up of many many many short stories, each ranging from 1-3 pages only. Since he's like so freaking busy, he can just pick it up anytime and read up a page or two. =)
Also, the fact that I love reading so much, and I haven't really got the time to read much lately, I don't mind spending the remaining holidays, just sitting on the bench reading. Besides, its kinda windy today and the weather's pretty good lately. As I'm blogging now, I don't even have to switch on the fan.

 I didn't know Stargazer is the 2nd book in the series. Now I feel like buying Evernight, the first book cause while reading Stargazer, I realise that I'm gonna enjoy the plot in Evernight better. Somehow, the name Lucas really gives me the impression of a bad boy. Real badass guy, damn cool, but has a good inside(???). Haha, I'm beginning to really like the name Lucas.

Yes, this book talks a lot about how humans live and how they think life is all about, but did not realise there's so much more to it than just living through everyday, waking up the next day working, earning a salary, retire, and start to feel useless and not contributive, not wanted anymore when they're old. Hm, all of the stories are experienced by the writer himself, some which I find true while some, not really applicable to me, LOL. Two stories which I find very interesting were The Story of A Pencil and Genghis Khan and His Falcon. Stories here take place in many countries, hence there's also lots of things I can learn. Although I don't really read these kind of books, but this book is not bad. It's a good read =)

Well, so much for my holidays. It's ending in about 5 more days. A new year is coming right ahead. Once again, its time to let go of 2010 and look forward to another new three hundred and sixty five days. Time really flies.

Saturday, December 25, 2010




But anyways, its all just I won't actually go and click on 'Purchase'.
Haha, but still, its 25 December 2010. 
Iicheongu is coming to an end in another 6 more days. Another fresh year ahead.
Merry XMAS and Happy New Year!!!



Haha, I was just experimenting with the sun rays coming in between the tree leaves. Hm, apparently it didn't turn out the way I wanted it too. LOL nvm...

My cousins just got a super duper out of this world, super cute terrier named Koro. And I've been dying to go meet him. Can't really get a good pic of him on the ground cause he's frantically moving around, up and down. Every picture I took turn out blurry.
So, I had to grab hold of him. XD
But he's waaaaayyyyyy cuteeee!
Freaking cute~~~~


Thursday, December 23, 2010


What I did today? 
I learned to cook a new thing ~ Kurma Chicken ^_^ 
The idea just popped up last night and I asked my mom to make it today, she was like 'Ok, you can make it...'
Haha, so yeah, she got the ingredients and I prepared everything. 
YumYum~~ ^_^

The paste looks like shit (seriously) 
The ingredients were pretty simple actually.

DunG~~~~~ XD

Aiks, forgot to rotate the pic. LOL There's the ginger, onion, garlic...
Before this, I didn't realise I was eating all those in the kurma chicken dish, now I know. 

Half an hour later, in goes the pile of dung XDDD

Then you add in the chicken, add water, add chili, potato, the green vege thing, potato, and santan, and all that salt, seasoning and stuff...let it cook and presto! Kurma chicken ^_^

So yeah, I went on to view the 3rd tutorial of The Myth and its super duper 'easy' ^_^
-Not. =__=
Hm, I guess all I need is more practice. What I thought I couldn't do before this, I'm able to do now, thanks to lots of repeats and practice. So, yeah, I CAN DO THIS BEFORE SEM STARTS!

GD and TOP's album will be released tomorrow!!! So excited to get my hands on the download link! Hahahaha~

Xander♥ I'm liking this name so much that I'm making it the title XD

GD and TOP had better release their duo unit album ASAP, cause these guys are taking over my brain super duper quickly!~ Hahahaha!
Hmmm not for long I guess, cause its coming out on Xmas eve.
But anyway, I'm leaving a mark on this blog by putting up their pics lol.

 Lee TaeMin (ShiNee) Hm no doubt he's got a pretty boy slash girly face, but he's pretty damn cute on TV. Hahahaha~~~ Taemin ahhh~~
...and he's only a freaking 17 year old. T__T
He really doesn't look 17 at all...gosh-

Hahaha, I can proudly put Korean words in my blog cause I can read his name now!
Xander, Xander Xander from U-Kiss 
OMG, without my mom, I wouldn't even get to know this guy LOL. My mom weh, can you imagine? 
Alexander's preeeety super darn cute if you ask me. His tweets are so hyped up! He's super cute, athletic, dances, sings, AND he SPEAKS 7 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin & Cantonese), Korean and English. HOW CAN U NOT ADMIRE THIS GUY???

