Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat

Which means October is coming to an end...autumn's finally gone...and this marks the beginning of winter.
Haha, as if we have all this here =_=
It's no doubt been one of my favourite holidays as a kid. It was my dream to have Halloween here in Malaysia! But sadly, we don't have it. What do we have? 1Malaysia day ^_^
Well, today IS the last day of October...which means ACCA's D-day is drawing closer.
Speaking of which, I've just spend the whole evening cracking my skull, trying to make sense of the forex part in consol. OMFG I was close to pulling hairs. The only part where Liza helped contribute to my whole understanding of forex consol was to translate all B/sheet @ closing rate, except for Equity which is @ historic rate, I/St @ average rate, and Divident @ actual rate =___=
That's all.
Whaddaheck man!
I had to start everything from scratch BY MYSELF!
I had to explore all the parts on my own- where to find this figure (WHERE THE %^&$ DID THIS FIGURE COME FROM???? ARRGGHHH), which working should I do first so that it flows well with the notes given, which figure will be the remaining balancing figure, which one to pluck to insert in my statements, bla bla bla. 
It's like self teaching.
Now I know why so many people (ie seniors) don't like her. THIS is one of the many reasons why. LOL.
Having managed to understand the basics to forex and all the stupid calculation that comes with it, is all thanks to my own efforts, thank you very much~
I always have to learn things the hard way.
Now that I'm done complaining, I shall have to spare a little attention to Mr. David's notes for revision class which starts tomorrow. There goes 3 days of my revision. Oh well, I guess it will all have to make do for now. And I'm so READY to fail my P2 EOM on Tuesday. 
=__=|| least I passed my P1 & P3 which was so so so so super unexpected LMAO! I'm glad to know that I'm on the right track. Just hope that I don't go off track XD.
So, right now, I'll have to keep it all in balance, and also brush up on my P2!!!!!!
Oh yes, btw, BIGBANG should be done with their 'Handshake' cum Concert Photobook release in Japan, HAHAHAHA~ GD's hands must be so polluted after that handshake. I BET HE WORE some glove accessory thingy to protect his hands! LMAO, since he's such a neat/clean freak.

GD in his latest ad. Some G-Market thing. LOVE the pants, LOVE the shirt with labels of instructions on how to wash, LOVE the lips ring!

 Another CF by GD~ Say yeah yeah yeah!!!~~~ (Say yeah yeah yeah!!!~~~)

*GD in S'pore on the 23rd of October for the Korean Pop Night Concert*
It's like a mini concert for the SVIPs! BigBang was like the main focus at the event LOL.
Fancams were obviously not as awesome as seeing live. But that'll do~Hahaha~

Friday, October 29, 2010

A Boy

The last few moments of his HD Live Performance was like BAMMMM~~~it was all shocking and it Woah-ed the CROWD OF CRAZY FANS who are so IN LOVE with KWON JI YONG!
It even woah-ed me.
After one day of boring-routine-stupid stuff, I went onto You Tube and JENG JENG JENG~~~clicked on this random performance of GD last year, when his hair was still blonde.
Hahaha- conclusion is, GD's never failed to impress me. There's always some element of excitement, surprise, crowd woah-ing, high, and AMAZINGNESS when it comes to GD and his performance. 
He's always filled with high expectations and is such a freaking perfectionist. Even a pencil which is slightly tilted to the side annoys him =_= It's gotta be adjusted back to 90degrees. LMAO.
He's such a perfectionist and neat freak!

_ok ok...I deserve a break tomorrow perhaps_
***Right now, I'm watching this super duper out-of-this-world leng zhai on KBS***
Oh my god, my mom's been waiting for weeks for this fella to appear on the show. Every week she's been disappointed cause he wasn't that week's guest. LOL
OMG~~~he can do the Donald Duck sound!!!! Wahhhh super cute~
He acts, he sings (includes soprano) and he's super super super TALLLLLLL with damn cute dimples!!!

Oh yes, I have something to blog about from the previous yeah, that'll have to wait till the next post.
Imma get back to my GD and KBS LOL

Monday, October 25, 2010


LMAO~~~I don't know whether to laugh at this or what...but this is just so....well...I don't know what to say but just laugh at this whole thing. Hahaha...I've got no time to blog about this now, but I would love to blog on it tomorrow or perhaps the day after when I'm free. Cause right now, I gotta sleep....
Hahaha...its practically history repeating itself...well...
I seriously don't know what to say...LOL

Friday, October 22, 2010

Say Yeah Yeah Yeahhh~~~

Pfewww~~Finally I'm done with what is suppose to be completed ONE WEEK ago~ Perhaps the goal was a bit unrealistic, but anyway thanks to my over-semangat spirit this week (which I seriously wonder where that came from) I managed to finally complete my textbooks (for the first round-but heck who cares how many times LOL) and finally throw them aside and kick start with the questions~ YEAH~
SO, I seriously think I deserve another day off again, after 5days of marathon over the P1 and P3 textbks LOL. GAMBATEH TO MYSELF~~~~ XD

Some relaxation at a place like this would be freakin awesome =)
I love infinite pools where it goes all the way till the end! -and the mountain view is absolutely breathtaking. 