Lee Joon definitely is MUCH BETTER LOOKING then Rain. Pffft!
He's like the Edward Cullen of MBLAQ. ♥♥♥
 He's not exactly taking over my brain, but since I'm mentioning all the cute guys, I thought of including him here too XD

LOL anyway, its getting late now and I gtg meet Xander in his Xanderland...hahahaha! Tommorow, er I mean later today, I gotta go visit my sifu in YouTube to continue the 3rd part of his tutorial and go look up for potential companies on which I can base my thesis. Seriously its damn hard to decide on a topic. I'm considering doing the working capital or M&A. Its really hard searching for a company who've just acquired or merged with another. The one with the working capital is quite challenging too...
Hmmmmmmm....I'm in no hurry I guess, so I'll just do some research by myself and consult David when sem starts. 
Ok, set. 
So, GoodNight and sweet dreams.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Yeah~ Korean class was G.R.E.A.T~ ^_^
I'm finally learning Korean! I can' believe after one class, I can start reading a few simple words already, and if given the time I can slowly piece those consonants and vowels together and read more complicated words.
I'm pretty excited~ XD
But first I gotta memorise those basic consonants and vowels first. Class was fun, and before this, I didn't know she was pure Korean until I asked at the end. Everyone was like =___=||
I was like, 'What? o.O Did it sound like a dumb question?' LOL
I thought she went to Korea to live and came back to teach after a couple of years or something. Hahaha~
Turns out, she was pure 100% Korean.
Everything she wrote on the board was all Korean, and at the beginning everyone was like o.O Huh? Apa tu? =__= And she was going on and on in Korean, mixed with some English so we could understand. Lulu was talking to her in Korean half the time, lol. Thank god she sat beside me yesterday, she was a big fat help to me! =D
We learned how to write the title of our favourite dramas and variety shows, talked about them. LOL. I can't wait to learn more, and I hope this passion to learn Korean won't die down so quickly! XD
It has got to last for at least 6 months, cause I think by then, I would be able to converse in Korean already? Hopefully =)

Yeah, then I started out my Ethics Module earlier in the afternoon, and cheated a bit by skipping certain parts LOL. Completed it in an hour plus XD
One item ticked off my list of to-dos.

Gotta learn up The Myth.

Gotta finalise everything so I can officially start my OBU in January (hopefully). I hope Ms. Jen remembers.

Hm, what else?

Oh yes, the GD/TOP duo unit. HIGH, HIGH- I'M SO HIGH~ Say ha ha ha ha, Say la la la la la~ Seriously, after watching their SBS Inkigayo performance, I'm kinda excited about their album. Can't wait for the release! GD's still got it afterall~ LOL like ninja~!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


OK, exams have ended...and I have all the bloody time in the world to do whatever I want. 
What have I achieved so far? 
>>Read up on OBU stuff - WIP
>>Learn The Myth  - WIP 
Arrghhhh~~ I'm so freaking excited to learn how to fully play this song! It's so hard at the beginning. I can't even hammer that G properly and I can't switch fast enough between a few chords for the intro. It was really slow, cause on the first night I learnt, I only managed to play the first few seconds of the whole song~hahaha~ Real slowwww...
But on the 2nd night, it was really not bad at all~ I managed to learn all the way up till before chorus. It's still a bit cacat, so I had to practise practise and practise and now it sounds much better. I still make a few mistakes here and there, but well~ I can't wait to learn the following parts~~!!!
Just now I just went on the the 3rd tutorial, which is the chorus. OMG it was so freaking hard to follow. The chords were all over the fret board. Sekejap sini, sekejap sana. It's so hard that I had to bar those chords, let alone make sure it sounds. Then I have to jump few frets up/down to play another chord quickly. 
End up, learned a few chords only.
I gotta go back to perfecting my earlier parts, until I can play without looking at my fingers. Yes, my finger tips are red and hard but, its worth it!
Hm, tomorrow my Korean class starts. Can't wait to see how it turns out though. I wanna make sure I really go for it this time and not stop halfway like the rest of the other stuff I learned. I wanna make sure I make something out of it this time and I WANT TO KNOW HOW TO SPEAK GD'S LANGUAGE!!! 

I also recently just re-established the fact that I'm super duper soft and kind hearted. I can forgive someone like in a snap. LOL. Is this a good or bad thing?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


OK~~Today's 13th December 2010.
Today's P1 - Professional Accountant!
I want to kiss this paper GOODBYE once and for all~ and I think I can.
*cross my fingers*
Tomorrow's the official nightmare~ P2 -Corporate Reporting..and I'm REALLY DESPERATE TO KISS THIS GOODBYE TOO~! START KISSING~~MUAH MUAH MUAH~~~
I hope cashflow comes out. I hope some easy IAS comes out. Even if its not an easy IAS, but I would've remembered it. Hahaha~ And then P3- Business Analysis on Wednesday.
Then, its GOODBYE P123~~~!!!!
Plus, the worse thing is, I had to get sick on the weekend before my exams..GOSH~ of all days it has to be now. Phew thank god I didn't do last minute stuff. Now I know what's that extra one or two days which popped up in my plan are for. They're for accommodating my sickness. =___=||
Seriously, thank god I had extra one or two days incase of emergency.
I thank myself for being a cautious planner! Hahahaha
*still got mood to tc =_=*
Tomorrow P2 larrr...
And its 12am now..
Better tutup buku and pergi tido.
I guess I'll continue speed-flipping through my exam kit tomorrow. XD
So, I'll go finish up my dragon fruit now (HAhahaha reminds me of Evaynne darling and GD LOL)
Okey, so P2 and P3 left.
Watever~~ XD


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Nightmare b4 ACCA(Christmas)

When's it gonna end?
Haha, guess what? Mine haven't even started. 
I can't wait for the moment when the invigilator signs off the last column in my docket and takes it away.
Oh no, I'll still be writing at that time.
Ok, make that the time when the invigilator says 'Stop writing...' and I'll gladly put my pen down (hopefully), feeling satisfied with what I wrote in that bloody script. 
*Cross my fingers*
Then, I can fly off to the moon.... Weeeee~~~
Right now, I'm just hoping time to pass ASAP and in a zapppp, it'll be Wednesday evening. 
I guess it might just be too much for me to handle right now. 
Plus with the pressure of this being the final sitting before the syllabus changes. 
Then, it's 2 weeks of break for us.
There's so much I wanna do now....
Watch Narnia~ (the easiest, most achievable goal)
Learn up a few more songs...but what I REALLY REALLY REALLY wish I could play is  
Beyond - 真的愛你, and one or 2 Korean songs, if its not too much.
That Beyond song's gonna be reallllllly tough. I haven't even found the chords/tabs yet.
Well, then I wanna officially take up Korean classes!
Yeah, I wanna be closer to GD~muahahahah~~I wanna watch 2Days1Night without relying on subtitles!
I wanna listen to Kpop songs, knowing the meaning! 
Hm, seems like a lot to do in 2 weeks LOL
I'm also considering to do my OBU next year. I bet I'll have a pretty high chance of getting at least a 2nd class upper =)
Hmmm, I guess it'll be a waste if I don't do it.
I'll have to start planning for it then. 
Hmm...what else? I wanna watch one Korean drama series. LOL

Right now, I just need time to pass REAL FAST.
Sometimes I worry too much. 
I can't help it. It's not that I don't want to study. It's just that my brain can't absorb anymore. 
Well, that can't be helped. I've worked so hard for the past couple of months, so why not struggle for another week? 
Right now, everyday, one of the items which follows me practically everywhere I go, is my earphones and my phone, lol. 
I listened so much, till I'm recharging my phone everyday.
All I need is some fun human interaction! And LOTS OF KWON JI YONG!
I need to see that cute, aegyo, adorable, charming, and heart-melting smile of yours.

I absolutely adore that pair of kissy slash pouty lips and those shoes!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


And I really do wish I can just complete my P123 papers in my dreams tonight, so that when I wake up tomorrow, everything will be over and I don't have to go on being like this anymore...
I'm like a zombie everyday...
The first thing I see in the morning are my books.
The last thing I see before I sleep, are also my books.
Where's MY LIFE???
Oh god, I hate this time of the year.
I always complain and complain when it comes to exam season...
I just don't get how people taking 4 papers...4 FREAKING HEAVY PAPERS...can just take it like that. 
Why can't I?
Sometimes, it makes me feel as if I'm so freaking non-stress-proof
I need to learn how to handle it...I can't go on getting stressed up every now and then. LOL.
Just when I thought I'm handling it well, then the wave comes back.
I need a super chiukup strong dose of G-DRAGON right now.



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