Cute hor???? 
*New addition to my hall of Korean cute guys*

Haha~everybody knows who he is. I just wanna add his picture here anyway LOL.

And I really do wonder if he's a jerk too sometimes. Yeah, he's talented and all, but I'm sure he's gotta be a big fat jerk somwhere deep down or perhaps there's another side of him which stinks~
Haha, I really really really do adore GD so much and how I wish I can go to S'pore on the 23rd of Oct, ie THIS SATURDAY to see them at the KOREAN POP NIGHT CONCERT!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Ali Cafe lol

Haha, after how many years of adoring 林峰 and after how many times he came to Msia/Ipoh, today's the first time I finally get to see his face live LOL!
He was suppose to be here by 2pm. Everybody's like gathering at the stage area, buying all his Ali Cafe products, waiting in line and squeezing amongst the crowd just to get a good place near the stage. 
The me a few years ago would have probably done that, but now...neh~
I prefer to just get a comfortable spot on the 1st floor and stand there. I'm happy just to be able to look at his face from far! HAHAHA~ I don't have to squeeze and suffocate in the crowd just to get that autographed Ali-Cafe bag. What am I going to do with that bag afterwards? Keep it in one corner? Frame it up? HAHA~
If its GD coming then I'd obviously rush all the way through~ LMAO!
He was quite on time today. I was in some shoe shop, when I heard the promoters started saying 'Eh, he's here, he's here already!'
Then everybody outside started to walk towards one direction only- the stage~HAHAHA
You can see everybody exiting the shops and walking towards the center. All the lala people, normal teens, adults, aunties, small kids, boys, all lined up to get his autograph. No cameras allowed, no handshakes, AND he only signs the Ali Cafe bag -nothing else.
At least he thanked everybody who came up to get his autograph. He smiled at everybody and ~~~woah~~~hahaha if I was in front of him, I sure faint liao~ hahaha
He said he realises that Ipoh is a place where there are many people with dimples! LMAO!!! He says its kinda nice, cause when you smile with these people, he feels the happiness in them (something like that, lol)
I remembered there was one boy who was having a cold (I'm not sure) or he's sweating terribly. 林峰 offered him a tissue~LOL! That's pretty nice of him though. 
He kept on stretching his body and hands cause he was kinda tired from signing all those bags. I think within that one hour plus, he signed about more than a few hundred bags. 
I'm glad I was there to see it from the beginning till the end. 
Though I didn't get an autograph, but I managed to get a good look for an hour plus! Haha~ I'm satisfied. =)

Hm, quality kinda poor, but nevermind~ too bad he didn't get to sing any songs cause he's not here to promote his album. I wonder if he's back to HK by now. =) 
As soon as he walked out of the stage area, everybody followed him all the way to the entrance...the rate of the crowd dispersion was amazing! hahaha~
If there's one thing I don't like about these events are the security people. Yes, they are doing their jobs, but its hell of an annoying thing for the fans! LoL. Sometimes they're just too rough/rude.
But anyways, yeah, I met Raymond Lam today, so what? It's not gonna make me pass my ACCA.
Gotta start studying back tomorrow
Oh god, why do I have to end each of my posts saying I've to study the next day?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Flux (random word that came to my mind now)

Word for the day : Overwhelmed~~~

Sigh~~~I feel that there is so much for me to do...with so little time...gosh~~~
P1, P2, P3...everyday, everytime, everything~
Wah liao~~~
How laaa like this? I can't get overwhelmed now...I need to tahan untill Dec 15th man~
I mind studying for hours...but I SERIOUSLY DON'T MIND taking hours, learning how to decorate all these pretty cupcakes, hahaha~ it looks so nice and its really becoming a piece of art I'd hate to destroy by putting it into my mouth LOL.

I'm suppose to be doing something educational now!!!!
Here I am, blogging...hahahahaha~

Sunday, October 10, 2010

50 Random Questions I Did Out of Boredom

1. Where were you 3 hours ago?
At home /==

2. Who are you in love with?
I have quite a but if I ought to pick one, it would so obviously be him~~~

3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?
I hated crayons...cause they can never draw/color something with a smooth effect.

4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? blanket lol.

5. When is the last time you went to the mall?
Hm...3rd October for another shopping spree (sort of) XD
Almost wanted to buy a GD-like accessory~gahhhh it was seriously super nice! -but also at the same time, super expensive and I'm not really gonna wear it so often either.
6. Are you wearing socks right now?
Nope...although I'm freezing cold with a max setting of 18degrees and jet mode =_=

7. Do you have a car worth over $2,000?
*status = student* so, obviously -no...

8. When was the last time you drove out of town?
Like, never before~~~hahahaha

9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
Nope...haven't been to one in the past couple of months LOL

10. Are you hot?
Freezing cold....

11. What was the last thing you had to drink?
I had to? like I was forced to? can't rmb...but the last thing I drank was obviously water lol

12. What are you wearing right now?
Long pants and old school t-shirt =) They make super-comfy pyjamas.

13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?
I wash my car.

14. Last food that you ate?
I'm actually eating Its some round sticky-ish sesame coated ball with red bean paste inside. Urggh, didn't really like it though. Just ate it for the sake of filling up my stomach before I sleep.

15. Where were you last week at this time?
The same place I'm in right now? lol

16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
YESSSSS~~~~!!!! HAHAHAHA~ and also the week before last last 

17. When is the last time you ran?

18. What's the last sporting event you watched?
 Some swimming event at the commonwealth games.

19. What is your favorite animal?
Lots leh~~~the usual ones, dogs, cats, rabbits, dragon, phoenix..pokemon @__@

20. Your dream vacation?
Some beautiful European/English countryside, England~Italy~Holland, Ireland, Carribean Islands, New York & LA (with lots to spend~~~lol) Japan (amazing scenery and fashion capital), South Korea (watching 2Days 1Night makes me wanna go visit all the places they've been to! ~Jeju Island, Nami Island~~) New Zealand ain't that bad either. LOL

21. Last person's house you were in?
G'father's =_=

22. Worst injury you've ever had?
None really...except for the times I fell of my bike when I was 4 or 5.

23. Have you been in love?

24. Do you miss anyone right now?
Hmmm....couldn't think of any, so I guess not.

25. Last play you saw?
Some old video of G-Dragon in one of his old school plays. He's damn funny LMAO~

26. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
Just be myself? haha~

27. What are your plans for tonight? 
Online, study, online, sleep =)

28. Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment?
Tarak MySpace.

29. Next trip you are going to take?

30. Ever go to camp?
YESH~~~of course! Every single year of my secondary life~~ =)
All the memories....damn syiokkkk leh~

31. Were you an honor roll student in school?

32. What do you want to know about the future?
I guess I wouldn't wanna know. I want to work hard and see where I can get to. Well, maybe I wanna know if I'll get a good life partner =)

33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
Not to bed, lol.

34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?

35. Where is your best friend?
How do you define a best friend? LOL I guess I have a few genuine ones...and I guess they should all be at home, getting ready for bed =)

36. How is your best friend?
They're doing good =)

37. Do you have a tan?

38. What are you listening to right now?
BigBang~ Bringing You Love

39. Do you collect anything?
A lot ^_^ 
Used to have stamps, stickers, posters, books are considered right? lol, erasers, nice envelopes, bookmarks. Those were when I was young. Hm, used to collect riddles too~lol. Nice stationaries and note books, Pokemon figures. I'm indeed very lucky to have been able to collect so many of these things. I thank my mom and dad =) Now, I collect something which is super cheap and barely costs anything except for my time spent looking for it and my eyes lol~GD and BigBang pics.

40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know?
My neighbour lol

41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?

42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?

43. What does your last text message say?
'haha, ok'

44. Do you like hot sauce?

45. Last time you took a shower?
A couple of hours ago? XD

46. Do you need to do laundry?

47. What is your heritage?
Chinese plus a little bit of Thai.

48. Are you someone's best friend?
I guess so? LOL

49. Are you rich?
Nope...but I hope to be so one day *grins*

50. What were you doing at 12AM last night?
Lying on bed watching 'I Know What You Did Last Summer'.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


I haven't been posting for such a long time...
It's the beginning of October, 5 days ago was my birthday, tonight's prom, classes are ending next week...
Well, I guess I'm finally no more -teen...but a tween. I'm 20 now, and am proud to have left my teen days with lots of great memories and events.
I truly did enjoyed my birthday celebration, thanks to several of my friends and I really appreciate their efforts. 
Some of the gifts I received, though didn't cost much in terms of money, but was very meaningful to me. Good thing I didn't open them in front of them, or else I would have teared right there and then, lol.
It was super touching.
Thanks to all my friends who've made my 20th b'day a very memorable one.
And thank you for all the presents too!

Classes are coming to an end now. Its time to start the climb again...up the treacherous mountain of P123.
I really hope I can make it through this time as well.
Gambateh to myself!!!~
I don't want to care or think about other things now, but concentrate on passing my exams!
I need to study the technique of how to handle stress.
Let us all hope for the best and that this study season won't turn out to be another boring and stressful session.



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